
Secretly My Billionaire Wife

{Warning! this book contains mature content 18+. that's the only warning for this book} Dace, a 30 year old who got married to his billionaire wife. but what he doesn't know if that she's a Lycan's mate. He layer finds out that she is a Lycan's mate so, he goes back to his past and he finds out that her mate is actually his friend, Sal who got killed a couple of years back. now, he's out for Vengeance and revenge.

theabdull · Urbain
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9 Chs

A Heavy defeat

Dave arrived at the and he requested for immediate medical attention. The receptionist requested that he needed to fill some forms. "I'll fill the forms after you attend to my friend. Look at his face, bruised and battered" he said. "Sir, I understand.

But I can't violate the policy. Look at your face. It's all bruised" she said. "Give me the damn forms so I can fill them" he said and then he filled the forms. She called for help and some nurses came out with a stretcher. They quickly took him to the emergency theatre. Dave was sitting in the waiting room and he looked at the clock which read 11:30PM.

He seemed sad because he knew that his mom will be worried sick about him. He stood up and he went to the ward where Justin was in. He looked through the small window and he saw Justin wearing an oxygen mask, his face was wrapped with bandages.

He went back to the waiting room, with my hand over my face when I heard someone calling his name.

(Dave's point of view)

I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and I saw that it was Ariana. "What the hell are you doing here ?" I asked. "Dave, I'm really sorry for what happened. First of all, it wasn't my fault that I kissed Joey.

He's my ex and he asked if we could get back together. I refused and he kissed me and asked me out to dinner. And that's when he beat you guys to the point" she narrated. So, what are you insinuating ?" I asked angrily. "The point is, I really love you and I don't just love you, I'm in love with you" she said. I might have seemed like a fool to think that she was lying, but I still wanted to find out.

"If you had loved me, why did you now kiss Joey ?" I asked. "He kissed me. I didn't kiss him" she said. "But you continued to kiss him even though you didn't have the intention of doing it. You know what, I don't think you're supposed to be here. Please, just leave me alone. You know, when you talked to me, I felt like I was wanted by someone.

But you made me feel like a loser. You took advantage of my vulnerability and you took me for granted. I still can't believe you did that. Just leave me alone. I'll tell you when in ready to talk to you, but I don't think we should talk to each other ever again. And on no account should you tell any one about this, even you're so called boyfriend" I said. She cried and she left. I felt sorry, but that was the only reasonable thing I could do.

I went to the ward and I saw the doctor. "Doc, how's the situation ?" I asked. "He's fine, there's nothing to worry about. He just sustained a few injuries, but he will be awake in the next one hour" he said confidently. I was so happy when I heard that he's going to be fine.

An hour later, he finally woke up. I walked Into the room and he was asking me different question. "Justin, how are you feeling ?" I asked. "I'm fine, at least I'm better" he said. "What happened back at the restaurant ? Because, the only thing I remember was when Joey slammed me on top of a table" he said. "He actually slammed you through two tables to be precise" I anxiously said.

"Woah, so he slammed me through two tables ? Well, I guess I was unconscious when he slammed me through the first one. So he did you beat him ?" He asked. "Well, I broke a bottle on his head and he dropped like a bad habit" I narrated. "Woah, Dave, Look at you face. You have to get some medical attention" he insisted. "No, I'm okay.

Besides, these are just bruises. I'll tears then later" I said. "Ariana followed us to the hospital" I ferociously said. He opened his mouth in amusement because he couldn't believe it. "Wow, she actually followed you ? Maybe, it's because you dropped her dat like a bad habit" he said, but I opposed. I narrated how the whole thing happened, how she came and how she was pleasing with me. "Bro, what th hell ? The prettiest girl in the whole our school, told yOh that she likes you and you just turned her down ?

I don't know how you're going to do it, but you have to make things right between you and her" he said. "How am I going to do that ? Besides, I can't leave you here" I said. "I'm perfectly fine. It seems this hospital can be so insecure about their patients" Justin said. He pulled the drip out of his hand and we went outside of the ward. While we were trying to get our of the hospital, the doctor was coming towards our direction. "Oh shit! What are going to tell him ?" I asked.

"We will just walk past him" Justin said. "What are you doing outside ? You shouldn't be allowed to come outside" the doctor said. Hey had a name tag which read Daniel. "Well Daniel, I'm fine. There's no need to--" before Justin could complete his statement, doctor Daniel pulled out a pistol and told us to get back into the room. We raided our hand and we wanted to call for help but be threatened us that if we had said anything, her will blow our brains out.

