
taken a back

he doesn't remember meeting a woman as beautiful as this lady, yet cold and aromatic, but Yes, to him, no beauty ever bet the beauty that reached his heart like that of runah, his beloved late wife.

the event was yet to begin the sooner she would arrive. walking toward a couch that offered a table with different certain types of drinks, molly takes her seat where, afterwards realized she was sitting next near yet distance to Derick, whose mesmerizing smiling face never off charmed. he was looking at her as though she was the precious treasure the world went for a hunt. lizzah too went sitting next to her maintaining a slight distance from her as well. the man in security was standing behind the couch facing Molly's back.

full of confidence and pride, Molly folds her one leg on top of the other, slightly slanting them to one side, yet cool enough to expose her slim soft glowing skin of her one unclothed thigh.

she turns her gaze towards lizzah, who gave a slight smile and a slight nod. to assure no problem, "it's all well here." with that, molly picks a crystal glass of a half filled liquor and calmly savour the taste of the red wine.

Meanwhile, the event had already started. this part was quiet and tendering, full of affection and emotion.a talented young lady was singing her vocal, with a slow melody that cooled alot of hearts inside there, expressing her love to his beloved man who belonged in this world, and this was just a theme her song had.

some of the entertainment companies present even thought of hiring her, as she was just a young unknown lady showing her talents.. however, to every made raise lid of her eyes, found it's way to steal glances at chris. who seemed never to care about her, instead his attention was focused on the woman in red, who sat quite away from him.

A long loud applaud, came after she was done. many praising her work and abilities she shown. some felt too emotional to even drop out balls of tears from their eyes. Moreover, it never brought affection to Molly but instead felt calmed and relaxed.

bringing up the next event, some didn't expect that auction would be there even after knowing that this activity was usual to take place in many gala nights..they all thought this would be a dinner night to enjoy themselves and feel the pleasure of living but instead it all came to this.Anyways they hold gold, this shouldn't be something stressing if not ending up interesting with the fact that, the very known tycoon lady molly, didn't set a nose to sneeze within the process as she never took any chances to offer her bids in anything. some took auctions for show off with the wealth they own. Molly bet them all down and they know it.,hence no need to acquire things unimportant to her side just to remind everyone who she is and what she is capable of doing. to every last higher bidder made before sale. many would throw looks on her to hear what she would offer, but ended up letting them all drop hanging to her silent response. the wise admired this from her."why wasting it ,if you don't need it."

for quite sometime the auction took place, and the field breathe wealthy has many crushed upon one another's chances to posses the items on sale. a while later.,a smooth and a slow ballad with it's vocal was playing while the guests hit the floor in couple pairs and took their dances.

"May I have this dance miss Molly?".

a simple yet a humble request came upon her, has the palm of his hand was stretched out front of her sight, making a full a eye contact without even batting his lashes, Derick slightly smiled facing Molly.

for some reasons he knew he shouldn't have done this, it would bring him to no good in the end. but on the other hand, he wasn't a stranger, it shouldn't be all serious taking a dance from her despite the unlucky relationship they broke before.they were still friends, not enemies , not strangers either.

it wasn't actually a smile on her face but her facials expressed interest. and it wasn't a direct yes, but she placed her palm up against his. she was offering him her dance on the same floor among the many. a minute before it, chris had taken his steps towards her, maybe to grasp this chance and have a short talk with her or asking for a dance from her, something not assumably. yet,only stops on his tracks when Derick offered his hand and molly quietly accepted it. his hold on the glass suddenly went tighter, he wasn't angry rather disappointed by his own actions.

"you won't ask me if I dont., so can I mind taking this dance from you, Mr. christian?" she straightened her palm towards him, without batting an eye and that bright smile on her face, like a flash Vicky reappeared in front of chris' sight again. Goddammit, now this was anger on him. he despised her, and every image of hers on his pupils spell rage on his face.and yet, she was here asking for a dance from him.this woman really got the guts of doing so.

"ooh, come on!,Mr.chris, you wouldn't mind being so gentle, letting a woman offering her hand in front of you for a dance, all to a nothing..right!?"

it's true chris wouldn't mind, leaving her there to a nothing and ashame her. but it was about being gentle, not appropriate enough to let a woman who came asking for a dance and yet shit her aside. gentleman do what gents do.but her, "does she even know what being gentle is", he Wondered then looked at her and let go of his anger. he was never going to ask for her hand instead, he placed his hand on top of hers and overturned it slightly still facing her, she depressed her eyes on the hands and smirk smiled elevating her gaze to him,now her palm was on top of his.

this man wouldn't let her touch him, and he never made it look like he asked a dance from her, instead he gently accepted a dance she requested.. placing the glass on table, chris took his walk to the dancing floor with her. held her small waist while she kept her one hand on his shoulder, yet maintaining their distance between.

on the other hand, Derick never took his look off molly, he never stopped admiring this woman's beauty. if only she would have fallen in love with him, but that was too far his expectations,he knew molly and him weren't for each other, no matter how long he could wait and endure for her love.it will always turn out the same.

