
Scroll of Calamity

Killing without knowledge, accused without knowledge, and sentenced to death without knowledge. This is the fate Amari is dealt with, will he overcome it and will he turn mad in the process?

Rooney777 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 What have you done [part 3]

Sounds of plates and cutlery scratching against each other echoed throughout the dining room of Athena's home, the tension was high between Amari and Athena.

"What's wrong with you two, did you have a fight?"

"No mother, just not feeling well right now." Said Amari.

Amari's mother, just like Eir, was Elegant and graceful. Unlike Eir Though, she was no warrior. Azdeth was just a simple woman who worked 3 jobs to take care of her two children, Amari and Lily. Amari would do anything to be able to help her but in Valandor the law states one must be 16 years of age to work and it would be 3 months till Amari turned 16.

Amari was in a state of confusion. How and why did his father's books end up in Athena's house with her father's work? And what the hell were those languages?

Amari has never seen them before which was odd since his father has recorded all the languages of Azroth. At Least the regions that have been discovered and explored. And For what reason has these books never been mentioned in his works that have been left behind? The most confusing part of all of this was, why the hell were these scrolls connected. At least that's what Amari was thinking. The label said scrolls of Time, Scrolls were not connected in any way, every scroll was different and unique. No scroll user would be seen with the same powers of another scroll user.

So why? Why were there five scrolls that to Amari's theory be connected? As well as why were they called weird names? Scroll of present made no sense to Amari, and if they are called scrolls of time then he would bet that at least two of them were called scroll of past and scroll of future.

Amari looked around feeling a bit uncomfortable because everyone was staring at him. He was notorious for these long blank face thoughts that would make anyone passing by him think that he was brain dead or cursed by a witch.

"Jeez brother, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing Lily, just something I have been looking at recently"

"Well in any case don't overwork yourself Sweaty"

"I should be the one telling you that mother, you need to tell that bastard to stop making you work long hours for so little pay. Better yet just slap the Pig."

Azdeth gave Amari a furious look as to give him a signal to shut up or she would give him a scolding.

"Sorry, it's just you work Three jobs and can't take a break."

"Don't worry about me Sweaty, just make sure you study hard so you can pass the entrance exam to Caldor academy"

"I will mother, you can count on me."


A week went by and suddenly it was time for the feast. Amari has been preoccupied by all the work he was doing to prepare for the new year's feast that he almost forgot about the five scrolls of time.


Amari and Athena were sitting side by side at the feast as the people of the south-east quadrant danced, drank, and ate. Athena was looking rather bright and Amari couldn't tell why.

"What's up with you, finally found that man in shining armor to come and swoop yo-OUCH"

"No you idiot, and I already told you I don't like knights."

"Yea yea cause you think you will be a great Valkyrie general like your mother is, and why do you hit me so hard?"

"Because I will become one, no matter what."

Athena paused, Amari could see a small flame ignite in her eyes as she said those words.

"Anyway I found something in the attic again, here"

What Amari saw next made him lose all sense of Dignity.