
Secretly My Billionaire Wife

{Warning! this book contains mature content 18+. that's the only warning for this book} Dace, a 30 year old who got married to his billionaire wife. but what he doesn't know if that she's a Lycan's mate. He layer finds out that she is a Lycan's mate so, he goes back to his past and he finds out that her mate is actually his friend, Sal who got killed a couple of years back. now, he's out for Vengeance and revenge.

theabdull · Urbain
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9 Chs

The Incident

"What the hell are we going to do ? My girlfriend has just been kidnapped by some guy who's been obsessed with her ever since they met at high school.

My best friend and some other guys were also kidnapped by the same guy. I'm freaking out Sal, I'm freaking out" Dave hurriedly said when he felt a large palm swinging across my face.

It had come to Dave's notice that it was Sal who slapped me. Dave quickly stood up and I gave him a sucker punch and Sal passed out.

A few minutes later, Sal woke up and he saw Dave on the couch stuffing his face with popcorn. "Stakes are high and you're eating popcorn ?" He said and he slapped the popcorn right off his hand. 

"Come on. There was no time for us to eat. We have to rescue all of them" he said quietly. And that's when Dave realized that he had been in Ariana's house the whole time.

"This place is loaded with cool guns and other weapons," Dave enthusiastically said. "We can't just barge into their hideout. Besides, we don't even know where they are. I say we play his silly game" Sal said.

"We can't risk our lives by playing some silly game" I said with a smile on my face. Sal gazed at Dave and he had some of those ideal faces.

They concluded on a plan to beat Joey at his own game. Both of them came together for a group hug and we gave each other a high five.

A few hours later, while they waited for Joey to send us any information about how to rescue our friends. Dave almost slept off and that was when Dave received a video message.

Dave almost  played the video massage, that was when Sal came back from reviewing the weapons in the garage. I played the video and I saw that Joey changed their location.

"Oh hey, Dave. I hope you are okay because here comes the first pointer. You will go to a basement .When you get there, you'll see a briefcase with a key inside of it.

You'll give the key to a security guard outside of a warehouse. I've paired your car with the location of both places. But beware, the security guards aren't nice at all.

Any questions ?" He asked notoriously. 

"Yeah, how did you know how to pair the car with the locations ? I thought you were an idiotic example of your parents. 

He was furious so he grabbed Ariana by her ass and he began to hit it. She was crying and our eyes locked in with each other. 

"I'll get you out of there soon, baby" Dave said. A tear dropped from my face down to the floor; I literally heard it while it dropped on the floor. "Okay, Sal. I just have a question. How in the hell do they change their location every damn time ?"

"I don't know. There might be two ways they are making us think they are at different places. Either they are on a wild goose chase, or they are using a green screen" he said.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Dave said and we got into the car. Sal had his computer and his gadgets to help incase if something fishy was going on.

Dave had some pistols and some guns in the trunk of the car. Sal was scared to hold a fun, yet to talk about him killing someone. They got to the first destination and they called him. 

" Hello!" I yelled. "Oh, hello. I was busy with Ariana. I didn't even know my phone was ringing. Go to sixteenth avenue, downtown and wait for further instructions" he cackled.

"I hate that guy. He's always trying to look for a way to blackmail me" Dave screamed. He kept banging the steering wheel of the car over and over.

"Bro, you have to calm down. Remember the plan ?" Sal asked. "Yes, I do," Dave responded.

They got to the location he gave and we saw a warehouse. They called him and he told them to go inside the warehouse.

"Go into the warehouse, look for the briefcase and wait for further instructions" he said and he hung up. "Okay, I'm go into the warehouse alone, you stay here" Dave said.

"Why do you get to experience all the fun and I get to stay here; alone ?" Sal asked. Dave rolled his eyes and he groaned. "Because if you follow me inside, you might be anxious and scared to the extent that you will urinate all over the place" Dave said while he opened the door and he went inside alone.

Sal screamed his name and he insisted that he wanted to tag along. "Okay, it's your funeral, not mine" Dave said while his eyes were locked on the security guards. They hid behind some bushes and they had to distract them. They were too huge for them to fight at the same time.

"Can you take one down ?" Dave asked. Sal nodded his head and that made Dave a lot more confident. Dave came out of the bushes and he started running. One of the guards followed him while Sal came out as well and he punched the other guard on the face.

Sal kept punching him over and over but the guard kept laughing a very sinister laughter. He looked up to him and the security guard was going to hit him with the pistol on his hand to avoid any attention being drawn to them.

He raised up his hand when Sal heard the loudest sound he ever heard. The guard in front of him dropped like a bad habit. His blood stains were all over Sal's shirt. He saw Dave pointing a gun at him so, he passed out.