We got into the room and be told us to sit down. "I have to ask, what the hell is going on ?" Justin asked. Daniel had his hand in his neck and be pulled out his face. To my surprise, it was a mask. It wasn't even appealing to me that it was Joey that was behind the mask. "Wait, I thought I knocked you out cold" I said. "Well, don't judge a book by its cover. When you guys left the restaurant, I knew that Ariana will follow you guys to the hospital.

So, I when I woke up, I opened a tracking app on my phone what lets me track any one, as long as I have their contacts. So, I followed her here, but before that, I went to a store where they sell masks and then I got here. And now, I'm going to execute you guys" Joey said. He threw the gun away and he said "I don't want us to draw attention to ourselves. Let's make it a fist fight". He threw a punch right to my face and I found myself on the floor. Justin and him were trying to fight the hell out of each other but he was more stronger than Justin because he was already battered.

He brought out the gun and he threatened that he was going to kill us. I was behind him, so I kicked him in the balls and he passed out. I took the gun and I wanted to shoot him but Justin suggested that we shouldn't execute him at the hospital. "It's a very bad idea and it will get us into trouble" he said. I his the gun in my pocket so, no one would notice that I was armed.

We dragged him out of the hospital and everyone was suspicious about us but we didn't mind. We finally got out of the hospital without anyone noticing us. "Well, I guess it goodbye" I said with an impish voice. "Come on man, you knocked him out, cold" Justin said. I brought out the gun and attempted to shoot him. "Waoh, you can't just kill someone that tried you steal your girlfriend just like that.

You have to make him suffer" Justin said to me while he smacked Joey several time. Joey's face e was dripping with blood, and I felt helpless for him. "Justin, that's enough" I said. He ignored me and he kept smacking him. I could literally count the number of times he smacked Joey which was twenty five times. Joey passed out and Justin still kept hitting him.

"Let's get the he out of there before the police arrive" I warned him but he still didn't listen. The police were a few blocks away and I warned him but he still didn't listen. He picked up the gun and he shot him Joey at both of his legs. There wee blood stains all over his shirt and also mine. The police were just arriving and I told Justin that we should get out out of there but he didn't listen. I quickly went into an abandoned alley.

The police came and they saw Justin with a gun in his hand. They quickly hand cuffed him and he was escorted to jail. Right before he was taken to the van, I had to think of something, fast. I had to punch myself to make it look like a juicy crime scene. I came out of the alley and I told the police that Joey was trying to execute us. "Officers, the guy lying on the floor is the real culprit. He tried to kill us but he had no option than to shoot him" I said.

The police kind of thought about what I said and they considered it. I actually thought that they will actually believe me but they was a sick turn. "He's a liar" a lady coming out front the hospital said to the police officer. "I caught everything on camera" she said. I was unhappy because she just came out of nowhere and just blabbed everything to them.

They all watched the footage and they saw that it was Justin that shot Joey. They took Joey to the the hospital while one to the police man hand cuffed me. Before I was escorted to the van, I saw a car that pulled up in front of the crime scene. I recognized the car the moment I saw it. It was Ariana's car. She want e dot hug me but I showed no remorse to her.

"Excuse me ma'am. You aren't allowed to cross this line" a police man said to her. "What do you mean ? My boyfriend is In there" she said. And that's when I wondered who her boyfriend was. I thought it was me, before I realized that she was talking about Joey. I was disappointed while she was calling my name.

I ignored her while I entered the van and we drove off. Justin finally woke up. "Well, Look who finally woke up" I said. "What happened ? Wait, isn't that Ariana's car ? He asked. I looked behind me and I saw that he was correct. "Why are we even here ?" He asked. "Well, when we get to the prison, I'll explain what happened" I said.

He was shocked because he didn't know that he was going to be arrested. As we were on our way to the prison, I thought about my mom and I prayed that she wasnt worried. We finally got the prison and a police officer suggested that we should be added to the solitary compartment.

"No, please, we can't be in solitary" I begged them. "Alright, fake them to the hatch" the police man said. We didn't complain with the compartment they were willing to take us in. While we were going to the compartment, Justin and I were having a conversation. "What do You think the hatch is anyways ?" I asked.

"There's only one way to find out" I replied.

We arrived at the compartment and it was the worst thing I ever saw. The kind of people Justin and I met there were unable to speak of. The world's most dangerous villains and criminal masterminds were there. I didn't even make any form of contact. I was anxious and appalled, because we were the only teenagers that were there.