"you came home the other day, is there something you wanted to say?"

she questioned, looking at him still taking their slow dance. he was about to utter something before his mouth hanged open and swallowed back his words. he sides his gaze and takes a long breath,right before turning to her again.hesitated on what he was about to say. and molly felt that. "am sorry" he thought of this, before he jumbled it out, knowing it would only be useless, like how many times he said it to her and still received it cold without the answer he would rejoice to.

" do you need to think for that?"

"Not actually., just passed by to give you hi and a warm welcome back".."from the journey of course"

he said faking his smile on his face, it was so clear that wasn't what he wanted to say.but she wasn't a fool either to take it all from him. she knew, he went there for an apology, and just now she didn't expect him to say this but it sounded better this way. atleast the temperature wouldn't change that immediate.

"so, how was the journey.?"

" business type, quite fine."

"Mmh, I see."


"keep the distance, or this may not go quite well." she block into his sentence before he finished what he was about to say, thus then he realized he was holding her much closer than it was before and didn't feel so right for her.

meanwhile, chris was really getting enough of Vicky, she never stopped talking since when they began dancing., it's like she prepared herself too well, to get to the bottom of his anger and she wasn't going to make it simple for him even though chris never seemed to care on what she was saying not even uttering any words to her.but she was still oky with it.

"runah, must have enjoyed it enough, holding a man like you for all of her nights" she said and took a long silence gap before turning her head behind and notice what chris locked his eyes at. she frowns at the sight of her.,evil smiles and look back at chris, whose face was calm and pure.

"mesmerized by her beauty.,"

"Mmh..it wouldn't be so possible you have fallen for her."

"or Maybe not,..I mean, you haven't easily forgotten about runah." she said while slowly shifting her hand careful caressing, dragging it from his shoulder down to his lower part of the neck aiming at his chest. right before she could strike for that part, her hand was sudden caught by his hand.

"it's better if you learnt your limits,if you mind caring about gentleness"

with that she swallowed on hearing what he said, and just when she was about to say something else. he pulled her out of the floor and let himself off her. leaving her there, she clenched her hands and teeth with anger when her eyes caught the image of chris walking toward the direction of molly who seemed to walk off the dancing floor with Derick.

she was taking her seat on the couch, Derick had himself excused from her for a moment, lizzah was on a dance by then, when chris approached her and took the opposite seat on the couch facing Molly. it wasn't that simple to meet up with her. not just anybody can do. it required planned appointment and this was very unofficial just a nobody like chris to Molly taking his seat front of her like that. the bodyguard behind meant to show his guard not before a gesture came from molly to take it easy. chris was full of confidence, his facial expressed seriousness and his eyes never bat a fear. he looked straight into her eyes.

and just then lizzah came along standing beside her boss.looking at him, she felt familiar with the face. she pulled out her wide smart cellphone from the purse. in seconds, she handed it to Molly., who then gives it back after grasping the information on it. locking back her gaze on him, she surveyed him fully showing him her guards, not long before uttering

".. christian...wang." she called audible to his ears.her voice was authority yet womanly. it wasn't cold but very mischievous. it was a sound of rareness that spoke no much words and she looked exactly what her voice could tell.

it's his name that knocked his ears through that voice from her mouth. his express never change, he remained cool and settled. he too was reading her. and he knew she already knows who he was, with her standards, he could tell she was ideally aware of his being before her right now. her sources were deeper and wider to entirely know someone like him. for a fact it shouldn't be a matter of time to know it all.

patience is not her type..but this man was bringing her to it. she wasn't even intending to exchange word with him. but here she was, holding her legs downs widening her ears to hear from him. he wasn't smiling, frowning, pleading or even faking..his handsome face shown no emotions at all only that his serious gaze locked hers. he is interesting, she thought not before she went completely amused and impressed to what he just uttered


his voice, yes his manly deep, warmth voice echoed inside her ears. it was calm yet very expressive and audible that carried care and abilities. Molly wasn't taken a back by only that but with what he addressed her with.

for the first time since her fame, nobody ever titled her has lower has that. no, that wasn't enough. she doesn't remember encountering man strong enough to face her with confidence not batting an eye. he was interesting and she was interested to get more interestings from him.

she pulled up her neck, straighten her chest, folded her legs like before and rested her crossed arms on top of her thigh. she was there attentively together with Chris facing at each other,with a silence tension burning the moment calmly. it was then that lizzah witnessed a pure evil yet alluring smirk with a smile on her boss's face. something that never seen to appear on Molly's face before.she really was interested in this one.and that was written all over her face.