
Secrets of Mine

mikaaCaghliliam · Sports, voyage et activités
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New Life of Daimiess

Daimiess Pov

Moving on another house. Moving on another place. Moving on from my past life memories. Moving on for my page of my life. And starting with a new is pretty-pretty hard for an eighteen years old like me, because I don't have anyone by my side now.

My mother died after my highschool graduation. Only the people we know that came empathize, only few of them. So I am left all alone now.

But before my mother died, Big University discovered me, because of my intelligence, they invited me to have an entrance examination to their University. And I passed the test, I got scholarship and my mother is really happy when she knew that.

I never knew she also graduated highschool from there. She tell me a lot of stories like her experience from that school from her past memories, so many opportunities that school can give. And I think that... well it's not bad to continue my life in that University.

Not bad for an orphan like me to have a beautiful life.

Before I left our old house, a lot of memories flashback from the time that I'm still with my mom. After I came home from school, there's always an snacks that is ready from the table. When I'm already late going to school, my mother almost destroy my door just to wake me up. When I'm participating a contest, she always supports me, then she always gone home first just to cook my favorite dishes, then she'll call all of our neighbors, then she is making a pride of me like she won in a lottery.

Then suddenly... everything changed when she was rushed in the hospital. She said that everything would be fine, that she will be okay, that she will walk with me in the aisle for my graduation, that she will still be cooking my favorite dishes, and she will call all of our neighbors.... for the last chance.

But that last chance didn't happen. It never happened.

I ride now the car that my mom left me, and drove to the new house that I'll move to. At my age I know how to drive a car and have a driver license, and my mother taught me at the age of 15.

My mother is a business minded woman, that makes her cool. She also teached me her clothing line business, then left me with it before she left the life.For me to have a living expenses.

Fuenta Villa. The name of the place that near in the University. One of the room of the condominium here would be my new place. And I think that the name is weird. Angeles City have only two Fuenta, Fuenta Villa and Fuenta Lorenzo, and that makes more weirder.

Anyway it is not my concern.


When I opened the door of my room, a lot of boxes are in front of me, I sighed because of this. I'm only the one who will fix all of these, but it's ok, I have still four months before going to college. And also I have still time to save a money.

I look at my phone to see the time, it's still two pm, I go to the sofa and will have a rest because I haven't slept for two nights. It is also because of putting all of my things to the box and fixing the papers of the old house so that I can sell it.

Cold breeze awaken me, I hugged myself because of it, why there's a noise? I stand up to look at it, then its actually raining.

I came back to the sofa again to continue my sleep, but I felt still the cold breeze, and I didn't notice that it's only infront of me. The window glass is open and the cold breeze enter from it.

I stand up again to close the window glass, then I came back again to sofa, I'm still really sleepy, I yawn before I continue my sleep.


The next day, I woke up four am, and the rain still haven't stop. I started opening some other boxes to fix the things in my condo, and also while waiting calls from people whom wanted to buy my old house.

While arranging and fixing a lot of things for my kitchen, my stomach started growling, loudly. I hold and... Omg... I recall that I haven't eaten anything last last night. I look to the pocket of my jacket, and I felt the key of my car, and in the other one is my wallet and phone. I thought I displayed it on other places. Before I left to drive to lock for food to eat, I lock first my place.

While driving, I found an small stall not far away, so I parked in front of it, and quickly enter in the stall. Oh.. so this stall selling porridge as I look around and saw the big poster. Well I'm satisfied with this, having a hot porridge while the weather is cold, just have something that can fill up my grumbling stomach.

I didn't expect, that I ate six orders of porridge. "Blurp." woah... I ate too much, I think. I felt satisfied, I can't live without food, really.

I felt that someone are looking at me, I looked at other table, the people there are actually straightly looking at me.

Maybe because of my 'blurp'... they noticed it.

I avoid quickly of their stares, my goodness self... that is so embarrassing.