
Second life in Multiverse

Disclaimer: My story is shit, i just try to write one since I always wanted to write one and now I always bored with my fav novel have no updates. Updated is inconsistent and most chapter will consist of 5k to 6k or above words. Also story will all be AU since i can't trust myself to make it consistent with the source. New Synopsis: A nameless smuck want to meet ROB suicide and coincidentally (or is it) a ROB notice him, gave him a contract to live second life but it went downhill when he fail a contract/quest in Date a Live world and receive a Penalty Contract. Now stuck in Bloodborne world and through his odd personality and mindset plus willpower, he survived and now start a new life as a full fledged multiverse traveller with his 'exotic' harem. World: Bloodborne ReZero Date a Live (again) DxD (Now) Also have +18

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Tackling a Main Quest

Sitting on a skyscraper, Ray looks at the sky which is getting bright as daybreak is going to occur soon.

Ray feels at peace as this is the first time since Bloodborne world that he landed on modern civilization. Ah, he wanted this to last forever. He wanted to lay around all day while hugging his girls and be lovey-dovey.

(he see Tsukuyomi as girl or both but mainly as a female, a hole he gonna dip without hesitation.)

When he teleported away from the Ratatoskr, he didn't do it to actually meet Shido but he sensed something unpleasant. His passive psychic sense can currently cover one fourth of the world normally but he can extend it using plethora of ways like maximize magic, widen magic or over magic since the limitations for meta magic are lifted when he reaches lv 15 in Arcanist.

When he actively spread his psychic sense, he found multiple otherworldly entities wrenching havoc here and there while multiple secret organizations were dealing with them.

One of them is Ratatoskr, they even deploy two of their five airships and hundreds of other personnel to combat those entities which are supposed to be his quest.

He thought of killing those entities but he realised that is just a temporary solution, not a permanent one. He needs to seal the entry point that these otherworldly entities use.

Due to this, Ray spends the whole night scouring and seeking knowledge in his mind or from the cosmos to deal with this problem and he found two answers.

First is 88 Constellation Grand Rituals where he will make a grand ritual to borrow the constellation power to create a massive boundary layer to cover the world and prevent further entries of those entities.

This way is the simplest one since everything he needed is here and the material for the ritual is only his blood used to draw the ritual. The rest, the stars will handle since his affinity with stars is so strong that they are overly eager to help him.

However he needs to include the neighbouring world too or spirits will no longer enter earth.

Next one is the Spatial Displacement Array which is similar to the first one but instead of preventing them from entering, this array will send them on a first class flight to a nearby blackhole for vacation. This array has a special feature where he can select who to be affected.

Meaning that once it's created, he can mark anyone on earth he wants to go on a similar vacation but the cost is quite high even after discounted by his spatial manipulation, Cosmic Sicon and Cosmic Guidance.

According to Cosmic Guidance, the array will require an energy core to supply the array and he can use one of the free batteries called 'Red Giants' but he is too weak to even get one. He can use the sun as one but if the sun suddenly vanishes for a few seconds, no way those satellites will not notice.

If he is already at gold rank, he probably can temporarily hold the planets from falling off orbits. Right now, the best he could do is call an asteroid from the asteroid belt to hit a country or delete an island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

After much thinking, Ray decided to go with the first option. Beggar can't choose right, his goal now is to prevent more entries and this is the most cost friendly.

As he had already decided, he opened his eyes to look at the sun already raised slightly above the horizon. He takes a deep sniff on Artemis' hair that has the aroma of strawberries from the shampoo he used on her last night.

Artemis is sitting on his lap blushing like a lovestruck maiden while she enjoys the intimate act of Ray. Now Ray is finally worthy of his title as Sword Defiler after last night he spent with Artemis and Tsukuyomi in a presidential suite using some hypnosis and mental suggestion.

All her dissatisfaction with Ray who previously always spent time with Tsukuyomi, had disappeared. Due to their nature and Ray's Hemokinesis, they hardly get tired at all since it isn't considered as much of a rigorous act. The lovey-dovey session lasts the whole night until both weapon souls are physically full.

This is why Ray suddenly ends up in this location to look at sunrise. If he spends more time in the suit, the little succubus is going to kill his brother since Hemokinesis also has it's limit.

At least in open space like here, the most Artemis can go is kisses. Tsukuyomi however unlike Artemis is more reserved and prioritizes Ray satisfaction more than himself. Thus he mostly helped and didn't actively participate in most sessions. Though when he did, even Artemis cannot compete with him which probably due to his animalistic features.

"Here you are! Do you know how much problem you made for me." Kotori appeared in her commander outfit using Fraxinus teleporter.

Ray simply taps the left side of him to ask Kotori to sit next to him. Kotori about to burst out but she relent when she saw Ray's serious face.

"Ne mother, what can you see from over there?" Ray points at one of the back alleys leading into an industrial area where no one will ever enter normally.

"Hmn?" Kotori looks at the back alley Ray pointed but sees and feels nothing over there. She looked back in confusion at Ray who sighed.

