
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Hide and seek

My uncle, for so many years has tried to find and capture me. I've only been lucky enough to escape his evil clutches not too many times.

Although it's been a year since I last felt his presence. I'm here drowning in my own fear, I can't even speak. This despicable man after killing my mother has decided to come after me.

I stay silent, taking little breaths afraid he might hear them. My heart is beating rapidly with fear and I can feel beads of sweat forming on my fore head.

He only called my name and I'm already shaken. 

"Adeline" I hear him call again, was he expecting me to answer? There's no way I would right?

Why am I still even holding up the phone? I'm so frightened I can hardly move.

"I know you're there Adeline, why not answer uncle Ben. You've been a bad girl you know, ever since your mother died drastically your uncle has been trying to find you and Carter for you. Stop running" he said.

I grit my teeth and my jaw clenched as he called my mother, recalling memories I try so hard to erase.

I fold my fist tightly. That's right, he doesn't know that I know he was responsible for her death. He had foretold me that she was involved in an accident and begged me to come home for her funeral of which I didn't.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Adeline's flashback.....

A little girl is seen playing in a small room. As little and innocent as she was, she played as she wanted, a carefree and kind little girl.

They lived in a mansion yes but this little old raggedy house was all her and her mother were entitled to but they were grateful.

A women rushes in quickly, she shuts the door quietly but hastily. Her face was weary and dry, she was beautiful but her beauty laid dormant underneath her pathetic expression and her swollen eyes.

She looked like a beggar, in ragged clothes and the stench of poverty was her aura. She worked as a slave in the hands of her own brother who was bathed in greed for money.

She rushed to the girl that played. The girl wasn't at all surprised by how horrible her mother looked. She got used to seeing her tearful and would always make an attempt to wipe her tears away.

The little girl reached out and wiped her tears.

"Mommy what the problem?" The little girl asked, clearly not fluent in the language everyone spoke. She had no lessons and didn't attend school but her mom tried to teach her the best she knew.

Seeing that innocent look on her child's face the woman began to sob. But it wasn't out of sadness or loneliness cause the woman looked scared and angry.

She cupped her child's face, "listen Adeline, listen carefully you'll run away okay *sniff*" she said and tried to arrange loosed strands of Adeline's hair.

"Huh?" Adeline was confused.

"Listen, they're are really bad men okay you'll run far away and hide alright?" The woman was quivering.

She didn't find any sense in what she was saying, where'd she expect a five year old who because of poor nutrition looked three to run to.....it was insane but she had no other option.

Time was running fast.

"But I no want to go hide" the little girl replied, although confused she too began to cry.

"No no it's okay don't cry, don't cry" she assured Adeline and helped her wipe her tears. She put their fore heads together while she thought.

"Adeline you know how we play hide and seek right?" She asked and Adeline nodded sadly

"Okay okay, here's what we'll do, you hide and I'll seek you okay" Adeline nodded

"And....and if someone else tries to find you you must escape and hide okay? Hide until I find you okay? You mustn't come out else it'll be cheating and you're not a cheater right?" The woman asked

"No" Adeline replied before wiping her own tears. She didn't understand why her mother cried but she'll play the game and see if it makes her mother happy again.

"Good girl, you can hide outside and in the garden okay?" 

Adeline nodded.

Her mother stared at her a while and fresh tears rush down from her eyes, she pursed her lips. Adeline, once again wiped her tear from her eye.

"Mommy is crying" she said

Her mother blinked a couple times to clear her tearful eyes, "what? Mummy isn't crying I just have something in my eye". She cleaned her eyes with her cloth.

She looked at Adeline one last time, "I want you to know that mummy loves you okay? And no matter what I won't stop loving you okay? I love you so much and all I do is for you" hot tears threatened to fall

Adeline saw the love in her mother's eyes, an expression she knew from that moment she wouldn't forget. She had a gut feeling that something was wrong but she didn't know what.

"Pinky promise you'll come find me" Adeline said with her pinky finger out.

Her mother grabbed it with her own pinky finger, "I promise you Adeline, I'll come find you".