
Screw Ninja's, a Genin's tale

I'm a ninja and nothing I do will ever change that. However, even though I hate this lifestyle. I have no choice but to sink in deeper. Yet, that begs the question. What happens now, and will I ever be free from this life? Well, more importantly, how will I survive the next day?

Acutelittletrap · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Waking up

(Kurenai POV)

I pulled Kin aside and waited for Hinata and Shino to head home. "Kin, why are you holding back?"

Kin exhaled. "I'm trying my best."

I shook my head. "Kin, you are a genin fresh out of the worst ninja academy. As for the leaf, it's really just general education."

Kin tilted his head.

"Kin Kudo is a highly talented, but unmotivated prospect. Care to guess who wrote that?"

Kin sighed. "Must be the teachers."

"Correct. An unmotivated ninja is a dead one. A ninja who can't work with others is a corpse one. In my case, my tools are myself, you, Hinata, and Shino. Now, I have two clans to take working on your teammates which makes you my biggest concern."

Kin said, "What about me? I'm certain I did not hold the team back."

I laughed. "Really? Do you mean how you lost your temper? Or how about when you gave Hinata a terrible command? Instead of focusing on thanking the test, why don't you focus on improving? Kin! I'll put it plainly. Your lack of motivation is going to get us killed."

I took a breath and continued. "Our lives are on the line. You or Hinata or Shino or even myself can make a mistake! Worry about getting stronger! Smarter! We can't afford this shit! Even the Uchiha clan got killed for god's sake."

Kin's hand started shaking, and his lips parted a bit, but I proceeded, "Look at Hinata! They tried kidnapping her as a child! You're not the only one with a sob story. Wake up, and start training because if you don't, one day, it will lead to death."

Kin trembled, but I continued, "Do you understand?" I rubbed Kin's hair and looked into his eyes. "Tomorrow, we're going on a mission to hunt a boar. In thirty days, they will probably assign us kill bandits. Tell me, Kin. The boar is willing and able to kill, let alone those bandits? My question is, will you be ready?"

Kin fell to the ground and said, "I just want to be a genin until my service contract ends."

I exhaled and said, "That does not exist. They would force you into ANBU or make you a foreign spy. Work hard, become a chunin or a jounin, and retire. Those are your only choices kid. I can teach you genjutsu, I can teach you to survive, but I can't make you learn. Are you willing?"

Kin returned my gaze and said, "Please train me sensei!"

I smiled. That is the expression I needed to see. That is the expression that will bring the most out of him. That is the expression of someone who can become a leader. "Very well, I'll do my best, so that we may live another day."

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