
Secrets and Subterfuge

BLURB In the risky world of investigative journalism, Victoria Langley faces her toughest mission. She pretends to be a sharp entrepreneur to get close to Alexander Harrington, a billionaire shrouded in mystery. But things get more complicated than she imagined. Victoria uncovers a dark scheme as she digs into Alexander's life. He's wrongly accused by a vengeful ex-partner. The accusation involves a scandal with a Mafia lord's sister and a forced abortion. Alexander's life is on the line as the Mafia seeks revenge. Victoria gets caught in a dangerous game of truth and lies. The deeper she goes, the more she finds herself tangled in secrets. Surprisingly, she discovers her own connections to the Mafia, endangering her undercover mission. As danger approaches, Victoria and Alexander grow closer, but their relationship is on a thin edge. With high stakes, they must navigate a path full of lies, betrayal, and a race against time to reveal the truth. If they fail, their worlds will collide in a chaotic mix of crime, love, and the quest for justice.

CrownPearl · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Chapter 2

Victoria made her way home, her mind churned with the events of the day. The canceled meeting with Alexander Harrington had left her frustrated, yet a sense of relief washed over her.

Upon entering her apartment, Victoria was met with an unexpected sight. The air was infused with the scent of flowers, and a trail of rose petals adorned the floor, leading to the living room. Candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow, while a meticulously arranged spread of food graced the coffee table.

A familiar voice echoed from the dimly lit room. "Surprise, Victoria! Happy Valentine's Day!"

Startled, Victoria turned to find her obnoxious ex-boyfriend, Adam, reclining on her sofa with an air of self-satisfaction.

"What on earth are you doing here, Adam?" Victoria's tone held a mix of irritation and disbelief.

"Isn't it obvious? I've come to win you back, darling." Adam flashed a smug grin, oblivious to Victoria's dismay.

Victoria sighed, her patience wearing thin. "You can't just barge into my home uninvited, especially not on Valentine's Day. And we're not getting back together."

Ignoring her protests, Adam continued, "Come on, Victoria. I've gone to great lengths to set up this romantic evening. You can't resist my charm and this exquisite spread, can you?"

Frustration surged within Victoria, but she kept her composure. "This isn't charming, Adam. It's intrusive. I've moved on, and I need you to respect my space."

Adam's smug demeanor faltered for a moment, replaced by a hint of frustration. "You're always so focused on work, Victoria. I thought this might remind you of the good times we had."

Victoria remained resolute. "The past is the past, Adam. I've made my decision, and I won't let you disrupt my life."

As Adam persisted, trying to salvage what he believed was salvageable, Victoria's patience reached its limit. With a firm tone, she escorted him to the door, emphasizing her stance on their relationship.

After Adam's departure, Victoria stood in her quiet apartment, the remnants of the unwelcome intrusion weighing on her. She took a deep breath, exhaling the tension that had built within her.

Gathering herself, she proceeded to clear away the romantic display, extinguishing the candles and discarding the rose petals. Determined to put the evening's unexpected turn behind her, Victoria prepared a cup of tea, seeking solace in the quietude of her home.

The encounter had reminded her of the importance of setting boundaries and staying true to her decisions. As she settled in for the night, Victoria vowed to focus on her investigation into Alexander Harrington's secrets, pushing aside any distractions that threatened to derail her quest for truth.


Victoria woke up on a Saturday morning feeling refreshed, determined to shake off the unsettling events of the previous night. She savored the tranquility of her apartment, relishing the rare moments of solitude.

As she ventured into her wardrobe, her intention was to select an outfit suitable for the upcoming gala event. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that her wardrobe lacked the elegance required for such an occasion. An unsettling realization dawned upon her—she had no worthy attire for the gala.

Deciding to rectify the situation immediately, Victoria reached for her phone, dialing Sarah's number. After a few rings, Sarah answered, her voice filled with concern. "Victoria, is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, Sarah. But I need your help. We have a wardrobe emergency," Victoria replied with a touch of urgency.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Sarah wasted no time. "I'll be right over. We'll find the perfect outfit for the gala."

