
Secretly My Billionaire Wife

{Warning! this book contains mature content 18+. that's the only warning for this book} Dace, a 30 year old who got married to his billionaire wife. but what he doesn't know if that she's a Lycan's mate. He layer finds out that she is a Lycan's mate so, he goes back to his past and he finds out that her mate is actually his friend, Sal who got killed a couple of years back. now, he's out for Vengeance and revenge.

theabdull · Urbain
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9 Chs

A Controversial Discovery

Dave's pov

Dave couldn't just sit down and cry for someone who barely knows he existed. He has to do something. He stood up and I went straight to Ariana. "Dave, no!!" Sal yelled but he didn't listen.

He tapped her back and she turned around. Her eyes popped because of the state of shock she was in. "Ariana" Dave said while she stared at him. She kicked him in his balls and she ran away. Dave fell on the floor and I had to help him up. It took him five minutes before he could stand up.

"Sal, come on. We have to go after her" he said. She was still outside of the restaurant when he recovered. Sal helped her up and she got into her car. They had two options; either to chase her on got which is impossible or jack a motorcycle and chase her.

Dave saw a man driving a dirt bike, so he told him to stop. Then he gave him a punch which led to him passing out. He climbed the motorcycle and he rode off.

"I have to know why Ariana is avoiding me and why she's not being held captive"

Dave revved up the engine and it rode faster. The dirt bike rode on only a wheel and the tyre began to smoke. 

Dave was still in pursuit of her when he saw Sal driving a dirt bike too. "How did you get the bike ?" Dave asked. 

"The same way you took it" he responded while they rode along. Sal's bike almost ran out of gas. 

"Dave, I'm about to do the craziest thing ever" Sal said and the next thing he knew, he took a leap of faith to Dave's bike and rode alone. 

It was exhilarating. Ariana took the lead while Dave thought of a plan. His hand was placed on the accelerator of the bike and we took the lead.

Dave took her to a one way lane without her noticing. And then, Sal jumped on the top of her car. "What the hell was that ?" Dave asked. 

He ignored him and he kept banging on the top of the car.

Dave also followed the one-way lane to keep an eye on them. Sal kept keeping the pace by hitting Ariana's car. They got to the bridge and She kept her eyes off the road and she bashed another car. 

Dave's Pov


A loud bang popped out of nowhere. The impact was so hard that Sal flew across the bridge into the forest because he was at the top of the car.

Ariana's body propelled throughout the glass and into the same forest as Sal. I didn't stop so I had to follow them. I had to use the bike to jump over the bridge and into the forest. 

I revved up the bike and the exhaust came out of the exhaust pipe. I thought I wasn't going to make it but I did...in a way. I crossed the bridge into the forest and I hit face first into a tree. 

Thirty minutes later, I saw Sal close to me with his heart placed in his hand. The murderer attached a note on his head saying "I'm waiting". 

I began to shake him and I screamed. "Sal, wake up. Tell me this is a prank. No, I can't afford to lose anyone. Please Sal, wake up" I screamed. My eyes were soaked up with tears of sorrow. 

"I swear on my life, I am going to avenge your death" I took an oath and I left him lying on the ground. So, I had lost everyone in my life, my girlfriend who had turned against me and joined hands with the forces of evil, my friends and my mom.

I felt like I was going to die. I had no way out. The only things I could see were trees and lots of grass. Suddenly, I heard some leaves rattling in the bushes. I thought it was a hunter and then I realized that a hunter is no match for me. 

I came out of the grass and to my greatest surprise, it was Ariana. "Dave!" She yelled while coming towards me. While she came close to me I pushed her away. "How could you Ariana ? How could you let this happen ?" I screamed.

"So you used me, for the third time. Just get the hell out of here. I don't want to ever see you again" I yelled. 

"Dave, wait. It's not my fault that I didn't come to you when Joey released me. He had a microphone and a speaker installed close to my neck.

That's why I've been running away from you to avoid him listening to your voice. But, I thank goodness for that accident because it disabled the microphone and speaker. Isn't that great ?" She asked while I walked away. 

"You said you love me and I entrusted you with all my heart, but couldn't you at least send out a signal ?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I just had to get as far away from you as possible" she explained and everything became clear to me.

"What about Sal ?" she asked. "How do you know that Sal was with me ?" I asked.

"Long story. Joey has been keeping an eye on you. He hacked my house's security cameras but luckily, I didn't install the speakers before...you know....this happened" she narrated.

