
chapter 6 (poisonous)

His smile froze on his face. Anong covered up with the blanket. His body looked calm compared to how tangled his mind was. Tears clouded his vision. Tum dropped the cake and run out. Mhok chase after him and caught up with him.

"It's not what you think?"

He looked at him holding back shrieks of anger and sadness in his heart "you left your keys and l thought l will surprise you with your favorite cake but it seems I'm interrupting. I'm not needed here. Happy fucking birthday" he threw his keys at him.

He started to say something just then he heard his name been called " baby is everything okay"

"Leave, l will explain later when l get to work" He shut the door behind him.

He felt the sky and earth switch places his body shook, he fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as tears streamed down his face. His eyes bleed with pain. He cursed himself. He picked up his phone to make a call to his brother but inadvertently called his boss. "You're right when you said it's better to be single". He sniffed "l can't take it anymore" and hanged up. Meanwhile in Mhok apartment

Anong: What was that all about, what kind of college barge into his friends room without knocking?

He said he brought my keys cause l forgot it. (Lying down beside Anong)

Anong: he still shouldn't barge in like that, what if l was naked. Where is he?!


Anong: Okay so where were we ( Gliding his hands down his chest)

"Stop" he jerk her hand off him, "Sorry I'm not in the mood anymore, let's just go to bed." At home he searched looking any poison he could find. He dialed again.

"I don't want to cry anymore!"

"Hey are you okay? "What do you mean!"

He sniff seating on the bathroom floor ''l can't do it anymore"

Do what. Don't do anything stupid "I'm coming to you, stay on the phone with me" he could hear him driving fast

"I want to-" he could feel himself slipping away

"YOU WANT TO WHAT" he yelled, there was silent for a while "TUM STAY WITH ME"

"I want to D i e" with a shaking voice

Just then the bathroom swing open. TUM! TUM! TUM! Tao shouted. He lay wet on the bathroom floor, frothing at the mouth holding an empty bottle of poison. He was frightened. He called an ambulance. (In the hospital)

The doctor asked "Who is related to the patient"

"Me l am, I'm his brother" Tim almost shouted trembling.

"please come with me" they head to the doctors office. In Alex office they were seated across eachother.

"How is he doctor?" He asked Nervously

''His emphysema Stage ll is manageable. The poison didn't damage his lungs much. He needs a breathing tank. Take a look at this. That's his x-ray side by side. That's his before and after. His Glioblastoma has advance to stage lll He has about 6 months to 4 months to live"

"But you said he has about 2 years or more to live"

"Yes but you didn't treat it. The pills ain't enough without treatment." Tears welled his eyes as he look at the x-ray side by side. Tum has stage 3 Glioblastoma (GBM), also referred to as a grade IV astrocytoma. GBM is a devastating brain cancer that can result in death in six months or less. Treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It have tendrils that reach into other parts of the brain. It likely to spread within the brain

can come back, even if they've been treated. There is no cure for glioblastoma. He also has Stage ll emphysema. His lungs operate between 50% and 79%. Emphysema is primarily a pathological diagnosis that affects the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole. It is characterized by abnormal permanent enlargement of lung air spaces with the destruction of their walls without any fibrosis and destruction of lung parenchyma with loss of elasticity. There is no cure for Emphysema, but can be managed. Tum couldn't afford it. The treatment so he takes the pills instead.

He head to Tum's room. Seeing him dozing off he couldn't help but cry. He sat next to his bed, lay his head on his chest and listen to his faint heart beat "remember when you told you had a crush at work well l have a girlfriend now. l wanted it to be a surprise not like this. He sniffed I wanted us to me grow old together." The sound of his brother crying woke him up. He slowly open his eyes. He felt Tim head on his chest he pat his hair "brother" he whispered faintly he wiped the tears off Tim checks. When he saw his expression he said

"you know l hate to see you like this"

Why? Why did you do that.

Saw him in bed with his fiancee

Tum Promise me you're not going to do something as stupid as that again.

Okay l promise

Life is too short to waste it. How are you feeling. Are we in pain.

"No lm fine. How long have I been l here for"

Two days the doctor said condition is critical and you have to stay here for a while. You will need a breathing tank and.... He stopped himself from telling Tum the next sentence

Tell me. Tim tell me. What did the doctors say

Your Glioblastoma has develope to stage 3 and had spread to other parts within the brain you have less than 6 months to live. Tears raced down Tum's cheeks he covered his face with shaking hands. Tears spilt over and flowed down his face like a river escaping a dam. Don't worry l won't get tired of taking care of you. A flood of tears gushed down his face as Tim said It's okay am here for you.

Can you leave me alone!

