
Chapter 28: Come Fly With Me (Part 1)

Phil was enjoying the game with Ryan on the couch.

Claire - "Honey I thought you were going to take out the garbage."

Phil quickly replies, "I am" and gets up from the couch.

Just as Phil gets up a foul happens in the game bringing back Phil's attention. Phil forgets about the current task at hand and proceeds to return to his seat.

Claire - "Phil."

Phil - "Yes getting it."

Ryan - "No worry I will get it."

Phil - "Thanks, Ryan."

Ryan then proceeds to get up and grab the garbage bag. He then proceeds to walk towards the main door.

Claire gives Phil an angry look.

Phil seeing her reflection on the TV asks, "What he wanted to do it so I said thanks."

Before Claire could reply to Phil she hears Ryan speaking with Dylan.

Ryan - "Oh Dylan what are you doing here."

Dylan - "Hey Ryan. I am waiting for Haley."

Ryan then proceeds to move past Dylan towards the dumpster with the garbage bag.

Claire quickly walks towards the door and says, "Look, honey, it's Dylan."

Dylan - "Hey miss Dunphy I am just waiting for Haley."

Claire - "Why didn't you ring the bell?"

Dylan - "I texted. She will be down any moment."

Ryan - "Come on in will you."

Claire - "Yes please, honey I said Dylan here."

Phil - "Dylan. D money. Chilling with Dylan the villain. D to the Y to the."

Dylan - "Hey Mr. Dunphy."

Phil - "You are just in time to catch the end of the game."

Dylan - "I am not really a baseball guy."

Ryan murmured in a low tone, "Neither am I but you don't see me complaining."

Phil - "Come on I will catch you up."

As Ryan is about to sit next to Dylan. Claire returns and asks Ryan's help to get something from the attic.

Dylan - "I can help as well miss Dunphy."

Claire - "No need I am sure Ryan doesn't mind."

Ryan - "Of course."

Ryan then heads towards the inside of the house to help Claire out.

Phil - "Come on I don't bite."

Dylan takes a seat and Phil makes a growling noise.

Phil - "kidding. Haha, I am kidding. Okay, so that guy is the tying the runs."

"Interesting story about him he's been stuck at the second base forever and I am pretty sure he is going to try and steal third. Which is just a terrible terrible idea. How are you and Haley doing."

Claire back in the kitchen looks over in shock but quickly diverts her face to the bag in her hand.

Dylan - "I think I am going to go wait in the car."

Phil - "Okay you do you."

"Hey if you are on your way out can you grab the garbage."

Claire - "Ryan got it. Remember."

Phil - "We got it."

"He's a little jumpy."

Claire - "Oh go figure teenage boy doesn't wanna hang out with his girlfriend's dad."

Phil - "I thought we were past all that. Look at Ryan he is practically here at least two to three days a week."

Claire - "To be honest I don't know why Ryan hangs out here so much. Maybe it's cause he is young and has not gone through his rebellious stage."

Phil - "Do you mean I won't get to hang out with him when he gets older?"

Claire - "I don't know to be honest. Ryan seems pretty mature at times kind of like Manny but at times he acts like a full-on kid so can't tell."

Phil - "No not Ryan and here I thought I was going to take it to the next level with him."

Claire - "I thought you were all about keeping it real."

Phil - "Yes but the whole point of keeping it real is so you can take it to the next level. Did you really not know that?"

Claire - "You haven't exactly taken it to the next level with my dad."

Phil -"What are you talking about."

Claire - "We have been married for 16 years and you still walk on eggshells around him."

Phil - "What are you kidding Jay and I are total buds back me will you Ryan."

Ryan who had just entered the room replies, "I can't back you if I don't know what you are talking about."

Phil - "Claire thinks that I walk on eggshells around Jay."

Ryan - "Uh no way I think you guys are like best friends"

Claire - "Ryan don't lie."

Ryan - "Alright maybe you aren't that close."

Claire - "Ryan."

Ryan - "Alright maybe it's true."

Phil - "No way you are just pressuring Ryan into saying that."

Claire - "For god sake Phil. Ryan's known my dad for just a couple of weeks yet he is somehow closer to him than you."

Phil - "No way."

Claire - "Alright answer me what's one of my dad's priced possessions."

Phil - "His car? no wait this is a trick question it's you isn't it?"

Claire just stares at Phil.

Phil - "Come on give me the correct answer will you."

Claire - "Ryan."

Ryan - "It's has to be his plane collection."

Claire - "Correct answer."

Phil - "How did you know that?"

Ryan - "It's nothing much we talk sometimes over the phone."

Phil - "He calls you?"

Claire - "See this is what I am talking about?"

Phil - "Fine you know what I am grabbing my six cans of beer and heading over there right now."

Claire - "Good go over there asap."

Phil - "Wait do you want me to actually go over."

Claire - "Yes of course I want you to spend more time with my dad."

Phil - "Alright I will get going."

Claire - "Take Ryan with you."

Phil - "Why? Do you not trust me?"

Claire - "No I think you should take Ryan over maybe he can help you ease out the awkwardness."

Phil - "You know what I will take Ryan with me and he can tell you how not awkward it was."

"Okay give me a second Ryan I will just go grab the beer."

Phil and Ryan then got into Phil's Toyota Sienna.

Ryan - "Are we actually going to go there?"

Phil - "Of course. Where else would I take you."

Ryan - "I don't know anywhere else where there won't be awkward silences."

Phil - "Look you don't know the relationship I have with Jay. There won't be any awkward silences at all. It just Claire's filled your mind with biased opinions."

Ryan - "I guess we will see."

Phil - "You sure will."

Commentary -

Phil - "Look my relation with Jay might be complicated but I ain't going to let Ryan see that."

Commentary ends