"As I thought, you can't see it. Perhaps due to mother power sealed in father currently." He then unsummon Artemis and Tsukuyomi before he held Kotori's hand and teleported to the back alley.

Kotori was surprised by the sudden shift of space and looked at Ray but she saw Ray put a finger on his lips telling her to stay silent as he led her deeper into the alley.

At first she thought Ray are planning something bad by leading a girl into a deep dark alley but when she smelled the stench of blood, rot and decay. She immediately became more vigilant and focused on the surroundings.

As they walked deeper, the stench grew stronger and she started to hear a weird crunch noise. She prepared herself for what she was about to see but man she isn't prepared for weird insects looking aliens feasting on several still alive workers from a nearby warehouse from their uniforms.

Kotori immediately vomited as she saw the people get eaten alive starting from their lower limbs and slowly eating up to their head. Those people are shouting and writhing but no sound gets out of their throat as their flesh agonizingly gets torn off bit by bit.

Then Ray finally made a move using his Telekinesis to group those aliens before they get similar treatment of compressed into 'mystery meatball'.

Kotori then recollected herself before she went and checked the victims. She then calls Ray to help them. "Quick Ray, we need to help them."

Ray nodded, Kotori didn't see his face that lacked emotion as she was busy trying to stabilize the victim but she then saw the knives from Tsukuyomi pierced each of the victim's neck, deep enough that it cut off the nerve connection for a painless death.

This is the best he could do by giving them a quick and painless death. Even the victim's expression before their death is a peaceful smile, knowing that they are free of the painful hell and avenged.

"You! Why did you kill them! Why!" Kotori who is in shock by this sudden event is unable to think properly as she lash out on Ray which he understands.

Although Kotori is a spirit, she isn't familiar with this side of the world. However he needs her help for his next action which is why he is forced to show her the existence of otherworldly entities.

"I am saving them, after those torture, even if they are healed. They will not be normal anymore, this is the only help I could give. My duty as a hunter is to hunt, I do not save, I only hunt and kill those threats." Ray suddenly goes on autopilot as his mind suddenly recalls his days in Bloodborne under the effect of Cold Blooded Killer.

The quick minded Kotori finally understands his reason and reluctantly agrees. She still thinks there is another way to help them other than killing those victims.

"I show you this display because I want you to know that spirits aren't your only problem now. These aliens had recently appeared all over the world and Ratatoskr was also involved in this."

"Ratatoskr did? How did you know?" Kotori asked.

"I came from the future, remember? Although they are quite early this time. They should arrive when father already meets all my mothers" Ray lied.

"Yes Ratatoskr deployed two airships and hundreds of personnel to fight against these and they aren't the only organizations involved."

Ray then tries to convince her that this is a big issue. Kotori however is overwhelmed by the influx of information while Ray smoothly controls the conversation.

"What can we do? Fraxinus are equipped to save spirits and lack equipment and personnel to fight against these aliens." Kotori retorted.

"I don't need Fraxinus to fight, I only need you to ask the person named Elliot if I can talk to him. You should be able to do it right?" Ray finally stated what he needed to Kotori which suddenly became on guard.

"Yare Yare Daze, what an unfilial son I am." Ray retorted himself. "I had yet to introduce myself, right?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am Ray, Ray Elliot the spirit from the future." Ray bowed before he continued.

"I know Elliot Baldwin Woodman, I respect him greatly as he is involved in my creation and created Ratatoskr." Ray explained.

Perhaps he means that Elliot created this project to save spirits that gave birth to him. If that is so then understandable he would respect Elliot.

Although Kotori thought like that, Ray didn't bother to correct her. Elliot is involved with creation of first spirits along with other three individuals.

"I see, then I try to ask him immediately." Kotori excitedly said as she returned to Fraxinus. Ray cleans up the scenes and burns away all the corpses and 'meatball' before he went to Shido right now while Kotori is distracted.

Before he could initiate the teleportation, Artemis appeared and hugged his waist while acting seductively.

"Master, let's do it again. Artemis is itching for more…"

As if addicted, she keeps asking for more. Ray wondered if he opened a pandora box last night. Is it due to the personality mix up? There is a high possibility that his hidden desire caused this personality to manifest on Artemis since he spent his first whole life being horny and fantasizing about girls.

His current self is more reserved probably because of the low fertility of the great one race? Or he simply finds killing and bathing in the blood and gore of enemies is more arousing.

Or perhaps both.

"Artemis, if you keep getting horny like a rabbit on mating season, I will ignore you and play with Tsukuyomi until you learn to control yourself."

Artemis suddenly stopped and looked up at Ray as if her whole life was about to get ruined. Ray sighed before he lowered himself to peck her lips.

"I'm not angry at you but we already did so many times last night, you have to limit it or I have to castrate myself to regain my peaceful life. Okay?"

Ray said half serious before he patted her head.

"Mhn" She nodded.

Ray teleported to the vicinity of Itsuka Shido house, he unsummon Artemis before pressing the doorbell.