A few minutes later, Sal finally woke up and his eyes were red. "Look who finally woke up," Dave teased him. He dropped Sal right on the floor. 

"Oww, what was that for ?" He groaned. "That's for being a scared bitch" Dave responded. Sal was scared and humiliated. But he had no option than to endure the humiliation.

"Here" Dave threw a gun at him.

 "If you see any bad guy or Joey, you can just pull the trigger" 

"I know how you use a gun," Sal proposed.

"So, why did you pass out when I killed that guard ?" Dave asked. Sal gazed at him and he didn't respond to his question. 

"Lets get out of here" Dave said. "Not...so...fast" a loud man screamed from the shadows. They weren't able to see them because the warehouse was filled with boxes.

He finally stopped all the mind games. He came out of the shadows and their eyes popped. "Dave, I think I'm going to pee my pants" Sal said anxiously and Dave began to laugh. The tall man punched Dave right under his jaw. 

A tooth from Dave's mouth propelled to the floor and he crashed into some boxes. He held Sal six feet in the air. Dave had to act fast....so he gave him a low blow, but that didn't affect him at all.

"What the heck ?" Dave said as he was being thrown in mid air. It came to his notice that he had a pistol in his pocket. He brought it out and he pulled the trigger twice on him. 

It only got the large man down for a while. It didn't even take five seconds before he got back up. The guard picked him up and it was raining punches on Dave's face. 

"Sal, I need...you.....to pick up the gun....and give him a....headshot" Dave said while he was almost unconscious. Sal noticed the pistol that was on the floor. 

He picked up the guns and his hands were shaking. "Just pull the damn trigger" Dave yelled. He turned his eyes and the large man noticed him. 

He left Dave and he fell on the floor. He walked towards Sal and Dave came in between them.

"Please, there's still one more thing you need to know before you execute us" Dave said.

"And what's that ?" The large guy asked with a very sinister and hoarse voice. "Bye, bitch" Dave said while I held up a gun and started to shoot at him. He kept shooting while the guy was slowly dying. 

He wasn't penetrated easily due to the bulletproof get had on. After a while of shooting, he finally died. Dave and Sal took a sigh of relief when they saw that he was dead.

The blood stains on their shirt were already a sign that they killed someone. "When I told you to pick up the gun, what did you do ?" Dave angrily asked. "It wasn't my fault that I didn't respond to you on time, did you see the size of that man ?" Sal anxiously said. 

"Whenever I tell you to give me the Goddamn gun, you give me the Goddamn gun. Is that clear ? I'm in charge around her" Dave said. He was really angry because love was at stake and he couldn't afford to lose another friend.

"Dave, I'm really sorry for what happened. I was just scared because I didn't have any self esteem. And that'd beca----"

"You have to stand your.ground at all times. You have to face your fears" Dave said while he cut off Sal mid-sentence. 

They both went to comb for the briefcase. They searched everywhere but they couldn't find it. Sal brought out phone and he turned on his metal detector app.

"What are you doing ?" Dave asked him.

"Well, I'm using this metal detector app to find the key. I designed it myself" Sal narrated.

"Three no way you designed this app all by yours---"


They heard a beep from Sal's phone. "See, I told you that it would work" Sal said. He opened the drawer and he saw a key. "Bingo" he roared and they took the key back to the car. 

"Before we call Joey, I just want you to know that we are going to be experiencing the most exhilarating moments of our lives. And we have to bring our A GAME. Is that clear ?" Dave asked. 

"Yeah, let's go kick some ass," Sal said. He dialed Joey's number and he picked up the call. "We've gotten your stupid key. Now what'd the next clue ? Sal asked. 

"Oh, I'm over that now. You see if there's one thing you shouldn't mess with, it's my love life. So, I decided to separate all of your friends to different locations and you have to find them on your own. And guess what, they all have levels of doom and Ariana is at the top.

Each location has its limits of execution and she's at the highest level of execution. And if you don't rescue them in two hours, when that clock hits zero, all the places go boom. I advise you to be snappy about it. And hopefully, if you save all of them, just remember that we aren't done with what we started" he cackled and hung up on them.

"Wow, those were strong words," Sal said. "This is not going to be easy. We have to act fast" Dave said.

"Yeah, before we get there, can we please get something to eat ? I am starving. "Okay we'll stop at the restaurant over there. They stopped at the restaurant and they took a seat. While they were enjoying their meals, Dave suddenly saw the least person he expected to see; Ariana.

"What could Ariana be doing here ?" He asked Sal. "Take a look at her" 

"Who ?" Sal asked while he was confused. He saw Ariana ordering something front the restaurant. 

"I can't believe she set me up" Dave said. 

"Maybe Joey sent her to get some food....And yep she set you up" Sal said in disbelief. 

"I'm sorry bro" Sal said in disbelief as he patted my back while I sobbed.