"Sal is gone" I whispered. "Gone as in gone ?" She asked. "Yeah, he's dead," I screamed. 

"I promise you if I get my hands on Joey, I am going to rip his face apart" I angrily said while Ariana and I stood over Sal's corpse.

She finally gave me a big hug and I welcomed her by opening my arms. "I love you, Dave, '' she said while I smiled. "So, what happened while you were in there ?" I asked while she took a glance at me.

"Why are you staring at me ?" I asked and she kept on staring at me. "I've missed this intoxicating smile" she said. I suddenly felt a burst of happiness flowing through my veins when he made that statement. 

"Well, I'm not at all happy because Sal just passed away and now you're back. It's just a lot to take in. "And I still have an hour and thirty five minutes before the locations explode," I said.

"Yeah, let's get out of here" she insisted. "But before we go, I want you to promise me that after all this, we are going to get married; with or without our parent's consent," I said.

"Well, Dave this is all moving too fast and--" 

"Promise me!" I yelled. She seemed tense yet happy. She held my hand and she agreed to my proposal. "I promise," she said. 

"Thank you. Now, how are we going to get out of here" I asked. "I don't know. Wait a minute, how did you even get here ? I know that Sal got here when he flamboyantly propelled into this forest. But how did you get here" she asked.

I gazed at her and spontaneously looked for a way to change the subject. "Umm....your eyes are pretty" I said. "She chuckled knowing that I was the one on the bike chasing her.

We were walking; hopefully, to find a way out of the forest. While we were walking, we held hands and she kept staring at me. "Take a picture, it will last longer" I said and she chuckled. 

We only had barely an hour to rescue the rest of them. At least, I've rescued my first priority, Ariana. I saw the bike I used to jump the bridge laying on the floor.

"There's the bike, babe" I yelled. She ran as fast as she could to see it. It was a little bashed up due to the impact but we had to manage it. I turned on the bike and it worked.

We were so happy because we get to leave the one place we never expected to be; the forest. We hopped on the bike and l drove it out of the forest. 

We finally got out of the forest and I insisted that we should go to Ariana's house for the meantime. "I already told you, we can't go there. Joey had installed security cameras in my house, so it will be impossible for us to go there" she said. 

"Okay then. Let's stop for a while and have some coffee" I said and we parked outside of a coffee shop. She came down from the bike and I went to park it.

Her silky hair swung across her dress and her ass was so thick under that skirt. I was lost in a very deep romantic trance. My eyes were set on her waist that was in control of her skirt 

We walked into the café together and while everyone kept staring at us. The atmosphere was extremely awkward but we decided that we were going to take the coffee.

The bartender said we have to wait for a minute or two. "This place looks weird and why are they staring at us ?" I whispered. "I don't know. Come one, let's forget about the coffee and get out of here" she said.

I stood up to open the door when I felt someone's hand on mine. I turned around and I saw a man that wanted to punch me. Luckily, I escaped the punch and I kicked right in the kidneys.

"Have a nice death, bitch" I said and I blew his brains out. Everyone screamed in fear and they ran out of it. His face shattered and I held her by her hand. "We have to get out of here. 

We hopped on our bike and we drove away. I had no idea  whatsoever about where we were going to spend the night, and then I thought if I should check my old house.

I knocked at the door and to my greatest surprise, I saw my mother. "Mom ?" I whispered. "I'm sorry young man, do I know you ?" She asked when she took off her glasses. 

"Mom, it's me, Dave" I said happily. She was shocked yet happy to see me. "David, is that really you ? You've grown bigger than I remember" She said.

I gave her a big hug and she pushed me while she walked out on me. "I can't believe you left me here for the past one year" she sobbed. I felt helpless while I tried to console her.

Ariana told me to go to my room. "Go to your room, I'll take care of her," she said. I walked up to my room and I met all the comforts of home. I chucked and I lied on my bed.

Ariana came to my room and she was cheerful. "How did it go ?" I asked. "She's fine. I finally get her to fall asleep. "That's a good idea. Now that everything is better, how about we have a little fun...." I said. I slapped her ass and she shrieked. 

Ariana suddenly collapsed on the floor and I was shocked. "Babe, talk to me" I said but she didn't respond. Her eyes were switching while they were locked with each other. "Dave, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you this earlier. 

I...am...pregnant" she said and I gasped in anger and shock. I didn't hesitate to take her to the hospital that same night. I took my mom's minivan and I drove to the hospital angrily; thinking it was reality...or a dream...