"Excuse me, Is Itsuka Shido at home!?" Ray shouted a bit before his enhanced hearing picked up the sound of footsteps from the upper floor.

He waited a bit before the door opened and he saw the current timeline Itsuka Shido.

"Ah excuse me, I am a relative of yours. I heard that you live here from a friend of mine that I asked to find you. I am glad you're healthy and well." Ray acted while Shido became stunned.

"Really!" Shido sounded surprised as he didn't have any recollection of having any relatives at all.

"Yes, you also have a sister from your original family but sadly I am still unable to find her." Ray faked his tear with hydrokinesis as Shido immediately sprang up to comfort him.

"Ah no need to worry, you definitely will find her sooner or later. Please come in, we can talk inside." Shido invited Ray inside since it's not good to talk at the doorstep.

When inside, Ray continues to act and exchange stories like a real long lost relative that finally meets with tea and snacks Shido made.

Kotori finally finished meeting with her benefactor, Elliot Baldwin Woodman for Ray's request. She finally returned to Fraxinus only to find everyone looking at her then the monitors that display Ray who are having a pleasant tea and snacks with Shido.

She already expects the worst case to happen. She curses in her mind with multiple scenarios playing in her mind.

"What is that idiot doing!"

"Report now! Quick!"

Kotori barks orders with imaginary flame spilling out of her mouth as her blood pressure rises every second. The crews look at each other while sending signals with eyes until everyone unanimously looks at Kyouhei.

" Ahem, err, Ray went to Shido after you returned from meeting him. He introduced himself as Shido's long lost relative and managed to convince him into believing his story and now they are having tea?"


Kotori shouted, then immediately returned to her house to save Shido. She is afraid that Ray will tell him about the spirits and he is his son.

She dropped off in her room and she sprinted down to the table where Ray and Shido are right now. She locks her eye with Shido while menacingly looking at him to shut him down.

"You and me out, we have to discuss. Now!" Kotori stated to Ray who happily walked out of the house while Shido was in shock that his cute little sister glared at him.

"What are you trying to do, I just took my eye from him for a bit and you already made a move on him." Kotori started with a lower tone so that Shido cannot hear.

"But I can finally meet my father, you never gave me attention so I now seek my father's attention." Ray uses bullshit no jutsu.

"Are you going to stop me after 4 centuries waiting for this moment and he is within my reach?" Ray tries to guilt trip her even if he didn't think he got this far and he might as well yolo it to see her reaction.

Kotori suddenly became complicated as she didn't know what to do. She wants to slowly introduce Shido into saving spirits but now Ray has been waiting for more than '400 year' to reunite with his 'father' but she is stopping him.

She tried to imagine her in his place if someone kept preventing her from meeting her beloved brother. She felt guilty about it since she will get angry too if someone did this to her.

"I see… I am being selfish too for pressuring you when I can just wait for a bit more." Ray put on a sad face before he left.

Kotori looked at Ray, slowly walked away but she stopped him.

"I cannot let you meet him yet but I can… I can spend some time with you in exchange." Kotori said it with much difficulty as she was about to embark her journey to look after her 'son' which she had zero experience in.

"Okay." Ray said in a cheerful tone, making Kotori feel that she just fell into a trap.

"So… how's the discussion with Elliot going?" Ray quickly shifts the topic before she realizes something fishy.

"He wanted to meet you immediately. He already arrived in a secret base of Ratatoskr within Tengu city."

"So are we going now?"

"Yes, let me deal with onii chan first before we leave."

Kotori enters the house for a few minutes before she exits it and we walk into a discreet corner where no one seems to use Ratatoskr teleportation. Although Ray can just put on invisibility and teleport them into Ratatoskr directly.

In the Ratatoskr hidden base, Ray is accompanied by Kotori who is wearing her commander's outfit. They were led into a room where Elliot Baldwin Woodman and Karen Nora Mathers. Karen is the elder sister of Ellen, the strongest wizard under Issac Westcott.

"Welcome Ray Elliot, I heard from Commander Itsuka that you came from the future." The kind looking man on the wheelchair welcomed us as we entered the room.

A young looking blond woman is pushing his wheelchair and holding a few documents looking like an attendant to him.

Ray could see that they are tensed as they can see his titanic amount of mana that the stars constantly fill him with and his natural mana pool. He knows that he needs to reduce the tension in the room as the longer he stays silent, the more wary Elliot and Karen will be as Elliot is about to grasp his golden dog tag to summon his CR Unit.

"Yes, I'm glad that mother explained to you so I can get to the point."

"Mother?" x2

Elliot and Karen sight alternating between Ray and Kotori who are fuming in anger since she purposely omitted the part she is his mother but he went ahead and told them.

"Oops, is that supposed to be a secret?"

The tension finally reduced as they focused on my status and identity. Ray spends some time explaining with half truth and bullshit no jutsu.

"So… you saying that you created by accumulation of spirit energy that Shido sealed in him making him and all other spirits you parents"

Ray nodded as Elliot tried to reiterate.

