
Chapter 44

“Second time.” Her soft whisper turned into sniffling as I felt her beginning to cry. Time to say something embarrassing, or else we were going to be stuck inside the whole day.

“Also, the sun’s setting, so we better get going!” I laughed as I let her go, watching her tear herself off me and press her face up against the nearest window.


* * * *

“Why did I agree to this?” Aria’s voice drifted into the soft evening air as we walked side by side. The setting sun gave the entire town a maroon tone, sharp reds cutting through the yellows and oranges. Aria looked especially dazzling, her white hair capturing dancing ribbons of fire.

The streets had a somber silence to them as it seemed like everyone had barricaded themselves in. Aria had given me a brief rundown on what happened last night, and now that I was out here, I could see why. Without Aria by their side, they wouldn’t dare move a muscle.