
Script Writing System In Modern Family

An ordinary young adult of the age 20, Ryan was reborn in the modern family universe. His cheat allowed him access to ready-made scripts for movies and tv shows as long as he participated in the modern family plot. He could get system points through which he could buy scripts. Not to mention that although he was born into a relatively wealthy family, the system will also provided him with a minimum wage, which would automatically improves as his net worth increases. With so many ways of making money, Ryan decided he didn't want to be ordinary in this life and walked down the path of a legendary scriptwriter.

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89 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn

Ryan thoroughly splashed water on his face. He still could not believe it. He had been reborn just like one of those novel protagonists, from a young adult with a heart problem into a handsome 13-year-old boy.

It all happened so suddenly. One moment he was sleeping on his bed, and next, he found himself in this school's washroom. Then as if he had a hangover, his head started hurting badly.

As it turned out, it wasn't a hangover. Instead, he acquired the memories of a 13-year-old boy also named Ryan. Then when he looked at the mirror in the washroom, he found himself occupying the kid's body.

Which led to the scene of him splashing water and pinching himself in hopes that he genuinely wasn't dreaming. After finding positive results that all of this was real, he couldn't help but thank god for giving him another shot at life.

["Are you done yet ?"]

Hearing this, Ryan panicked and turned around to search for the voice. He found himself alone in the washroom and couldn't find the source of the voice, which led him to think he was hallucinating.

["No, I am very authentic, but it's just I am inside your head."]

Ryan asked, "What are you?"

["I am a system sent to accompany you on your endeavors."]

Ryan spoke quickly, "Oh, then what do you do? give me money every minute I breathe like a Shenhao system or give me news from the future so I can get rich through stocks?".

["No, I can't give you money directly, except for a minimum wage, depending on your net worth. My main function is to provide you with television and movie scripts which you could produce to make money."]

Ryan spoke, "Oh, a script writing system that's not bad plus, I guess at least I won't starve with the minimum wage but come to think of it. I come from a wealthy family, so it is tasteless."

The system replied, "It provided for you to become independent and to ensure that if the host ever ends up on the streets, he can at least have some help from the system."

Ryan answered, "I guess having some money of my own doesn't sound bad, and I am assuming that this is tax-free?".

The system replied, "Correct, all the money system provides is tax-free, and no one will find anything wrong with it."

Ryan asked, "Alright, how do I access these movie and tv scripts? I know how to help sell them as my father in this life has connections in Hollywood. Also, does this world not have the works from my last life? Or is it like only future works will work?."

System answered, "Those are some good questions, so I will answer them one by one. First, to access the system scripts, you have to buy them with points. Second, all the works do not exist in this world."

Ryan spoke, "Cool, then I can produce all the classics from my world here and be a legend. Now that I know the basic setting, can you tell me how I earn these points required to buy scripts?."

System asked, "Have you heard of the modern family?"

Ryan spoke, "Of course, one of my favorite shows, but how does that answer my question?"

The system replied, "Well, you are currently in the show's universe. Except for time-space issues, all the works here differ from on earth."

Ryan said, "What, so I am in a modern family, but I still don't understand how this relates to your points."

The system, "You get points by appearing in the shows' plots and interacting with the show's family members."

Ryan asked, "Huh, why is the setting like that? I am not saying I would mind interacting with them, but I want to know how it gives me points. Like, what is the principle for this?"

The system replied, " As they are the universe's main characters, by you being around them and impacting their lives, I can harvest space-time energy."

Ryan said, "Okay, got it, a lot of space energy equals many points, which I can use to get scripts."

The system responded, "Yup, that's correct."

Ryan asked, "Then the next problem is how do I end up interacting with the cast, like how do I locate them."

The system, "I cannot answer that, but you can open the newbie package. Maybe it has your answers."

Ryan asked, "Why?"

The system replied, "To begin with, after the basic system introduction, it costs points to ask me for advice. So open the newbie package instead of constantly questioning everything. The readers would be unhappy if all the 1st chapter was just a Q and A."

Ryan spoke, "I didn't quite catch the last sentence."

The system answered, "Do you want to open the newbie pack or not?"

Ryan spoke, "Fine open the newbie pack."

[Newbie pack being open]

[1 hint for any doubts received.]

[Script for the movie "Friday the 13th" (1980) received]

[Custom Script for the TV show "Southland" (2009-2013) received]

Ryan saw the reward and smiled as receiving the newbie reward gave him famous works such as Friday the 13th and Southland.

Ryan spoke, "By the way, why do I feel something wrong with Southland? If I am correct, all the episode in my head is a combination of season 1 and 2."

The system replied, "Yes, that's correct. All the custom tv scripts have a quality control system which selects all episodes eight or above in IMDB rating if it does not hurt the show's continuity."

Ryan responded, "I see, so as Southland is episodic and each episode is independent, you gave me the best eight episodes of seasons 1 and 2."

The system replied, "Yup, that's correct. For example, if you buy a non-episodic series such as stranger things, where continuity is key, even if it is below 8, it will not be changed for the host. So as the flow is not disturbed."

Ryan asked, "Wait, does stranger things even have a below 8 episode?"

The system responded, "Yes, the starting two episodes of season 3."

Ryan spoke, "That makes sense. What about this Hint?"

The system answered, "Ah yes, you can now ask me a question and use this hint."

Ryan spoke, "Alright, how do I come into contact with modern family members?"

[Hint being used to solve the dilemma.]

[Solution: You are currently in the same class as Alex and the same school as the other kids from Dunphy's family. The pilot is yet to take place, so it is advised to hurry up.]

Ryan saw the Hint and found that the system had tricked him into wasting a hint for almost useless info he would have gotten by just going back to his class.