"But due to you being born of their spiritual energy, you cannot interact with them for the next 4 centuries until you somehow end up in the future?"

"Yes but I doubt I actually end up in the future." Ray stated

"You think this is a new timeline huh…" Elliot mutters

"Yes, the proof is the weird aliens you are fighting right now." Ray tries to get to the point.

Elliot and Karen looked at Ray with a surprised look. The existence of the aliens are kept secret unanimously, even their enemy, DEM agreed with this and will work together to protect the masses from the aliens.

"No need to be surprised, I saw two Ratatoskr owned airships and hundreds of personnel were sent all over the world to fight these aliens."

They nodded as they waited for Ray to continue.

"I have a way to stop them from appearing but I require some help from you which is why I ask my mother to arrange a meeting."

"What is it you need? I doubt I could help much other than monetarily. As you know, our forces are spreaded thin and we lack personnel to even run these bases if the aliens keep increasing." Elliot sighed as he thought of the trouble the aliens had caused.

"All I need is to borrow an airship with a large enough flat surface, around 80 meters in diameter."

"I can provide you with something you definitely need. A way to restore the vitality that you lost."

Elliot looked surprised as Ray even knew about his condition that resulted from him overusing his CR Unit. Karen also looked surprised as she always wanted to see Elliot healed from his side effects.

"This is Potion of Youth, a potent healing item that can heal any wound and even restore youth. In exchange for borrowing the airship, I will give you this." Ray took out the potion from his inventory which is somehow connected to his hair.

Everyone in the room except Ray is surprised by the effect of the red glowing potion. Elliot look very tempted but he managed to restrain himself.

"No need, just for helping against the aliens is enough. I couldn't ask for more."

Elliot sighed before Karen immediately scolded him saying that he should take the potion and he definitely needed it.

"Anyway, it looks like the discussion is a success. I will be leaving then and here, you definitely need this point if you want to stop Issac's future plan."

"Did something bad happen to me in the future?" Elliot asked with a serious face.

"Yes, Issac destroyed everything eventually using the spirit's core." Although he exaggerated it, Issac did destroy everything and forced Kurumi to send Shido back to redo stuff.

"Anyway, when will you need it?"

"The faster the better."

"Hmn… then I will entrust Commander Itsuka with the airship. I will be expecting good news."

Ray nodded before he took out a small box and a small vial then gave it to Karen.

"The side effect of the Potion of Youth is a sudden increase in libido since it was made using dragon heart blood as the main ingredient. So, make sure you seal the deal Aunt Karen." Ray left some 'tools' to Karen and gave her a wink before leaving with Kotori.

After he and Kotori left, Karen blushed intensely which was noticed by Elliot who was about to consume the potion. Karen quickly stopped him and rushed him to a more private room before she explained the side effect of the potion.

"That rascal even left another vial of viagra and 'tools' complete for doing 'sessions'." Elliot sighed as he looked at Karen who had her intention laid bare on her face saying that she is willing to help.

Back in Fraxinus, Kotori and Ray just returned using teleportation and were greeted by Kyouhei who somehow looked energetic.

"So mother… you promised to spend time with me." Ray looks at Kotori with great expectation.

Kotori, who was about to sit down to have a rest, stood back up and looked at Ray with a sigh. She told Ray that they look more like father and daughter than mother and son.

"Oh I can temporarily adjust that with my ability."

Ray can use polymorph magic to assume any form he can imagine but other than change of physical form, nothing else other than appearance will change. It's like temporarily stuffed into a suit of your choosing.

He decided to demonstrate the magic on himself to show them its effect.

"Prototype Magic, Boost Magic, Polymorphosis." A blank magic crest appears above and below Ray, the crest scan through his body as his body shrunken to that of a 6 years old.

"Like this, the magic can change me into any shape I want and I ask for my body to regress into a child."

Ray explains with his childish voice while his Hunter attire slowly readjust into his current size.

Artemis and Tsukuyomi summon themselves when they feel something has changed in Ray and are surprised to find their master shrunken into a child.

"Wha what happened, master!" Artemis immediately panicked and hugged Ray who currently are way shorter than her while Tsukuyomi looked at Ray with slight blush as he tried to hide his face with his sleeve but his tail and ears is a dead giveaway.

Tsukuyomi wrestles Ray back from Artemis hands. Ray, who notices the fluffy tail now looks way bigger than usual, swaying in a hypnotic pattern and the constantly twitching ears that are larger than his fist.

He tries to fight back the temptations but his desire overwhelms his rational thinking as he jumps head first to Tsukuyomi, forgetting about the magic demonstration and the people.

Ray ends up latching on the thicc and fluffy silver fox tail with blissful expression as he keeps digging his face on the tail and groping the silky smooth fur.

(Note: I write this when I'm half asleep and idk what happened to me at that time. I noticed only when editing.)

Kotori is speechless and grateful for the incident happening right now. She is speechless because she didn't know Ray has such an obsession with the tail and is grateful that Ray isn't pestering her anymore and she can finally rest in peace.

