
Second chance?! [Dropped! For now!]

(BE WARNED!!! THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL AND ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!) Alex Walsh was only a guy, which had an average life, and he like anime, manga, novel, etc. Yet, when he died at 18, he got an offer from God to be his entertainer, but got also the chance to become a God. Watch how his journey to Godhood. First World: Danmachi Second World: MHA 1 chapters/week This is a warning for those new readers that wants to read. This novel is a novel that is written FOR FUN and FOR ME TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILL. I was kind of astonished to see a progress in my writing skill, as I compared the very first chapters and the latest ones. So don't expect me to change the whole old chapters. Kind of dumb of me when I wrote the very first chapters. Good day for those who read this!

Mikejd · Anime et bandes dessinées
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177 Chs

Ch.1 Lucky one?

My name is Alex Walsh just your average guy who wants to enjoy life the fullest. My age is 18 and I've just graduated from high school. Well as I homeschooled for highschool marks, I used most of the day to read novels and manga.

"Well hello, young man." said ???

As I notice someone is speaking I opened my eyes and search for the source of the voice. He's like an old man yet wise-looking like Gandalf, and he's wearing a white robe.

"Hello... sir?..." I said

'Hmm... have my room been this bright before and why am I on the ground? Wait this isn't my room?! Did I get kidnapped? Wait there's no way I got kidnapped, my family isn't rich or influential figure. Wait did I got kidnapped for my organs?' I thought as I search my body making sure there're no stitches or blood.

"Your organs didn't get removed from your body and this is my domain." said ???

"Well then thanks for your explanation, sir. But if I'm being frank, who are you?" I said while I'm calming myself down

"You could say I'm God from your perspective," said God.

"Wait if I'm not wrong, am I dead? Because from the novels if you are in front of God then you're dead?" I said while wanting to know the answer to my curiosity.

"Yes, you died while sleeping. For your curiosity, do you want the process of you dying?" said God as he answered my thoughts.

"Hm... I'll say no because I don't want to become depressed as well as the past is the past."

"Ok then do you have more questions?"

"Oh, why am I here by the way?" I said.

"As you can see that you are picked to entertain me but at the same time you will have a second chance to live." God said.

"Why me? Like look, I'm only a high schooler who only reads novel and manga and don't have much expectation in my life."

"Just say that you are lucky for being picked."

"Then thank you for this chance. If I may ask do I get wishes?" I said excitedly.

"Yes, you have 5 wishes. You know the rules since you read novels which are no godhood and immortality since you will be a god yourself if you thrive for it."

"Wait can I have my second life in anime worlds? and can I go to other worlds?" I said with a fanatically face.

"Yes but you need to be the strongest or the apex of that world since the law of the world will bind you if you're not strong enough. that's why you need to be the strongest in order to unbind the law of the world. If you master the law of space, you travel the worlds freely." God explained.

"Since I need to be the strongest, I need a body that has the highest potential or the strongest then," I said while racking my brain.

"Well that is a wise wish and you are right. Then I'll take that for the first one, what about the second one?"

"Hm... since I will be moving worlds to worlds I need a body that can accommodate various energy at once, so I don't explode nor destroying my foundation."

"Well said, the third one?"

"I want a system like in the novels but with an assistant, since I need tips in the new world where I don't have the basic skill to survive," I said.

"I could make one, do you want to customize the assistant voice or the HUD/window?"

"Yes please if you would. Oh, can you make the system to be shared with the others?"

"Ok, then but you need to choose carefully."

"Thanks for the warning, for the fourth I want a world which tied to my soul with an automatic farm if you could."

"Noted, this is the last wish, choose wisely," God said.

"Do changing appearance is a wish?" I said while thinking hard.

'If it's a wish, then I can't wish for all the energy in the anime world. If I don't get that energy wish, I can't practice earlier.'

"For the changing appearance, it's not a wish and for the energy, you can't wish for that because it's too much or rather you don't want energy which you don't know right? You will get the energy when you completed a mission that rewarded you for example [Haki] skill then you will get the corresponding energy or buying it on the shop or learning it yourself in that very world. For the method to practice it, the knowledge will be transferred to your brain when you choose to get from mission rewards or buying it from the shop system. And the energy that you have will integrate with your world which means even if you move to another world like from one piece to bleach, you can still practice [Haki] in your own world." God explained

"Thank you for explaining God."

"You're very welcome, Then what is your last wish?" God asked

"For the last one, I want super growth which will make my skill level up faster and to be more talented as well at the same time."

"Ok then is that all?" God said

"Wait! Can you make a body for the system assistant? Just make it live in the world that's tied to my soul and can you make it so it can communicate with me even if the time in the world is different from the real world?" I said

"Noted, well.. do you have any more request?"

"Then no, thank you, God!" I said

I'm new here and this is my first EVER novel or fanfic. As a starter i want to request to you "THE READERS" to critic so i can learn more than before. And so thank you for reading

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