
Secrets Cultivator (ATG)

English is not my first language so bear with me. I wrote this when I was bored so.... https://discord.gg/Qd5YzEgR this is Dragon server. Talk to me here if you have any concerns about the fic or all other fics I have

_ZAX_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

New World

Floating Cloud City.

The smallest city in the Blue Wind Empire, most people don't even know that it exists due to how backwater this place is.

Outside of this city, a young man is seen sleeping on a field of grass. 

He has lustrous white hair and is dressed in a black robe. With his jade like skin and pale face. Most people would think he's a corpse.


"What happened…?" Opening his eyes, the young man muttered.

"Did I just get transmigrated?" Standing up, he looked around only to see nature around him.

"Let's see, waking up in an unknown place? Check, expensive clothes? Check, and now… the cheat." He counted the cliche from his past life.

"System open." He said.

No response.




Still nothing.

He continued saying things that might make his cheat appear but nothing happened. As this goes on, the despair on his face becomes more evident.

"El Psy Congroo." Seeing that his last command didn't work. He laid down on the ground again expressionlessly.

"Could someone take him back home?" He muttered. Now that he has no cheat, he'd rather finish his ten page essay.

"Maybe there's something." Sitting down in the grass, he searched his clothes, hoping that he would find something useful.

'Please, please, please!' Practically shouting in his mind. He frantically gropes himself, he doesn't feel any hard objects that could be an artificial or a weapon.

'Wait…' Grasping something from his pocket. He immediately brought it out to find a folded paper.

"Huh?" Unfolding it, he scanned the contents before streams of information rushed to his head.


As if a gate was being opened, he held his head and looked at the paper turning into dust, leaving nothing.

"Damn…. So that's my cheat." Massaging his temple, he grinned and cheered up.

He got his golden finger!

Quickly dusting himself, he set his path to get outside of that field first. Although it's pretty, it's best to know where he is currently.

"A city." Looking at the large entrance in front of him. He confirmed.

He doesn't know this world's geography so he just followed the classic follow the river's current.

Surprisingly, it led him to this city.

'I guess watching those documentary series isn't a waste of time after all.' Remembering those TV series he watched related to nature, he chuckled.

Entering the city, he noticed that the citizens were in a state of chaos. As if they were arguing about something.

Seeing a girl in green robes, he approached her to inquire about the situation.

"Excuse me? What's happening here?" 

"Are you a traveler, mister?" The girl asked in surprise. It wasn't common due to Xia family being in charge of trading so various tourists enter the city from time to time.

It's just that, this person looks like a noble. His sky blue eyes and long white hair really makes him a center of attention in a small city like this.

"Yes. So could you tell me what's happening? You people look busy." He just asked her out of convenience. The other people looked like they were reluctant to perform this celebration or whatever thing they have. 

Although he saw that this girl looks the same, he didn't see any jealousy or malice like in those people.

"My nephew is getting married a week from now. Our clan is having some preparation." The girl gave a forced smile.

Jiao Heng is surprised to see this.

"I see… thank you miss?" 

"Xiao Lingxi of the Xiao Clan." She gave a bow.

"Jiao Heng." He hurriedly bowed in return.

"Thank you Xiao Lingxi." He cupped his fist like a typical xianxia protagonist.

Xiao Lingxi was surprised to see this but quickly waved it off before saying goodbye.

"Xiao Lingxi? That kinda sounds familiar." Seeing her leaving figure, Jiao Heng held his chin in thought.

First task is accomplished. Find a civilization and know where you are.

Continuing walking on the street, he saw a crowd of teens gathering on something.

'What's going on?' He thought as he walked towards the crowd to see.

"You trash! Why are you going to marry our goddess?!" Said one of the teenagers.

They were wearing identical robes.

"You don't even deserve to breathe the same air as her!" Shouted by another teen then followed by a kick.

"Huh?" Looking down, he saw a skinny kid wearing the same robe as others on the ground.

From the looks of it, he's being beaten up by these people.

"What's going on here?" Jiao Heng asked one of the teens.

"Huh?" One of the robed teens looked at him with surprise. This is his first time seeing this person.

"You don't know? That's Xiao Che! The cripple who would be marrying our goddess." The teen said while clenching his fist. Although he was surprised by his appearance, he still answered. 

'Xiao… Che?' 

"May I ask who's this goddess you're talking about?" 

"Are you new here? It's the daughter of the Xia Clan Patriarch, Xia Qingyue." Seeing that the person in front of him doesn't know their goddess, he immediately enlightened him.

He may look like a handsome bastard but it's still better compared to Xiao Che.

He also looks like a noble too so it's better not to offend him.

It's not strange for others to enter their city. In fact, if a large family enters it, they'll receive it with care.

Their place has been backwater for a long time that people outside rarely know about it.

'Xia Qingyue, Xiao Che, Xiao Lingxi….' As if being hit by a truck, he immediately recalled his memories about one of the shittiest novels he read.

Against The Gods.

It wasn't bad at first to be honest, a cripple finding out about his true family and going on a journey to search for them while having a loli as his master who gave him the power of a god.

A very cliche plot.

The problem is the protagonist.

"So this is him huh?" Looking at the skinny kid who's on the verge of crying, he couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know if this was good luck or bad luck.

'Well, I guess I need to gather some points from the main cast?' He didn't really care, but having a good impression about him may prove useful later on.

"Can you guys stop it? He clearly can't fight back." Speaking with a righteous voice, Jiao Heng said to them.

"???" The robed teen he asked earlier looked at him weirdly. Brother, I just said that's the trash marrying our goddess and you want us to stop?!

Couldn't they at least vent their frustration before saying goodbye?!

"Who the hell are you?" The one who kicked Xiao Che earlier asked.

He was enjoying himself until this guy came out.