(No pun intended)

"I have decided, I will forever stay in this form. Ah the heavenly soft furs… I can fit my whole body to hug it." Ray exclaimed in bliss while his face was buried under in the tail.

Tsukuyomi, who was already used to his obsession with his tail, sat down on the bridge with his tail on his lap so he could pamper his master more while Artemis can only look in envy for not having a tail like Tsukuyomi.

"Anyway, When and where will you need the airship?" Kotori asked as she just remembered that she is the one controlling the airship they borrowed from Elliot.

"Tonight, here."

Kotori nodded in confirmation but wondered how will he use it and for what reason he needed an airship of such specific requirement.

While the shenanigans happening on Fraxinus, the almost forgotten Warrior Queen Scáthach parted ways with Ray before he had fun with his weapon souls.

Ray lets her have her fun with the otherworldly entities since she is uninterested with the whole date and saves spirits. Thus she parted ways with Ray and went to the world gap where the otherworldly entities went through to enter earth.

At first, she only found grunts or several stronger one invading the physical earth but as she went deeper into the world gap, she found something shocking and worrying.

She found a whole army of different aliens led by a human or at least looked like a human. Without needing to investigate much, she knew the leader was an apostle of an outer god.

Her arrival spooked the leader who suddenly shouted her name and something about the wrong world. Scáthach however didn't care about what he was blabbing about. Only thing she knew was that she found the enemy and she was going to do some cleaning up.

The battle is a one sided slaughter with her Gate of Skye and her master's constant influx of mana.

"Please forgive me! I learned my mistake. Please let me go… my master will not forget your generosity."

The humanlike alien leader keeps pleading but Scáthach simply plunges her crimson red spear into its head that holds its core which bursts into pieces like a smashed watermelon.

Scáthach has slaughtered countless gods that she transcended her humanity, what does offending another god will affect her? She would perhaps do it just for fun like how humans enjoy hunting wild animals.

When she finished her battle, she looked for another way to find more enemies to pass her time since her master hadn't ever called her for help or anything yet.

(Note:I kinda woke up at 5 am and wrote the earlier part right. I kinda forgot Scáthach until halfway through the Ray meet Elliot and Karen part.)

Evening in Fraxinus, Ray is still latching on Tsukuyomi's tail while sleeping. Despite a lot of effort made by the crews, Ray remains unresponsive to their attempts.

Ray spending majority of his mind capacity to use abilities like Greater Clairvoyance, Cosmic Guidance, Cosmos Forbidden Knowledge and Precognition to modify and patch up the ritual magic he is going to use.

This is his first time ever making a ritual on a grand scale like this. He wanted his first time to be perfect which is why he kept emulating the ritual, making it work properly.

The way it works is by using his will to express his desire then he provides mana to make it happen. Then the chant will be used to make the desire and imagination more vivid for the magic to work better. The ritual however is mostly for stability, includes metamagic and failsafe if mana gone haywire.

However he also discovers through his Greater Clairvoyance and Precognition that he will need to bear the effect similar to when he implemented the job function. His mind will be given all knowledge indiscriminately even if he only needs information about the ritual.

It's like attending school but all the teachers in the scholl teach at the same time and Ray has to focus on what he needs only while information will overload his mind. Thankfully his willpower is way stronger than usual due to his constant use of psychic abilities.

The infirmary door then opened and Kyouhei, Reine and Kotori enter through the door to see Ray still latching on Tsukuyomi's tail.

"It's almost night time and he still haven't woken up yet?" Kotori vented her frustration while sighing.

"Should we continue to wait or wake him by force?" Kyouhei asked and gained a glare from Tsukuyomi who sent out several knives but stopped by a mental command from Ray.

Ray finally opened his eyes that look normal rather than universe like eyes and stretched a little before giving a kiss to Tsukuyomi who remained impassive but his ears and tail are a different matter.

"Why is everyone here for?" Ray asked while sitting on Tsukuyomi's lap while his arms held together to hold Ray. They would look like siblings if it wasn't for their different physical features.

"Waiting for you of course, idiot hmph" Kotori who looked angry was actually nervous since she was afraid that whatever Ray is going to do will fail.

Kotori is already burdened by her duty to save spirits that can cause chaos. Now the aliens' numbers are increasing very rapidly according to reports that Elliot revealed to her.

She spent the whole time thinking about what Ray could do with an airship to fix the issue but it all came to a dead end and she couldn't figure out what Ray would do.

"Let's have some food, I'm craving caramel pudding." Ray groaned.

Dispelling his magic, Ray returned to his actual body appearance. His outfit also changed its size to accommodate his enlarged body.

"Let's go, we can talk when we fill our stomachs." Ray excitedly walks out the infirmary with Tsukuyomi and Kyouhei tailing behind him.

"Kotori, I studied his behaviour as you asked. He exhibited symptoms of personality disorders that usually appear when experiencing traumatic events. He usually is either suddenly expressive or impassive but will return to him like this morning when the situation presents itself."