Within the hour, Sarah arrived at Victoria's doorstep, armed with a list of high-end boutiques. They embarked on a shopping spree, scouring racks of exquisite dresses, elegant gowns, and stylish ensembles fit for the grandeur of the gala.

After hours of deliberation, trying on various outfits, and sifting through options, they stumbled upon a stunning gown that caught Victoria's eye—a sleek, midnight-blue dress that exuded sophistication and grace.

"This is it, Victoria. You'll steal the show in this," Sarah remarked with a smile, her eyes reflecting genuine excitement.

Victoria felt a surge of confidence as she slipped into the gown, its fabric flowing elegantly around her.Victoria admired herself in the mirror, feeling a surge of confidence. "You're right, Sarah. This is the one."

With Sarah's guidance, they completed the ensemble with accessories that complemented the outfit perfectly, adding an air of refinement to Victoria's appearance.

As they made their way home, the excitement lingered in the air. In the comfort of Victoria's apartment, they settled into a cozy atmosphere, discussing their lives beyond work.

"Sarah, I appreciate everything you do. You've been more than just a secretary to me," Victoria said, her gratitude sincere.

Sarah smiled warmly. "It's been an honor working with you, Victoria. You've taught me so much. But remember, it's not just about work. You deserve happiness and a life beyond investigations."

Victoria nodded thoughtfully, reflecting on Sarah's words. The lines between her personal life and her pursuit of truth often blurred, and Sarah's reminder struck a chord within her.

As they sipped on tea and engaged in light-hearted conversation, their discussion shifted back to the investigation into Alexander Harrington. The media gossips and murmurings surrounding the billionaire had piqued Victoria's interest long before the gala invitation.

"Sarah, there's more to Harrington than what the media portrays. The scandal with the mafia and the abortion case—it's just the tip of the iceberg. I sense there's something deeper, something hidden," Victoria mused, her investigative instincts resurfacing.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "I've been following the whispers too. There are rumors about his business dealings, connections with influential figures, and mysterious disappearances within his inner circle. It's all very intriguing."

Victoria's eyes gleamed with determination. "We need to dig deeper, Sarah. There's a puzzle here, and I intend to solve it."

"Sarah, the more I delve into Harrington's world, the more mysterious it becomes. Did you hear about the interview a jilted lover granted to a journalist?" Victoria inquired, her curiosity sparked by the recent revelations.

Sarah nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, it made headlines for a while. She shared her story of affluence and success before she became involved with Alexander Harrington. According to her, she lost everything—her wealth, her status—after their relationship soured."

Victoria leaned in, intrigued. "Did she provide any specific details?"

Sarah nodded, recalling the article. "She mentioned how Harrington's manipulative ways led her to invest heavily in a venture that ultimately failed. Her account suggests a pattern of using his influence to entangle people in precarious situations."

Victoria's mind raced with the implications. "If this pattern holds true, it could shed light on Harrington's methods. There might be a trail of shattered lives and failed ventures that the public hasn't fully seen."

"You know, Sarah, it's fascinating how the narrative around Harrington seems meticulously crafted," Victoria mused, her gaze fixed on the subtle nuances of the conversation.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. The way he operates seems calculated, almost as if every move is part of a larger design. It's not just about business; it's about controlling narratives and manipulating perceptions."

"I can't help but wonder, Sarah, what drives someone like Harrington? Is it power, wealth, or something more sinister?" Victoria pondered.

Sarah considered the question thoughtfully. "Perhaps it's a thirst for control, an insatiable hunger for dominance. Some individuals are driven by a desire to shape the world according to their will. And in Harrington's case, it seems that no one is immune to his influence."

Victoria nodded, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place in her mind. "The gala might provide an opportunity to observe him in his element, to decipher the motives behind his facade. It's important to understand the man behind the mask."

"Sarah, this investigation might lead us into perilous territory. Harrington's world is a maze of hidden agendas and obscured truths," Victoria cautioned, a hint of concern tainting her voice.

Sarah acknowledged the risk with a resolute expression. "I'm aware, Victoria. But the pursuit of truth often comes with risks.