

Y/n pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY IDIOT SISTER!!" Luke barge in my room with his loud voice.

"Keep your voice down. I want to sleep more." I groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head. I felt him came up to my bed and jumping on it while singing 'happy birthday' song and annoying more with his voice. I groaned and looked up at him with a frown on my face.

"What did I do so wrong for you to behave like this? But anyways thanks brother." I said as I got up and tackled him a hug and straddled him with his arms trapped by my thighs so I can tickle him.

"Hehehe!!! That's for disturbing me. You have summon the monster and now this monster is going to tickle till you cry your eyes out." I said with my deep fake monster voice as I tickle him more. He was laughing so hard and his eyes were watery now so I thought it was enough. So, I got up and ran towards the bathroom before locking the door so he couldn't get in.

"Y-You are....going to pay for this." I heard him saying as he tried his hard to catch his breath. I just laughed it out and started doing my routine.


*At school*

"Y/nnnnnnnn!!" I heard Chris shouting my name as I entered the school gates. Oh shit they are going to beat me up so bad.

I saw Chris, mia, rey, julia and leo coming towards me with a evil smirk on all of their faces. I tried to run towards my class but mia caught me and tackled me on the ground straddling me as she pin me down waiting for others to come.

"You are not going away so easily, Y/l/n." Mia said as she laughed evilly at the end making me cringe. The others came and mia got up from me and the others caught me. I saw Jenny walking towards us as she saw me on the ground.

"What is happening here, guys?" She asked us as she looked at me confused.

"Oh we are just having our fun. As you know today is y/n's birthday so we just thought of doing something fun. You can join if you want." Leo said as he grinned at me in the end. No save me from these demons.

"Please save me Jenny. You are my best friend you are also a good girl please save me from these beasts." I said as I plead with her.

"Ohh I'm sorry Y/n but I have to let them have their fun and I want to also have some fun." She said and laughed with the others joining in.

Leo came and grabbed my right hand as Chris grabbed my left hand, rey came and he grabbed my left leg as mia grabbed my right leg. They all lift me up a little and swung me back and forth a little making me feel dizzy and scared.

"Guyssssss!!!!" I plead with them hoping they would leave me but I guess today is not lucky day.

One by one they all started to kick my butt as they 'happy birthday' every time they kick. I groaned a little at the pain but laughed as we did this all the time with the person who's birthday it would be. Jenny also joined in after everyone begged her to do it. She also Started to kick my butt and soon after some time they put me down and I groaned at the pain in my butt as I rubbed it and got up and glared at them but it was soon replaced with a wide smile as they engulfed me in group hug.

"Happy Birthday, smarty pants." Leo greeted me as he hugged me again and pat my back. I thanked him as he pulled away.

"Happy Birthday, champ." Chris greeted and I thanked him as he also hugged me.

"Happy Birthday, kiddo." Rey said as he also hugged me and I thanked him.

"Happy Birthday, driller." Mia laughed as she also hugged me and I glared at her at first but laughed at the end.

"Happy Birthday, y/n/n." Jenny said as she hugged me but she hugged a little longer and I thanked her as she pulled but she kissed me on the cheeks before pulling away. I was shocked at first and looked at her and I thought I saw her cheeks turn red but I shrugged it off as julia came in front of me.

"Happy Birthday, papi." She said in so sweet voice and if I was the old me I would have definitely melt away right but now I only have my eyes for one. She also kissed my cheeks and hugged me as I thanked her before we all head for our class.


*In the class*

It was our last class now and it was a history lecture. I sat at the back of the class as I saw Jenny entering the class and she smiled widely as she saw me and came towards me before taking a seat beside me. I smiled at her before I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I looked towards my side to see a girl with her head low looking at her feet.

"Hii." I said in my normal voice as I didn't wanted to scare this girl away.

"H-hey." She stuttered before she pulled something behind her back and put it on my table. It was box covered in a wrap.

"What is this?" I asked a little confused.

"Happy Birthday. I wanted to get you something because you helped me once when I was new in this school. So I just wanted to return the favor." She said and I smiled at her. She is cute and now that she has held her head up I could now see her face properly. She was so beautiful no words could explain how beautiful she looked. But for me kira is more beautiful.

"You didn't have to get me anything. I just did what was right that time. What's your name anyways?" I asked her as I saw her light forest green eyes looked at me with so much Adoration in it.

"I'm Eve. I'm also in this class with you. Honestly I almost have every class with you." She said and now I could see her open up to me a little. I smiled at her and hold out my hand for her.

"Y/n Y/l/n. Nice to meet you, eve." I said as she looked a little bit hesitant but eventually she held my hand and did a little shake. And we both smiled at each other.

"Would you like to hang out sometime?" I heard her ask and right after that she out her hand on her mouth and her expression was shocked as she didn't mean to say this. I just laughed.

"Sure, I would love to. Just text me when you are free." I gave her my number and she blushed as she nodded but before we could say anything the professor entered the class and told everyone to sit down.

I looked towards Jenny to see some unreadable expression on her face. I wanted to ask her but I thought of asking her after lecture.