"So this might explain his sudden mood swings. When I first met him, he felt normal and just a little childish but this morning… he felt different. Almost like another person replaced him but after that, he returned to his previous personality." Kotori explained then asked if Reine had any more information but she tiredly shake her head

"Hmn, good work. We will wait and see what he will do tonight." Kotori dismissed Reine before leaving the infirmary.

"Just who are you Ray, you feel exactly like Shido I made but missing the spirit vessel." Reine mutters with an inaudible voice as she plops to a nearby chair.

After a series of negotiations with Kotori, he was finally able to get a credit card to pay for his food. With financial issue covered, Ray went to Tengu city to find a restaurant or cafe to eat with Artemis and Tsukuyomi who disguised his animal features using illusion magic.

His harem incite various feelings from the onlookers. Since their group look like actual cosplay and his face half covered but Tsukuyomi and Artemis are in full view.

Various people that saw this feel jealous because most of them are highschool students that are still in school vacation and wander the evening streets.

Ray then went into an expensive looking restaurant that Shido brought Tohka with during his first date. They sat down and only Ray ordered anything.

Suddenly a random guy stopped by Ray's table before he bowed down 90 degree sharp and shouted 'aniki'. The whole shop and the employees turned their heads and looked at Ray.

Ray's appearance, which kinda looks intimidating in this case, didn't help at all. People start to whisper among themselves. He heard some even said that Tsukuyomi and Artemis are offered as tribute to him with his enhanced hearing.

—Other PoV—

I was Ikki Masamoto, or previously named Kelvin Klein. My parents name me after an underwear brand which cause me to always be bullied in school.

One day I was run over by truck kun while returning home from school. I died and met god who introduced me to a place called the Supreme Reincarnator Room where I will be given a new life and able to do missions and accumulate points to exchange for benefits.

I accepted my first mission which is to steal a spirit's sepirah core using a device given by the room.

When I arrived in Tengu city, I blended in with the people and even joined Raizen High School in the same class as Shido while waiting for canon to start.

On one random day, I walked in the shopping district where Shido usually goes to date with spirits. I randomly walk past a restaurant and suddenly feel a strong presence within. I stopped to find it and saw a guy wearing clothes like a cosplayer while accompanied by two 'girls'.

I unhesitatingly use the bread and butter of all reincarnators, Observation. What I saw shocked me, I immediately knew that this guy is a big shot, probably doing missions in this world too like him.

Since it isn't uncommon for two or more reincarnators from a group to complete their missions which means, multiple people can enter the same world.

What I saw is truly mind blowing, his level alone is in the hundreds. His title is even more domineering than mine. What can a title like Novice Zombie Hunter can compare to title like Beast Slaughterer.

(Note: The results of observation of this reincarnator will look different than Ray's true stats.)

The finisher is when I saw his stats that have 5 digits, compared to me who is still in two digits. Quickly I ran to him and bowed a perfect 90 degree sharp then shouted 'aniki'.

I don't care if I am called shameless after what happened yesterday, the stars shine brightly and I swear I saw the moon right above Tengu city.

It's better to be under the wing of another expert. Even if I'm just a lowly henchmen, at least I have a tree to hide under if shit hit the fan.

—End PoV—

Ray calmly invite the guy to take a seat next to him. He checked with his Observation and confirmed that this guy is a reincarnator.

"Aniki! My name is Ikki Masamoto, I'm a newbie that undergoing my first mission. I hope aniki can help me."

The reincarnator called Ikki introduce himself like an insurance agent trying to sell me whatever insurance that I never needed. His smiling face and constantly rubbing both hand together cemented that image on him right now.

While Ikki is talking with Ray, the next table which is quite near overheard their conversation.

"Mission, are they gang members?" A guy whisper to his girlfriend.

"The guy with two girl look very intimidating, he probably the boss." The girlfriend whisper back while occasionally spy some glances to Ray.

When Ikki about to continue talking, Ray raised his hand to stop him from further talking since it annoyed him a little and he feel like burying this guy six feets under.

Ray restraint himself since he is still in public space. He wanted to eat first before returning to Fraxinus before Kotori start searching for him.

When the food arrived, he quickly devour it before paying with card given by Kotori. When he leave the restaurant, Ikki followed him which he is thankful for.

"Ah Ikki was it?"

Ikki nodded before walk closer to Ray but he didn't expect Ray to suddenly hold his face with his palm with a bored face.


Lighting effect appear on his palm after Ray activate his Psyker skill to enthrall this reincarnator. He can see that Ikki's eye visibly turn dull and his expression turn neutral when the skill successfully enthralled him.

"What is your name?"

"Kelvin Klein"

"Pft…" Ray didn't expect this situation at all.

"Your father's name?"

"Calvin Klein"

Ray was speechless, the son is named after a counterfeit brand while the father is named after the real brand. Did this family have a weird tradition or anything. Perhaps generation of underwear maker for some royal family or whatever.

"Anyway, go kill yourself somewhere hidden or far away no one will see. Better if you just bury yourself alive."