"Jiao Heng. Now can you let him go? He's already down." He said while pointing at Xiao Che.

Xiao Che, who was holding his tears, looked at him with surprise. Does anyone want to save him?

"Tch, stay down there trash. We're gonna take care of him first." As if annoyed, he gave Xiao Che a one last kick which made Jiao Heng frown.

They surround him and raise their hands with a threatening look.

Although a little afraid since he has never been in a fight before, Jiao Heng composed himself and reminded himself that he has a cheat.

'Come to think of it, this is the best time to test it.' Taking a deep breath, he recalled the cheat he found in the paper.

Nine Character Secrets.

A cultivation art from Shrouding The Sky. 

Honestly, he had never read the series before and only relied on some information from others.

It possesses nine cultivation methods which can immensely help the user.

After receiving it, he now has a full understanding of what the art does and only needs to start cultivating it.

This is the best time to see their effects.

Seeing them surrounding him, Jiao Heng didn't panic but instead, held his palm and gestured for them to come, which aggravated them further.

Without hesitation, the disciples of the Xiao Clan rushed at him all at once. They never saw this guy in the city so more or less, he shouldn't have any terrifying backing. But just to make sure, they decided to go together.

Jiao Heng was surprised by this. He expected that they would at least try to taunt him or insult his nineteen generations before attacking him.

'Smarter than I thought.' Looking at the first disciple getting close to him. He used one of the Secrets; Move.

Increasing his speed slightly, he delivered a kick to an incoming disciple before slamming the other one to the ground.

They were barely at the Elementary Profound Realm. It's not hard for him to do it.

"W-What?" Seeing two of their comrades being taken down, the remaining disciples hesitated. They barely saw anything that happened and from the looks of it, this guy wasn't even tired.

"You'll pay back for this. I swear!" The leader said before his comrades took the fallen disciples and left.

Looking at them, Jiao Heng hummed in appreciation. It seems that they weren't dumb. Probably because they realize that this city of theirs is at the bottom?

"T-Thank you for your help, senior." He turned to see the kid named Xiao Che, standing up with difficulty before cupping his fist at him.

"What were those guys doing? Why are they beating you up?"

"I-I…" Seeing that the young man doesn't know anything, Xiao Che was reluctant to tell him.

What if he suddenly changes his personality and attacks him?

"Che'er!" As Xiao Che was thinking, he heard a voice calling him.

"Little aunt!" Shouting in ecstasy. He immediately rushed forward and hugged her.

"You're relatives?" Jiao Heng asked in surprise.

"Uh… yes. Please don't hurt Xiao Che." Xiao Lingxi didn't know what happened so she jumped to conclusions and pleaded.

"Don't worry little aunt. He didn't hurt me." Xiao Che cleared up the misunderstanding, "In fact, he saved me from the previous disciples." Since this mister isn't a bad guy, he didn't hesitate anymore.

"Let me introduce myself, mister. I am Xiao Che, the young master of Xiao Clan." Xiao Che cupped his fist once again. Although he was a cripple, he still has his status.

"I'm Jiao Heng…" He introduced himself.

"Ahhh, Jiao Heng, since you helped my nephew. Why don't you come with us in the Xiao Clan? I'm sure that you're a newcomer in the city." Xiao Lingxi offered with a smile. She has a good impression of him because he helped her nephew. 

"Y-Yes! I'm sure Grandpa won't mind." Xiao Che nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for that." Hearing their insistence, Jiao Heng didn't refuse and nodded. Anyway, he still needs to know which world he's in.

'I also need to know what kind of cultivation system they have so that I can finally start cultivating myself.' He thought.

Seeing that he agreed. Xiao Lingxi guided him to their territory. He didn't have the arrogance or haughtiness someone with a high status should have.

She didn't doubt it however, with his clothes and face, especially those blue eyes. It's hard to think that he's not someone with high status.

Maybe it's because he's just really a nice person? Although rare, it's not impossible.

"Jiao Heng, what were you doing in the city?" Perhaps it's because of his aura but Xiao Lingxi wasn't worried that she might offend him.

Jiao Heng didn't mind and replied, "I'm traveling. I was wandering in the forest and came across this city."

"Travel? Are you a cultivator?" Xiao Lingxi asked with surprise. She's one herself. Although a weak one, she's still someone who cultivates.

It's just that she never heard of a cultivator traveling outside of their city. 

Of course, she's not trying to be smart or anything but he must be a strong cultivator to travel from place to place.

"You can say that…" Jiao Heng nodded. She's half right. He does have a cultivation art but the realms? 

He doesn't have any idea about it.

"What does it feel like to travel?"

"There's not much difference. I guess it's because I live alone before going on a journey." Jiao Heng pondered for a moment and answered.

"Oh.. we're here!" Xiao Lingxi exclaimed as they stopped by in front of a large gate.

Entering it, they saw a bunch of disciples preparing. 

He also noticed Xiao Che covering himself while hiding beside his aunt.

"I guess that he must be the groom of this so-called wedding?" Jiao Heng whispered next to Xiao Lingxi. He did remember her mentioning that her nephew is getting married.

"Umm." She slowly nodded while trying to hide her nephew.

As ridiculous as it sounds, it's actually working. No one is paying attention to them.

Probably because everyone is too busy.

They entered one of the houses which made Xiao Che sighed in relief.

"I'll get you some tea." Xiao Lingxi put down her things and hurriedly ran to get some beverages.

Jiao Heng didn't mind and looked around the room. It wasn't as bad as he thought.

Xiao Lingxi came back holding a tray before pouring him a cup of tea.

"Xiao Lingxi right? Could I ask a question?" Jiao Heng didn't drink but instead asked.

"I don't mind." Xiao Lingxi was confused but nodded.

"Can you tell me about cultivators?"