

"How dare you? How could you scold our princess?" the father scolded the boys. Just then the mother and their princess returned from the kitchen with the cake. Their princess was busy munching on the cake while the boys were being scolded for disciplining their little sister.

"But dad! I was not the one who scolded her!" Carlos exclaimed, feeling unfair.

"On the first day itself, she punched two people, dad!" Calvin exclaimed as well.

"Well, I don't see what wrong she did. They troubled her and she taught them a lesson. As simple as this." The replied, relaxing his posture. The boys moved towards the seating and sat down beside the father.

"But father-" Calvin started when he cut in between by his elder brother, Carlos "Violence isn't an answer every time mom and dad."

"Agreed, violence isn't an answer. Buttercup, you need to learn this. It's your own brothers, they love you a lot. Listen to them, okay?" The mother sweetly explained to her daughter.

"Yes, mother" she pouted and agreed.