
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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13 Chs

hide and seek II

Adeline believed her mother would find her thus she had nothing to worry about.

The woman closed her eyes with her hands and began to count. The woman could tell how far Adeline went by the click clack sound of her little shoes.

When the sound became faint, she stopped. Her expression turned cold, she wiped her tearful eyes and began to walk to a certain chamber. Ben would be back soon and he would call for her, she knew this.....she was prepared.

Adeline ran into the garden and takes shelter in the maze bush. She hid in an easy place to find so that her mother won't stress much. She waited....

"MARGARET!" Ben calls.

Margaret didn't even flinch at the sound of her name. She walked to his room where he stood enraged.

Adeline had waited but her mother didn't show, she knew too well this should have been the first place her mother would search for her but she didn't come.

Adeline decided on her own to make it easier by picking another open place to hide in.

The windows were big and bright and open. She sees her mother walking quickly to an opposite direction to where she planned on hiding. Her face was serious.

With a smile, Adeline decides to find her mother first before she finds her. She goes in and quietly follows her mother.

She stops abruptly when she sees her mother entering one of the off limits rooms, one of those was the room belonging to her mother's brother the owner of the mansion.

The room was large and heavily furnished and decorated. She hid behind a wall and watched her mother enter, she follows suite without being caught.

She instinctively hides behind the crimson colored curtains and she sits quietly.

"How's dad?" Margaret asks

Ben soothes his anger by puffin his cigarettes into the air, one hand in his pocket. "The old man?" He chuckled, "he's dead"

Margaret didn't move, she took the news without battling an eye lid. She knew sooner or later he would breathe his last, worse case scenario he would've been killed by something other than his heart problem.

"What did you do to him?" She asked.

"Oh you know, I asked him somethings he didn't want to answer and the old man died after a good ol'beating" he sighed in frustration

Margaret's eyebrow twitched, she had a hunch. So he actually stooped that low just for some safe. "You killed our father" said Margaret bitterly

Adeline didn't understand what the conversation was about but she just heard that someone died. Her grandfather she had only seen once.

But why would her uncle kill him?

"That's not the topic today". He crushes the bottom of the cigarette on a cigarette plate. Picked up a white cloth and began wiping his revolver.

"You lied to me"

"What are you talking about " asked Margaret

He cracked his neck and dropped the white cloth. "The old man called out to you before he died and that only means one thing ", he pointed the gun at her

Margaret didn't move an inch, there was no visible fear on her face.

Adeline heard a clicking sound and decided to sneak a peak at the two of them. She looked out of the curtains, immediately she sat back down and held her mouth with her hands.

That little thing her uncle held, she had seen it in action before. It makes a big bang sound, she wondered why he would point it at her mother.

The two guards at the back of her uncle weren't smiling at all, they held same thing but bigger and it looked heavy too.

Adeline gulped, her heart was beating fast.

The side of Margaret's lips curves up into a mocking smile, "you killed our father and now you want to kill m—"

"Shut up! Just shut up and tell me how to open the safe" he looked stressed

"What safe?"


Adeline covered her ears at the loud sound, she new it would make that sound. Her squinted eyes open in terror as an image with her mother dead appears in her mind.

Still scared, she looks towards the wall and sees a small hole. Her body quivered, was that what the little black thing does? She asked herself and hoped for her mother's safety.

"I don't have the time for this Margaret tell me how to open the safe" he said calmly but he's immediately angered by her silence

"TELL ME HOW TO OPEN THE FUCKING SAFE DAMMIT!" he yelled causing Adeline to flinch and shiver.

She didn't know why her uncle would scream like that. She prayed that if her mother knew, she would say it quickly to avoid trouble


"Alright then, do it" Margaret cuts his words short, her eyes holding no fear

"SHIT!!" He cursed and punched the wall. He exhaled. He looked to the man on his right and signaled him

He went and held Margaret down to her knees and cuffed her wrist behind.

Adeline didn't like what they were doing to her mother one bit. she wondered, if she were to come out now and beg for forgiveness on her mother's sake would that help?

Ben looks at her with a small smile, "listen, you want peace and I want all the money and power I can get so why don't we help each other out eh? Give me what I need and you and your little bastard and live freely. How about that for a deal?" He offered

"I don't know what safe you're talking about if you're going to kill me then do it! I don't live a good life anyways" she replied

"Stop this bullshit Margaret I'm loosing my patience here" he ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes.

The room remained silent.

His eyes opened immediately after a thought, he looked at Margaret "you seem rather eager to die, is there a reason to it?" He asked but Margaret kept shut

He walked closer to her. She knew her moments now were going to be her last, she took a long look at her brother.

The resemblance was a sure factor of their relationship but to think he would've become so keen to acquire money and power he would do this to his own family.

It started with toys and how he would gather them all to himself when they were little kids and now it's like this. The ungrateful brat, her kid brother.

He came close and held her chin up to face him, "tell me.....could it be...just like the old man you've passed it on the that bastard child of yours?"

Her eyes widen in shock and he immediately caught onto that. She tried to hide it but it was already too late.

"I'm right aren't I?" He said with a playful smirk. He left her

"She has nothing to do with this" she said through gritted teeth

He's now backing her, "hmm are you sure? You've lost your composure all of a sudden"

Adeline couldn't help the beads of sweat forming above her eye brows, she wondered if they were now talking about her....

"Father entrusted it to me, w..why would I give that to a child?" She asked

"You're stuttering Margaret " he toyed with his gun in his fingers

"I'm telling you she has nothing to do with anything, I'll tell you the code you can't harm her!" She pleaded

"Minutes ago you weren't this negotiable why do want to talk now?" He asked

"I....I...I" she stuttered

"That's all I need to hear", he looked to the guard on the left, "Go! Find that bastard child and bring it here!" He ordered

"NO!" Margaret broke into tears, she tried to stop the guard but her hands were tied, she fell to the ground but he had gone out of the room.

"Ben, Ben please, please don't do this. She's....she's just a child you can't do this, just leave her be! She can't even talk properly" Margaret pleaded amidst tears

"I'll just torture it till it learns to talk properly" Ben said sternly and straightens his cufflinks and collar


His brows creased in irritation, "you talk to much" he aimed his gun at her


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Adeline held her ears tightly, hearing her mother plead and beg made her cry too but silently. She saw that guard ran out to search for her. Her mother begged for her life to be spared and now she could no longer hear her voice

What had happened to her mother?

"Clean up that mess" Ben said irritably at the guard.

Adeline looked out from the curtain, she saw her mother unmoving on the ground. There was red liquid spewing out of her body from multiple places.

She watched her mother being shoved in a black bag but she couldn't say anything cause of the fear she felt