
Secretly My Billionaire Wife

{Warning! this book contains mature content 18+. that's the only warning for this book} Dace, a 30 year old who got married to his billionaire wife. but what he doesn't know if that she's a Lycan's mate. He layer finds out that she is a Lycan's mate so, he goes back to his past and he finds out that her mate is actually his friend, Sal who got killed a couple of years back. now, he's out for Vengeance and revenge.

theabdull · Urbain
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9 Chs


Dave's pov

"What are you here for" a big, tall and scary man asked me. Even when I wanted to answer the question, I still stuttered. "Well, it's a long story. We actually shot a guy on his leg and before that, we shot his legs" Justin narrated.

The other prisoners narrated why they were in prison. One of them said he killed all of his family members by slithering their throat, slowly. I was shocked. While the other one said he's the chainsaw man; he killed everyone in a whole country because they killed his mom. I was terrified and scared but.Justin was blending in with them. "So, those are all interesting back stories. But what's the plan to get us out of here ?" Justin asked. "Plan ? There's actually no way out of here. Haven't you guys gone to prison before ?" He said.

"Whats your name anyway ?" Justin asked while I glared at them. The name is Barge and his name is Four. I tried not to laugh but Justin laughed as hard as he could. It was so embarrassing because they could actually get us killed. "Wait your name is Four ? I heard someone with the name Barge before, but Four ? What happened, one two and three were taken ? Justin asked him. "Whats your name kid ?" Four asked.

"Justin" he said. "Well, Justin, first rule here is for you to keep your mouth shut and don't make fun of anyone" Four warned Justin. I was scared but at the same time wondering what kind of name was Four. Maybe it's a code name. "So, guys. What's the plan to get out of here ?" I asked. "Plan ? Look kid. We've been here for the past three years and the only place we've noticed that can get us out of here is the hatch" he said.

"Well, let's open it" I suggested. "Don't you think we've tried. Four, don't you think these kids are getting the best of us ?" Barge said to Four. "With a due respect, you have to change that name of your's" I suggested. "Okay, can you suggest any name" Four asked and surprisingly, we wasn't angry. "How about Apoll0 with a zero ?" I asked.

"Wow, that's amazing" he said. "Can you request for a call....here" Justin asked. I was speechless because why won't he be able to know that you can call in prison. But luckily, the police officers forgot to collect my phone. "Check it out. They forgot to collect my phone" I happily said to them. "You shouldn't be with that. If they see you with that, they'll take it. That phone is the only way for us to get out of here" Apoll0 formerly known as four said.

The moment was so awkward because I still couldn't believe that someone's name was Four. "I just thought of a plan. How about we perform a jailbreak. While everyone is asleep, we use that phone to call someone that can open the hatch, so we can get out of here. Who's in ?" Barge said. "Okay Barge. We have to also give you a nickname.

What your real name ?" I asked while Justin was absurdly laughing. "Okay, my real name is Ryan" he said. How did Ryan transform to Barge ?" I laughed. "From this instant, I want everyone to address him as Ryan. Is that clear ?" I asked. They all yelled yes spontaneously.

A police officer heard us screaming and he came to confront us. "What are you guys talking about ?" He asked. "It's none of your business. Now, why don't you go back to your post and no one gets hurt ?" Ryan threatened him. He seemed scared and anxious. A he could do, was to walk out. "How the hell did you do that ?" I asked.

"I already told you. In this place, we are the fiercest and the most frighteningly people in this place. That's why they kept us in this compartment, so that we won't be able to escape easily. This cell is mad by a liquid metal alloy that's a hundred times stronger than iron" Apoll0 narrated. "Well, I get that part. But why did they install that hatch ?" Justin asked.

"This might come as a surprise, but this hatch leads to pipelines which can get you to an abandoned alley" Ryan said. "Wait, how do you know that it leads to an abandoned alley ?" Justin asked. "We've tried to escape before, but the police caught us" Ryan answered. "Why did they allow you to stay here even when they know that you can escape again ?" Justin asked again. "Look kid. You're asking to many questions and it's oppressing" Ryan said angrily while he held Justin up in the air. I pleaded with Ryan to leave him alone and drop him down.

It was 9:00 PM and we concluded that we will execute the plan by 11:00 PM. It was 11:00 PM and we wanted to execute the plan. Our cell was like a box so we won't be able to escape easily, but it was beneficial to us. If the police men are trying to shoot the through it, it will take them like a million bullets for them to destroy the door.

"Guys, let's begin" I said. I brought out my phone and the only contact I had was Ariana's contact. "Bro, how can you only have Ariana's contact on your phone" Justin asked. "Well....I deleted everyone's contact in my phone and in left her's. But that was when I was going through I phase" I whispered. "Who's Ariana ?" Ryan and Apoll0 asked simultaneously. "It's complicated" Justin and I also said simultaneously.

