
Secretly My Billionaire Wife

{Warning! this book contains mature content 18+. that's the only warning for this book} Dace, a 30 year old who got married to his billionaire wife. but what he doesn't know if that she's a Lycan's mate. He layer finds out that she is a Lycan's mate so, he goes back to his past and he finds out that her mate is actually his friend, Sal who got killed a couple of years back. now, he's out for Vengeance and revenge.

theabdull · Urbain
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9 Chs

Just A Mystery

"What the hell am I going to do this time ?" He said frustratingly. Sophie glazed at him in loathe and she walked out of the room. 

"Sophie, wait!" He yelled but it wasn't enough for her to come back.

He tried to follow her but he wasn't able to catch up with her. Dave looked behind his table and Ariana was still there. He proceeded to go to her table. 

"Ariana!" He screamed and everyone turned their attention to them.

"I know what I did in the hospital was wrong- and I'm here to apologize befo--" he said while caught off mid-sentence.

"Why are you apologizing ? You've done the worst thing a man could ever do to a lady- and that is to cheat on her" she  whispered. 

"I'm so sorry Ariana. What I did was wrong and I just wanted to say sorry" he said.

She felt disgusted; so, she decided to leave the hospital. Ariana was so upset to the extent that she wasn't ready to listen to his excuses.

Dave kept pleading with her but she didn't listen.

"Babe, will you listen to me ?" He screamed.

"I don't want to listen to your dumb and useless excuses. You should go and have fun with Alicia and fucking leave me alone" she yelled while she walked out of the restaurant.

He felt unwanted and frightened while she walked out. "Ariana, we can work this out," he said.

The agony and pain he felt made him remember that he also brought Sophie to the same restaurant.

"Holy shit! I forgot about Sophie" he said, tallying out of the restaurant. He appeared hopeless when he saw that his car was gone. 

"Shit! Sophie must have taken my car to her house. 

He stopped a cab and the cab driver took him to her house. He wasn't able to pay for the taxi fare, so he made the cab driver unconscious. "I should stop doing that," he said.

Knocking on Sophie's door, she knew it was him. She defied to open the door. It took her a while before she could consider letting him in. 

She opened the door and she saw him holding a bottle of whiskey, laying on the floor.

"Dave!" She shook him back and forth but he didn't respond. That was when she realized that he was drunk. Sophie tried to wake him up but he was drowsy and oozing alcohol. 

She couldn't take it any longer. Pulling him into the room was a very complex task, but she finally did it! At the top of the bed, Dave felt like he was being treated like an angel.

"Sophie, get over here!" He whispered in a very drowsy tone. She chuckled and joined him on the bed. "Look Dave, I know you're really drink right now, but you have to understand that I love you. Ever since I met you at the bar, there was this feeling that made me feel vulnerable" she said. 

Dave placed his hand on her lips and he said, "I love you too and I want you for tonight"

Her eyes popped out of shocked as he grabbed her by her ass and he began to smack it.

 She said, "Dave, be careful. You don't want me to get pregnant against your will"

Dave didn't listen, he kept being intimate with her. After all the moaning Sophie made, they finally fell asleep. 

The next day, Dave found himself on her bed....without clothes. 

"What the fuck am I going here ? And why am I not putting on clothes ?"

"Weren't you the one who said you wanted to have fun with me ? And you did" she said with a smile on her face. 

"Now come on. I'm not done with you" she said in a very devious approach. She cradled towards him but he pushed her away. "What the hell was that for ? Anyways, let me go and make some coffee. And when we are done, we will have a conversation about this controversy" she laughed. 

Dave was still.shocked about the way she was addressing him. He looked around the room and saw a bottle of whiskey lying on the floor. 

"What have I done ?"

He actualized that he might have had sex with her. "Holy shit!" He yelled and he quickly put on some clothes. At long last, he had some clothes on while sitting down to projector everything that happened last night.

He agonized that he was intimate with Sophie.  It's just that he wanted to kill two birds with one stone. He knew that Alicia will take him back and at the same time he will be able to have Sophie to his advantage; for pleasure.

"It's a win-win"

"What's a win-win ?" Sophie walked while walking into the room. David pretended as if his eyes were looking at her waist. He said, "I want you for tonight. I want all of you"

She was traumatized by the sudden change in his interest. "But I thought you were--"

"He said before she was cut off, "I said I want all of you tonight. Is that too much to ask ?" 

Sophie was lured by his intoxicating smile and was.rendered helpless. She didn't even stutter before she derailed on him. Dave was pleased by her action.

She took off her clothes while she kept kissing him. Their lips locked into each other like a magnet. They finally stopped kissing because she wanted to pull off her clothes.

She threw them on the bed. She began to twerk which seemed like Dave was being used as a decoy. Her ass meant a lot to him because Dave gets easily penetrated.

She walked towards him and they protruded the dancing. He tried to trick her by running away but she kept following him until she twerked all over his crotch. His eyes kept rolling as she applied pressure to it.

"That's enough," he yelled. They concluded that they will finish what they started at night. Sophie was upset yet happy. He said, "I'll be here by 9:00PM"

He walked into the bathroom to take a bath and he wore his clothes on his quest to plead with Ariana to take him back. "I'll be back before you know it," he said. Sophie shook her head. He proceeded to get into the car and he drove off. 

Meanwhile, Sophie got a phone call from her sister.  "Hey Ari," she said happily. 

"Guess what, I have some great news for you. I met this guy at the bar and he asked me out to dinner.  To cut the long story short, we're dating and he is good. She didn't know that Dave was in the living room.

"Baby, what are you doing here ?" She asked.

His mouth was wide open when she.gave him a smack in the face.

"Babe, what's wrong with you ?" She asked.

 He asked, "That lady you just talked to on the phone, what's her name ?"

She replied, "Well, that's my sister. No big deal. By the way, her name is Ari"

"Ari, as in Ariana ?" He asked. 

"No, Her real name is Sofia. But I call her Ari. Is there a problem" she asked. 

"No, there isn't. I just forgot my phone" he said while walking out of the room; disoriented.