
Forgiveness? God?

In a space filled with just white a albino looking figure with his black sweatshirt with white sleeves suddenly asked.

"Now tell me.. where the heck am I?" Muttered the white haired teen to himself, he then looked below looking at his neck and his right arm.

'What? How can I still function without the Electroder Choker? I seem to have gained back my original calculation capabilities but More importantly where the fuck am I?'

But then as he look more closer.. The distance quickly shortened between them. Looking at the figure it front of him all he can describe is that the whole figure in front of him is literally fully white.

"Right right calm down Accelerator, I'm not gonna waste time and go straight to the point, Your dead."

Suddenly Accelerator's face was showing a scowl as he suddenly heard a claim from a stranger.

"Who the heck are you? GREMLIN?"

"No no.. Don't lump me with those wanna be freaks. Put it simply their existence if compared to mine is like comparing a dirt and a universe."

"God? There's so many religions out there and you think I'll believe it? or are you one of those so called Magic Gods?"

"HAHAHAHA!" When the figure called God laughed Accelerator suddenly felt a shiver.

'It seems that this guy is really what his making himself to be..' Right now Accelerator is in a kneeling position and tried to break free.

'Then I'll use the those "wings".'


Suddenly Black Wings formed behind Accelerator.

"It's no use you think that alone is enough to stand in front of me?"

Then 'God' pointed his index finger downward causing Accelerator once more to hit his head on the ground.

'FOCUS! YOU SON OF A B*TCH ITS NO USE RAGING RIGHT NOW' As Accelerator thought about that he calmed his mind as he was struggling then the Black Wings behind him is suddenly glowing white and a Halo was forming above Accelerator's head as he was know on his feet but struggling to stand properly.

"Do you really think that having an improved wings that you can also control might work? Your dead wrong buddy." Then so called 'God' once again pointed his index finger downward.

"AKHHH" with one last scream of pain Accelerator was once again was in the ground and looking up to 'God'.


After the 'God's' sight he talked once again.

"It looks like words isn't enough to tell you what's going.. well here goes another option"

He then pointed his finger to Accelerator's forehead and shoot a ball of light that went through his forhead.

After that though.. Accelerator who was swearing at 'God' shuts up and looked down and later then look upwards to 'God' with tears in his eyes...

"Is this true.."

What actually happened was, 'God' showed literally everything that happened to the Toaruverse eventually learning that the world he lives in actually was obliterated by Aiwass himself.

"What about Yomikawa, Yoshikawa, WORST, LAST ORDER AND THE SISTERS?! DID THEY ALSO DIE?! ANSWER ME! I WAS EXPECTING MYSELF TO BE IN HELL NOT IN FUCKING HEAVEN, SO WHAT IF SOME OF THEM FORGIVES ME? MY REDEMPTION ISN'T EVEN FAR FROM NEAR THE END YET, WHY AM I EVEN HERE HAH?!!" While Accelerator was breaking down.. He can't even take his frustrations to anything as he was pinned down by 'God'.



"Hey kid"

He then looked around to see four familiar figures. The one who took him in and acted as his guardian the Skill-Out Teacher Yomikawa Aiho. The Scientist who supported Accelerator, Yoshikawa Kikyou. The one who was the outlet of all Negative emotins of 'The Sisters' Misaka WORST, and last but not least,the reason why he strode into a different path.. the brat Last Order.

To Accelerator he considered them family.. Both Yoshikawa and Yomikawa as his Mother, While Last Order and WORST as his daughters. But it didn't stop there.. the 10,000 clones he killed from the Level 6 Shift Project was right in front of his eyes.

He then quickly looked at his side unable to look at the innocent clones whom he killed for his selfish reasons.

"Please.. Just leave me alone.. a shitty-trash villain like me doesn't even deserve to breathe right in front of you people.."

All of the people in there looked at each other and turned to Accelerator. But he seemed to can't face them. But one stubborn brat forced him by holding both of his cheeks.

"Accelerator.. Misaka demands you to listen to what Misaka is going to say" asks Misaka as Misaka is begging Accelerator with her puppy eyes." For Accelerator seeing Last Order tearing up makes his heart ache for not going with the flow of his 'daughter'.

"Tch.. fine! annoying brat.." As Accelerator sways his head to the group.

"""Apology Accepted!"""

"Says Misaka as she forgive Accelerator and thanks him for saving the remaining Sisters."

"Tou-san are you tearing up? Says Misaka as she's trying to contain her laughter.. pft.." WORST said as she attempted to tease Accelerator as she rarely see this side of his.

But as he heard her annoying voice his mood quikly change to his usual

"SHUTUP WORST! Just so you know that 'God' did something with my eyes!"

As time goes on, Accelerator had a conversation with WORST,The Sisters,Last Order,Yomikawa,Yoshikawa it was finally time for them to go.

"Accelerator always remember that we'll always be watching you from above no matter what happens."

As Yomikawa said their farewell Accelerator's scowl on his face quickly change into a blank looking face to frowning.

But 'God' then tapped Accelerator's shoulder.

"Remember what they said.. You are already forgiven.."

But then Accelerator felt something watery from his cheeks.

'Tears?' Right now without Accelerator's usual frown he looks like an Angel who lost his cause. His shoulder length white hair flowing.. his swine red eyes watery from the tears.. nose clogging making him hard to breath.

"I really lived a fucked up life huh?"

"I agree.. Even though you did... You did your best.."

After a few moments of silence, Accelerator managed to sober up and finally talked.

"So.. why am I still here?"

"I'm giving you an offer."

Accelerator then raised his eyebrow and is now with his usual scowl look.

"The catch?"

"Nothing.. it's completely just a one time offer specially for you."

"Tch.. talk then."

"Would you like to try to live life again?"









"Why the fuck should I? As it appealing as it sounds, I'd rather sleep for the rest of my life."

"Alright your wis- wait what?!"

Hmm.. I got plenty of ideas right now for this fanfic but school comes first our Thesis isn't done yet after all.

If I do not upload for 3 days expect a 2-3 Chatpers after 4 daysm. That's all thanks for reading!

Eruamcreators' thoughts