
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · Autres
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12 Chs

Chapter 8


Alex and Lily looked at the source of the voice and saw a slightly muscular man who looked like he was in his late 20s. He was at least 6 feet tall with military short black hair, a dark, bristly mustache which made him look funny and he of course also had the silver eyes like grandpa James and Alex. In short, he was handsome but nowhere close to Alexander.

"so this is my so-called father's brother huh," thought Alex as he looked at the ma.

The man walked to them and stopped right in front of grandpa James and greeted him bowing his head a little to show respect to his father. After that he looked at Alex with a smile and nodded a little, Alex just nodded back.

"How was your trip father, did you meet any...."

The man started asking different questions to his father, however, grandfather James interrupted him.

"Let's go inside first, there is an important issue I need to tell everyone, "Said Grandpa James. He of course was talking about Alexander's memory loss.

"Well, no one is home at the moment, everyone went out "

"Then would you mind telling me why you shouted and who you were shouting at when we arrived ?"Grandpa James asked facepalming.

"he-he-he, I was just excited to see you all back that I kinda forgot about it hahaha"Charles replied while scratching the back of his head 'stupid fellow'

Grandpa James just shook his head and walked past him to the entrance of the not-so-grand mansion which needed a lot of reconstruction in some places.

After the Oldman left, Alex, Lily, and Charles were the only ones left. Alex wanted to just follow his grandfather but Charles stopped him.

"So, can you tell me what important 'issue' father is talking about?"Charles asked looking at Alex who didn't know whether or not he should tell him.

[Just tell him, it's no secret after all ]

The voice of his 'reliable' companion rang inside his head telling him to just blurt it out and blurt it out he did but not with his mouth. He just looked at his beautiful maid and she told the story in his stead.

Charles' expression changed many times as he listened to Lily tell him the events that took place in the forest. He had a surprised expression at first and then regret anger and other not-so-friendly expressions appeared on his handsome face.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you"

Alex could see the guilt on Charles's face which made him happy,' why' because he now knew that Charles cared for him and wasn't like his previous uncle on earth. Alex then shook his head and smiled at Charles.

, "It's not your fault uncle, I shouldn't have been reckless and told you first before leaving for the forest"

Charles smiled and patted Alex's shoulder a little.

"I'll go and finish my work, how about you and Lily go inside "He changed the story. He didn't want to keep talking about the depressing things.

"Ok uncle".After that, Charles headed somewhere leaving Alex and Lily alone. Alex looked at Lily and the young maid nodded understanding the meaning behind the nod.

She led them inside the mansion and then to his room. Although the room wasn't grand, it was still heaven for Alex who had lived a shabby life on earth.

Alex walked to the bed and sat on it and enjoyed its softness. He believed that if he were to sleep on the soft bed, he would get nice dreams so without further ado, he started taking off his shoes.

Lily seeing her master who was seemingly preparing to sleep took his nightwear from the worn-out wardrobe and approached him.

"Master, let me change your clothes before bed"Lily's face was red like a tomato as she said those words.

Alex looked at her and saw her red face, he knew that she was probably shy however, despite being shy, he also knew that he couldn't convince her otherwise. He was sure that she was gonna give excuses like 'a maid must take care of her master' and Mike was in no mood to argue with her so, he just stood up and wait for her to do her magic.

Lily seeing her master not argue with her, felt happy that he understood her. She walked to him and started taking off his old clothes with her inhuman speed...well, at least in Alex's eyes it was inhuman since he couldn't even see her.

It merely took 10 seconds for her to change his clothes. Alex of course was surprised but didn't show it on his face.

"you.... "Just as Alex was about to praise Lily for her speed, she dashed to the door and left while covering her face leaving Alex stupefied. 'First, she insists on taking off his clothes and then runs away embarrassed 'thought Alex looking at the door.

He just shook his head and prepared to sleep however, something suddenly dawned on him. He slightly opened his pants only to be surprised to see that it was not the one he was wearing before Lily changed his clothes.

Now he understood why she had run away from him. Any 'innocent' girl would surely be embarrassed after seeing a man's dic..ahem...thing. He also felt embarrassed but not as much as Lily was.

He went to his bed, threw himself on it, and instantly fell asleep. The bed was so comfortable that he instantly passed out.


"where am I ?" Alex asked himself as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. It looked like he was standing on top of the sky with different fairies and pixies flying around him. He clearly remembered falling asleep on his bed a few minutes ago. He wanted to believe that he was in a dream but it was like something was telling him that everything was real.

He tried talking to the system but it didn't respond "Useless thing tsk".

As he was busy cursing the system for being useless, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned back and saw a beautiful lady who knelt before him.

"Welcome back my lord"



Author: Hey guys I changed my way of writing today and edited some of the previous chapters and got busy doing something, so I'll be done tomorrow at 9.

The next chapter will have a name.