

**** Harrison’s P.O.V ****

Why did I react the way I did to Elena and I don’t why I got mad at her too.

“But, it’s her business and not mine.


It’s been two month since we last got married. I went to Claire house today and she was still pestering about marriage and me getting divorced to Elena and marrying her instead.

This is so unlike me.

“Harrison dear.” She called

“What is it?” I asked

“You know, you once told that your marriage to that bitch was not of your own free will right?” She asked

“Yeah..” I replied

“Then, why haven’t you divorce her yet huh?” She asked

“Claire, can you just spiting nonsense and allow me to know what the next step will be.” I tell her.

“Harrison… you think over trivial issues. This is so unlike you. The Harrison I know would have gone extra miles to throw the bitch out of his house … if you know what I mean.

“Or I hope it’s not what I’m thinking it is?” Claire said