I called her and she picked up immediately. I was shocked because I thought she was still angry with me for that I did at the hospital. "Ariana ? Look, in really sorry for what I did back at the hospital. I know that I was a total jerk for doing that, but trees one thing I could say that can make it up to you. Ariana, I love you so much to the extent that I could die for you" I said hurriedly.

Justin, Apoll0 and Ryan were all excited and happy because of what I said. "I love you too, Dave." She said. "I know you do. So, I need your help with something. Unfortunately, I've been arrested and I need you to come and perform a jailbreak.

Let me explain" I said. "You don't have to say anything else, baby. I know how a jailbreak works out .Besides I've watched a movie before. I'll just use my phone to track your location and I'll be there in a few minutes" she said and she hung up the call. I was amused because she hung up me.

"Wow, your girlfriend is so confident and brave" Ryan said to me. "Shes not my girlfriend yet" I said and Justin gasped. A few minutes later, we heard a loud bang on the roof with sparks flying in the air, literally. Then, a hole was made in the ceiling and I saw a man who starched out his hand and told us to climb out of the compartment. "That must be one of Ariana's guard.

Let's go" I said confidently and we began to climb up one after another. Justin and Ryan had already escaped from the cell. It was up to Apoll0 and I to get out. We heard some police officers to calling for back up.

They began to shoot at the door but they were able to crack open the glass window. Apoll0 was too big to go through the hatch, so it took time for them open the door.

"Hurry up, Apoll0" I anxiously said. One of the bullets brushed my neck. I feel in the floor while my blood was found dripping on my shirt. Apoll0 finally came out of the hatch through the other side. "Dave!" Ariana yelled. I stood up and I heard loud sounds on the door and I recognized the sound to be the sound of a bazooka. I stood up and I tried to reach the guys hand but I was unable to.

I finally reached his arm and he pulled me out. Right before I was dragged out of the hatch, the door opened and a stray bullet collided with my leg. I yelled in agony while Ariana's guard pulled me out. "Ahhh!" I yelled I'm agony. "Don't worry, Dave. We'll get you treated in a bit" she said while she instructed her guard to carry me.

"Guys, get ready to witness the most exhilarating moment of your life" she said. We ran as quick as we could and we got into a Buggati. "Which one of y oh guys know how to stunt drive ?" Ryan raise dup his hand and she told him to get into the car and drive as fast as he could.


Dave and his friends were on their way to a Ariana's house when they realized that they were being followed by the same police. "These guys are still on our trail" Ryan said. Ariana went to attend to Dave who was unconscious.

While Justin, Ryan and Apoll0 were trying to lose the police. Ariana, do you have any ammunition in this car ? Justin asked. "Yeah I do. But it's at the trunk of the car" she replied. Justin was smiling in an unusual way. So, he took of the top of the car because it was a convertible car.

He told Ryan to open the trunk of the and Justin brought out all of the ammunition without getting hurt. "Get ready to be wrecked" he said and he started to shoot at the police cars. Justin was able to take out the tires of both cars. It felt like exhilarating insanity. They were down and out while we were going to Ariana's house.

Meanwhile, Ariana was busy dealing with Dave's injury. "Dave is In serous pain. Can't you drive a little but faster ?" She asked. "Well, I'm trying to follow this map, but I don't think I can follow it" Ryan said. Ariana came out of the passengers seat and pushed Ryan to the back and she drove insensitively fast. Their faces were in zero gravity.

A few minutes later, they got to her house. They entered her house and she was instructing everyone like she was a queen bee. "Ryan, get some tissues. Justin, get the first aid kit, it's in my closet. And Apoll0, get some water from the kitchen. Justin finally gave her the first aid box and she used it to treat all his wounds.

Apoll0 brought the water and she pored it all over his face.

"Dave, are you okay ?" She asked. Dave kept coughing over and over until, he regained conciousness. "Guys, what happened ?" He asked. "We tried to pull you out of the hatch but unfortunately for you, the police shot you. Both in your neck and your leg. I think they are going to declare us wanted

"Justin said. "Well we have to do something about it" Dave said. "No, you aren't going anywhere nor are you doing anything. You're just going to sit here and recover from your injuries" Ariana suggested. "Well Dave, I have to commend you. You took that bullet like a champ" Justin teased him. 3 cont.

"Ha ha!

Wait, what about my mom ? Is she okay ?" Dave asked. "Yeah, she's good. I told her that you will be spending the next three months at Justin's place" she said. "Three months ? How can I leave my mom for three good months ? You just seem to make everything in my life worse" Dave yelled. "I was just trying to help but you don't seem to appreciate what I do for you" she cried and she ran to the bathroom. "Bro, that wasn't cool at all. I think there's something wrong with you.

The same girl that helped you back in school, the same girl that-- you know what, I'm just waiting my time with you. Come on guys. Let's leave this loser alone" Justin said angrily while Dave sat down alone. "What the hell have I done ?" He asked himself while a tear drop fell from his eye.