
Blood Donation

[ In the Hospital ]

Nurses are carrying Amy and moving towards the operation room. Her beautiful face is covered in blood. Ronie is crying😭, he is cursing himself " why didn't I believe her? it's all my fault. Amy, I am really sorry. please Amy, you have to live for me. please Amy, please. "

After two hours, Dr. approached towards Roney. He was trembling in fear, his hands were shaking and the tears are continuously flowing from his eyes, Amy's blood-soaked face was repeatedly coming in Ronie's head, it was the most painful scene for him. Then he looked towards the Dr., but when the Dr. hesitated and the lines on his face deepened, Ronie froze in his tracks. Yet he heard himself ask, "Is he...." Then the words sunk down into his chest at pitiful shake of his head.

"she lost too much blood and went into coma" the Dr. said with a sad look. He froze after hearing those words from the Dr.

" We have to do the operation immediately but we need blood and the Blood bank has closed. Now it will open in the morning. If it is not operated now then her life could be in danger. " the Dr. said with a sigh.

" I Will bring the blood, please tell me her blood group. " Ronie said while crying, a hope of light flashed in his eyes.

" It's 'O positive' ", the Dr. immediately replied.

" My blood group is also 'O positive'. " Ronie stopped crying and immediately said " please, take my blood. "

" let's immediately go to the blood donation room. " the Dr. said with a feeling of hope in his eyes. Roney donated his blood, after donating the blood he fell dizzy and fainted.

[ In the morning ]

When Roney woke up, he saw himself laying on the couch. Then he immediately stood up and rushed towards Amy's room. A nurse is sitting in amy's room, Ronny asked her " How Amy is now, is she alright? " The nurse looked towards him and said with a light smile " Hey kid, calm down. she is out of danger now, but she is still weak, let her rest. " then she left the room.

Roney is quitely watching her. He lightly smiled and tears overflowed with joy from his eyes. He is reliefed because Amy is out of danger now.

To be continued :-