"Yes!" The mind controlled Ikki salute before running away to carry out his order while Ray returned to Fraxinus with his weapon souls using spatial manipulation.

When he arrived at Fraxinus, Kotori led him to the teleporter and moved to the airship he borrowed from Elliot.

"What are we doing next?" Kotori asked while another crew that manning the airship busy typing on their terminal trying to lift off the airship.

"We fly as high as we can."

Kotori look at Ray weirdly before she nodded and gave order to the crew. Suddenly the door to the bridge opened and a blond haired young man entered with Karen that look visibly glistening.

"I hope you don't mind me spectating." Elliot who now looked in his prime said while look irritated on Ray.

"Ah Sir Elliot, you recovered without a problem I hope. By the look of her face, you probably did."

Ray smile mischievously which cause a vein to popped on Elliot's forehead while Karen blushed harder.

Kotori who didn't understand what happened look at Ray who shrugged in reply before focusing on the crew and monitors.

"How long until we reach maximum altitude?"

"Seven minutes."

Ray nodded before he took of his right glove part of the gauntlet showing his command seals which attract the attention of Kotori, Elliot and Karen. The latter two sensed the magic power contain in the command seals.

Ray grip his fist before lifting it to the air and called for Scáthach.

"With the power of the command seals, I order you Scáthach to come to my side."

After Ray finish ordering, an awkward silence permeating the bridge until suddenly his hand shine in red light as the command seal activated and a woman in black skintight body suit appeared.

"Finally you called for me master, I thought you forgotten about me." Scáthach spoke in a alluring tone as she dismissed her spears.

Her bodysuit are stained with blue and green fluids which he assumed is her victims.

"Need help cleaning?"

Scáthach declined Ray's offer as she clean herself with her Primordial Rune.

Elliot and Karen look alarmed when Scáthach just arrived because of her dense bloodlust which almost became tangible since she had killed countless beings. They relaxed slightly when she called out to Ray, they seemed to be related and trustable.

"I need your help to protect me when I initiate the ritual. I sense a few big one nearby."

Scáthach nodded before replies. "I see, I will be in spiritual form for now." Then she dematerialised into golden particles.

Elliot and Karen who had been listening to Ray talking to Scáthach are surprised when Ray said he will do a ritual. They immediately assumed that Ray will do magic ritual since Ray himself possesses a lot of mana and wanted to confirm it.

"Ray, you know magic?"

"Of course Sir Elliot, CR Unit is a magic device after all right?"

Elliot's eyes widened since Ray knew about the truth of CR Unit. Kotori however assumed Ray called CR Unit as magical device because it is too futuristic for current times instead of it being literally a magic device.

Everyone quiet down after that and Ray are waiting for the appropriate time when the stars are visible enough in the sky.

The airship had reached maximum altitude which are now above the clouds. He wanted to use the clouds to hide the flashy effect of the ritual later.

He find a spot to sit while he pamper both Artemis and Tsukuyomi who summoned themselves on Ray lap and waited.

While waiting, he takes out the weapon blueprint he obtained from lottery. The weapon have two modes, shotgun and a sniper rifle.

When Ray read the 'how to make it' part, he immediately disinterested since he require alchemy and blacksmith skill to process the material and manufacture the weapon.

He return the blueprint into his inventory before equipped his Ring of Protection.

Soon, the time reached around 11 pm when Ray finally stood up while Tsukuyomi desummoned and Artemis turn into 1H form before he told everyone "It's time."

"You all simply need to stay here and I will handle the rest."

Then Ray disappeared and reappear on top of the airship.

Ray summon Scáthach and Tsukuyomi to guard him while Artemis will be used as his magic focus. His willpower isn't well trained enough to handle ritual this big which is why Artemis is needed to focus his willpower.

Ray stood in the center of the airship surface before he made a cut on his right hand where the command seal.

'Master?' Artemis shocked when Ray suddenly made a deep cut on his palm.

Ray ignore Artemis and used his Hemokinesis to regenerate his blood faster and manipulate them to draw out a large magic circle using his blood.

The magic circle has three layers to it, first layer is the core to create a stable container and path for the mana to congregate.

Next is slots for him to put Metamagic to boost the ritual. Usually only one Metamagic can be used on one magic but Metamagic Mastery unlocked that restriction.

Then the final layer is the displacement magic for if the magic fails, the magic will be sent to certain Isaac's company to explode. The final layer also has the frame of the ritual, the structure of the ritual which is like the foundation of a building which holds it together.

When the magic circle is fully drawn, a dense amount of magic flows from Ray's left hand into Artemis that he holds. The mana then redirects to the magic circle causing it to shine brightly while light blue and purple particles float around due to the dense mana in the surrounding area.

Ray looked at his status and saw his health and mana is decreasing very fast.


NAME: Ray Elliot

RACE: Human Hybrid


TITLE: Caretaker of the Dream, Cosmic Sicon, Odeon Beloved Child, Loved by Moon

LEVEL: 7 (Iron)

HP: 21,170/40,640

MP: 17,921/70,160


His mana is fine since the Cosmos keep filling his mana pool but his health regenerates very slowly unlike his true body which regenerates a percentage of his total health every second.

