
Search For The Dragon Soul

In this creation their are era's. Each era will be ended in a different way only two beings in creation will achieve absolute power to fight End itself. Follow Ren on a journey to find his origin and to find more about the mystery of the era's and creation. [before the dawn of creation]: There was once a god who step on plane of nothingness, he decided to create life and two gods, the first god was Alpha and the second is Omega, both god's fell in love with each other for million's and trillion's of years. but one day calamity strike to the Alpha, he suddenly went insane for unknow purposes he started feeding of the narrative's of the book's of creation. so Omega decided to take matters into her own hands. he fight his lover for day's on end until one day, Omega finally stop the rampage of his lover, Omega managed to temporary seal Alpha. After that Omega give birth to their son Alpha Omega he procced to create two absolute power, so one day the two power's could protect all creation from the awakening of his father. P.S.. I changed the synopsis because this is much more better and that happened before the events of the first Era and this my first time writing a story hope you enjoy reading.

CJD_09 · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

Somebodies following us?

Chapter 23

Almost dawn. Theresa was having a nightmare.

"Khhh! s-stop! a-aah!" Theresa face was sweating while she's sleeping.

*In the dream*

"Stop it! no more! don't kill any more of them!" said Theresa in crying voice.

"Your to weak Theresa!" Sataneal then pulled Theresa's hair up. "You know, i should thank you. you lead me to that amazing power. HAAAA!" Sataneal then chained up Theresa. Sataneal walk towards the unconscious Ren and Rey.

"What are you planning to do?!"

"What am i gonna do?" Sataneal let out a evil grin, she chained up Ren and Rey. "I'm gonna kill them!"

"What?!" said Theresa almost in tears. Sataneal Then summoned two spear, and the she launched the spear at the both of them.


*dream ends*

"Noooo! Ha-ahh" Theresa woke up sitting on the bed. her face was sweating and she was panting very hard. she looked at Ren and Rey, she felt relief that it was only a just nightmare.

"Thank god, it was only a nightmare." she was still panting. Theresa then looked at the window and see that the sun was rising. "I don't know if i can go back to sleep. i should just make food for the both of them." Theresa got up from the bed, when she was about to go to the kitchen, but she looked back at Ren and Rey. she smiled.

"Both of them are so cute when they're sleeping." she then leaned over the bed, and she kiss Ren and Rey's forehead. "sleep well you two."

Theresa went to the kitchen, and she tied her hair into a pony tail and she wore a apron. Theresa cooked the remaining meat that Ren brought. she was cooking for about 35 minutes, but she didn't know Ren and Rey were already awake. so the both of them went to Theresa.

"Theresa will the food be finish soon?" said Ren in a sleepy voice, while he's head was on Theresa's left shoulder. Theresa was suddenly spooked.

"KYAAAA! Ren your already awake? how about Rey? Hm?"

"Mom, I'm hungry. is the food done?" Said Rey in a sleepy voice, while hugging Theresa.

"Come on you two, i can't cook like this if you two are here, just wait for 5 more minutes okay."

"Alright. come on Rey let's wait on the dinner table." said Ren

"Alright Dad." Both Ren and Rey sit on the chair, their eyes were half awake. after 5 more minutes the food was done. Theresa put the food on the table, and the three of them started eating



After 30 minutes they're already done eating. after that they cleaned everything in the house, and then the three of them finally go to the kingdom and see if Rey is there son. they arrived at the place where they will take their DNA.

"Well if isn't Mr. Ren and Ms. Theresa." The doctor suddenly notice a boy with them. "And who might be this young boy be?"

"Well he's is our son." Said Theresa. the doctor was shocked, the coffee he drink came out of his mouth.

the doctor coughing. "What?! i never knew you two would have a son. so why are you here exactly?"

"Were here for a DNA test." said Ren.

"A DNA test? i thought he's your son?"

"Well he said that were the parents. so that's why were doing a DNA test if it's true or not." said Theresa.

"Alright. come on this way."

The three of them followed the doctor to the DNA test room. the doctor took their blood, saliva and other more. after that Ren, Rey and Theresa went back home, because the doctor said to wait for at least a day.



At Ren's house evening.

"Look's like were gonna wait for a day." said Ren.

"Hey Mom, do i have a Uncle or a Auntie?"

"Um.. you do have a Auntie, but i don't know if you have Uncle."

"Can i meet my Auntie right now?"

"I don't really know where your Auntie is right now."

"She might come here." said Ren.

"Huh? how do you know that?" said Theresa.

"I don't really know, it's just a gut feeling."

"Really will she come here?" said Rey to Theresa.

"Um.. she might, but we still don't exactly know." Ren suddenly remember something when they were at the kingdom.

"Hey Theresa can i talk to you about something?"

"S-sure." they both went a little far away from Rey to talk. "so what do you want to talk about?" said Theresa.

"When we were at the kingdom. did you have that feeling that someone was following us?"

"Following us? what do you mean?"

"When we were walking at the streets of the kingdom. i saw 3 people were following us from behind. they were like a family like us."

"family? can you described them?"

"Well.. when i look at the corner of my eye. i saw a tall women the same height as you with white hair." When Theresa heard that, she suddenly remember the same women from the stadium.

"Wait! can you described the other 2?" said Theresa.

"The other 2? well... the other one was the same height as me i didn't see his hair, and the other one is the same height as Rey with white hair." Theresa suddenly have a small flashback on what the women said at her at the stadium.


"(How do you know my name?)"

"(Ah, ah, Ah, don't to get ahead of yourself, I'll tell you after my husband meet your husband.)"

*Flashback ends*

"(So they're finally making there move huh. but her husband clearly wants to fight Ren. but i don't know if Ren can fight him, i already felt that energy, and it was bigger than Ren's.)"

"Huh? Rey's calling us." said Ren.

"Mom, Dad someone's knocking on the door." said Rey. Ren looked at Theresa.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"That might be his Auntie." Ren smiled.

"At this time? what does she want now." Theresa and Ren went to Rey.

"Rey you should open the door." said Theresa. Rey went to the door and opened and he saw a tall women with white hair and red eyes. Morrigan notice Rey and she was confused.

"Hm? why is a kid here sister?" said Morrigan.

"Well... she's your nephew." said Theresa.

"Haha, very funny. now why is their a kid here?"

"I told you his your nephew."

"Nephew? you don't even have a son." Rey then suddenly hugged Morrigan. she was confused on why he hugged her.

"Um.. why are you hugging me?"

"You must be my Auntie." Rey hugged her again. Morrigan was shocked and flustered.

"W-WHAT?! A-AUNTIE?! I'm not your Auntie" Morrigan then looked at Ren and Theresa, and she saw them smiling. she looked down on Rey and see him hugging her more tightly and sweetly.

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