Bullshit I'm not going anywhere. He hugged him to calm him down. It's ok Tum push him away he smiled

"Ahh yes. You hate hugs" Tim teased him. His face bloom with happiness. Tao arrived minutes after with fruit gift basket

"Hi" he greeted "Oh im sorry I'm l interrupting. l will come back later"

"No it's fine, stay" wiping the tears off their faces

"how are you doing, what did the doctor say"

"He said" Tum interrupted Tim before he could say anything "He said I'm okay l will stay here for a while. I just need to rest and eat well"

That's great news

Mr. Toa Thank You

I'm glad l could help

"Uhm can l have a word with you outside!". Tum shot him a look not to say a word about his condition.

Thanks for what you did for my brother l really can't thank you enough but can you do me a favor.

Sure what do you want

Please don't tell anyone about what happened.

I won't. Did he tell you what happened to him. Why he did that am curious

I don't know. I'm going to get him food. Take care of him, l would be back. He left. Why is he dodging the question (walking back to Tum room) He looked like he was hiding something. He saw Tum winks in pain trying to get up.

"Lie down. If you want something tell me or the nurse. What do you want."

"I need a glass of water. He poured him a glass of water."

"Are you okay do you want another"

"No it's fine" he put the glass on the bedside table by accident it fell. No don't worry l get it. He picked up the broke glass by accident he cut himself. Toa has a Hemophobic or blood phobia. He has extreme fear of seeing blood he dread the sight of blood after the trauma in childhood. He panicked he felt pain in his chest pain he had trouble breathing. Tum rush to him he saw his eyes fixated on the blood on his hands. He wiped it off with some tissues

He applied tension to his muscles by tensing his legs he hugged him and massage his ears to comfort him. Breath in and out. "It's okay I'm here just breathe" he whispered "hear my heartbeat just focus on that". Toa stay there in his warn embrace. His soft touch and warm tone of voice whispering in his ear. He didn't know to look him in the eyes. He felt embarrassed being fragile scared him it made him look weak. He pushed Tum away and run out, he walk pass Tim and didn't spare a single glance at him. He got into his car and drove off. Tim feed him some soup and put him to bed

The next day in the office Mhok was having lunch at the cafeteria. Boat approached Mhok "hi have you seen Tum" why he asked "well he was suppose to send me the documents for our French client through email it been days and l haven't seen or heard from him." He probably taking a leave, I will ask Tamas or Toa about it "thanks Mhok." He was about to get up but heard Tum name being mentioned among his colleges having a conversation. He sat back down and prick his ears eavesdropping on their conversation. "My sister is a nurse in that hospital. If she wrong then I'm wrong but she told me that Tum tried to kill himself."

"Is there a reason why he would do that?" Said another

"I don't think he will do that l think he's sick." The shook look on face as head straight to his office. Aranya watch him leave. She wanted to go after him. He's been wanting to talk to him for a while now. He head to the office with lots of thought in his head. "Sir have you heard from Tum."

"Yes he said he's not feeling well and will take a few days off."

Alright l will wait till work is over and approach Aim about what l heard he whispered under his breath. After work he waited for Aim, he asked him about Tum. He told him every he knows and he drove to the hospital.

"You don't have to feed me l can do it myself."

"Just shut up and open your mouth." He feed him while they talk.

"You can have a lot of people but still have no one"

"I don't know why you did what you did but Someone once told me, never lose hope tomorrow could be the day your looking for. If you need someone to talk to come to me. I won't judge you"

If you need someone to talk to come to me. I won't judge you he said it back to Toa. You'd let me help you. (After the incident)

About that. I can't tell you everything but I can tell you this. I have blood phobia. I have extreme fear of seeing blood.

They talk. For some reason Toa felt warm towards Tum. He wanted to open up to him. They stared at each other. He looked away as his faced turn red. He watched Tum drifting into sleep after his meal. He adjust his pillow. He lay down to nap. Tum slowly open his eyes and watch Toa dozing off. He looked at him noticing his strong handsome features and bone structure. He had a face like a Greek god with a strong jaw and nose.He slowly caresse his hair. His hair was soft. Mhok watched them from outside and felt sense of jealously. He called Tum phone, he ignored him. He texted him. He saw the message and switch off he phone. He wanted to open the door but turn to leave.

The next day Tim came in.

"Did you sleep well." He asked. Toa rub his eyes as he wakes up. "Sorry for waking you up, I brought you some food. Mr Toa thanks for taking care of brother"

"Im glad I could help. I will go use the bathroom." He splash some water on his face what the hell is wrong with me looking himself in the mirror. He head back. He over heard the conversation between Tum and Tim as he wipe him with a wet towel

Do you have feeling for Mhok.

What if l say no.

You fool don't tell you have feeling for someone who puts you in this position and doesn't gives zero fuck about you.

All You do is sleep around will never understand until it's happens to you.

I'm not judging you but you deserve someone who values you. He's not good for you. If he really cared he would have been here just once. What were you thinking that you, would try killing yourself and he comes to you, you'll move in together get married and start a family

Shut up he shouted pls get out

I have the right to be worried because I care. He doesn't if he did he would be here.

Get out

He lied when he said to you his girlfriend dumped him. Remember Mhok has a fiancee and you mean nothing to him. He slammed the door on his way out.