Scáthach and Tsukuyomi are protecting Ray so he can focus with the ritual without worry but losing this much blood made him feel lightheaded.

Ray prepared himself for the cringe chant but he still wore his bandanna to hide his face. His hair and eyes changed to his cosmos theme as he started chanting.

"By my name Ray Elliot the Cosmic Sicon, I ask for your guidance and your help oh cosmos.

From the depths of the universe to the abyss of void beyond the stars."

After that, the stars glow in blinding light as threads of light descend from the starry sky onto Ray's body. The knowledge and power it provides, the burden of it also piled up very quickly.

He has to bear the burden while his mind fully focuses on quickly obtaining the necessary knowledge of the ritual for him to cut off the constant stream of information from bursting his brain.

However, unlike what he expected, the burden is so overbearing that he falls to his knees because he cannot spare any of his willpower that currently controls the ritual to control his body.

Scáthach is torn between stopping the ritual or letting it continue as a foreign feeling inside her wants to quickly stop the ritual and save Ray.

As she is fighting her internal turmoil, Ray starts to bleed through his closed eyes and nose due to his brain functioning beyond its limit.

Before she is able to worry about Ray, a crack in the space causes her to be on alert as she materializes her twin crimson spears.

"Charge, kill that spell caster!"

"Hmph, as if I let you disturb my master." Scáthach yeet her spear that pierced and exploded in the alien leader's head.

She teamed up with Tsukuyomi to kill the incoming aliens. Scáthach kills them with great efficiency as each move of her spear, at least five aliens are killed by her spears. Meanwhile, Tsukuyomi create a wall using the defensive plates to gather the aliens and slaughter them like pigs in a slaughterhouse using his knives.

—Other PoV—

Several minutes before, the people in the airship's bridge saw Ray teleported above the airship. He landed on top of the airship holding 1H form of Artemis before he made a cut on his palm.

The blood magically flows out of his hand to form a magic circle. They saw as the amount of blood which is fatal for any normal human, continuously flowed out of his hand until the three layered magic circle formed.

"That… he is doing 'that'." Karen spoke out to Elliot who silently nodded while attentively watching Ray. Kotori heard Karen and look even confused as she recognised that is a magic circle she usually see in fantasy stories or games.

"What is 'that' he is doing… is it magic?" Kotori asks although she keeps trying to deny the existence of magic in her heart.

Elliot can read her confusion and her denial. He thinks that she deserves to know the truth since Ray already showed it to her.

"Yes, you don't need to be surprised. Isn't spirits utilizing magic as power too. Even the CR Unit is a tool that enables people to use magic."

Kotori is shocked and speechless from learning the truth. She understands that spirits are using magic but CR Unit…"

"Commander Itsuka, we detected a massive build up of spiritual power." A crew reported.

They look as Ray finishes chanting and the magic circle glows then shines brightly as mana particles drift around in the mana saturated atmosphere.

Then they saw Ray fall to his knees with his left hand holding on to Artemis that embedded slightly to the surface. His face is sweating heavily and twisted as if he is enduring pain.

When Ray started to bleed from his eyes and nose, Kotori panicked and wanted to help him using her healing flame but she didn't know how.

Although she never shows it, she actually cares for her 'son' that she never knew until recently that came from a distant future.

"As I thought…"

Kotori quickly looks at Elliot who is studying Ray and mutters something. She knew that her benefactor knew what was happening.

Before she could ask, Elliot saw her expression and knew what she was going to ask. He sighs experately before he grips his front hair and explains as simply as he could to Kotori.

"Magic needs fuel like how a bulb needs electricity to produce light. The scale of the magic he is doing right now is like powering a city with a small power generator."

"Then it should simply fail right? Since his output isn't enough to power it, it should simply fail right?"

Kotori asked but she knew from Elliot's facial expression that it isn't that simple.

"I wish that is the case but there is another type of fuel that can power the magic and I assume that is what he's doing."

"Another type of fuel?"

"Yes, a magic user can sacrifice their lifespan to power a magic if they are forced to." Karen, who was silently standing beside Elliot, answers Kotori.

Kotori blankly looks at Elliot and Karen while ignoring the report about the aliens' arrival by the crew.

"Then, is he killing himself to cast that spell?" Kotori asked while her head was lowered as her front hair covered her wet eyes.

"I wouldn't say so, he probably will simply have a reduced life span or injury since a spirit should be more durable than a normal human." Elliot tries to comfort her which succeeds as she lifts her head and looks at Ray with a determined face.

"I'm going to help." Kotori said before running to the airship exit before she transformed.

Little did they know that Ray is fine and none of this will have lasting effect on him but Kotori misunderstood and thought her 'son', Ray is crippling himself to save his parents that live in Tengu city.

If Ray knew about this, he would probably laugh and say that he will never willingly cripple himself to save everyone unless it's a main quest. The most he would do is to protect important people only.
