
History of Errale

"So how did you manage to create a big gap in your armor within two days of purchasing it?" The cashier at the armory asked while scratching his head. "This isn't a new record but you need to take better care of your equipment." He placed the armor on the counter after inspecting the damage.

"This isn't going to be cheap to repair." Saliza took out the money we earned and the cashier stops her. "Let me finish. This isn't going to be cheap to repair, but this time I'll repair it for free." Both of us were surprised that someone we barely know is offering to help us, but we'll gladly accept free repairs any day.

"If you're wondering why I'm doing this, it's because I wanted to repay Reizo for what he's done for me." So he's another person who Reizo helped in the past. Please don't be a fanboy like Serith.

"Before I started working here, I was a bandit." Saliza and I were caught off guard. We've seen what bandits are like so it was a shock to find out that he was once one of them.

"After failing to get a job and being unsuccessful in all my attempts to become a ventgard, I thought that I was a complete failure who couldn't do anything, so I became a bandit. One day after stealing from a book store, I was caught by Reizo and his team. Instead of sending me off to jail or ripping off my head, Reizo offered to help me find a job and start over my life.

After spending days to find something I'm good at, he got me a job here where I found out I had a thing for smithing. He even gave me some money to start with. After his teammates died, I tried to talk to him, but he threatened to rip my head off he ever sees me turning back into a bandit.

I may not be able to help him now, but I can at least help his recruits. I'll have your armor fixed up in a couple of hours."

A bald old man with a grey beard came out of the room next to the counter with a sterm look on his face. He was nearly twice my size and his body was built like a brick wall. "Stop chatting and get back to work Ken!" The old man yelled before going back into the room.

"One more thing, if you bring me materials to fix your equipment, you can reduce the cost of your repairs. You can also bring me materials to create armor for you." Ken takes the armor and follows the old man inside the room to repair it.

For the rest of the day, Saliza and I went out to shop for some new clothes and books. The books I bought were about the history of this world and the types of food here.

The next day, Reizo was once again busy investigating bandit bases. Saliza and Serith went on a mission to kill some monsters and collect their horns or something while I stayed in my room reading about the history of errale.

Long ago, humans lived in fear as they had no way to defend themselves from the countless monsters that roaming the world. They managed to create a hidden area within a forest and survive by eating wild vegetables and small monsters such as grus rats.

They tried creating all sorts of weapons with the materials they had to hunt monsters, but every time someone went out to test these weapons, they would never return.

One day, a man named Daito was organizing the materials he found. After a series of events, he accidentally threw a white substance into the stone ceiling and tripped over some materials. When he placed his hand on a rock to pull himself up, a beam of light coming from the area where he threw the substance covered his hand. When the light disappeared, he had created the first yutri bracelet.

At first, he was confused and wondered what the thing on his wrist was. Suddenly, a grus rat that snuck in attacked him and bit his arm with its long fangs. Daito grabbed a knife that he made and stabbed the grus rat to death. His yutri bracelet started glowing and he had no idea what to do.

The menu screen appeared in front of him and showed him his stats. He noticed the scan button and used it to scan the room to see if it did anything. He scanned the corpse of the grus rat and found out what it did.

Slowly, he figured out how the yutri bracelet worked and told everyone about it. Everyone ignored him as he was one of the 'inventors' who got others killed by making them test the weapons he created. They thought he went crazy when he tried showing them the menu screen, which only he could see.

Since no one cared about his discovery, he decided to use the yutri bracelet to level up more by killing grus rats and other small monsters. His stats grew and he could tell that he was becoming stronger. In the first month, he could easily lift heavy objects that would take two to three people to carry. In the second month, he could snap logs in half and shatter boulders with his bare hands.

Despite all the proof, people were still skeptical about accepting his offer to give them a yutri bracelet. For all they know, Daito might get them killed by sending them out to fight monsters. Even with this newfound strength, everyone knew that they still wouldn't stand a chance against the monsters out there. The human population was not only small but it was shrinking as well, so no one was willing to mindlessly risking their lives for an experiment.

One day, a doruso found out where they lived and attacked them. Daito knew that he was the only one who could defeat the doruso and fought it. Unfortunately, his level wasn't very high and the doruso nearly killed him with one swipe. He was cornered and had nowhere to run. He panicked and frantically tapped his bracelet to see if it could do anything else.

"Can't this thing do anything else? There has to be something I can use to defeat this thing. Maybe I can shoot fire?" He thought. It sounded like a stupid idea but he was desperate enough to try it anyway and started thinking to himself that he can shoot fire with the yutri bracelet.

He felt a tingling sensation around his hands and wondered if it actually worked. He created the first spell and thrusted his palm at the doruso. Fire shot out of his hands and blasted the doruso away. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, not even Daito. Using the new ability he discovered, he stayed a distance away from the doruso and kept blasting it with fire until it died.

Everyone applauded him for saving the human race and made him their leader. Daito showed everyone how he got his yutri bracelet and soon, everyone had one.

After a few years, humanity had decided to come out of hiding and explore the world with their new powers. They were now able to defeat monsters they once feared and created a village in the forest. It was the start of a country called Mezio.

Unfortunately, some people got power-hungry and spent day and night hunting monsters to level up. They started thinking very highly of themselves and thought that they were invincible.

This lead to them grouping up and attacking the village so that they could rule it. They were strong, but they kept fighting amongst themselves, which lead to their downfall. When the attack ended, many lives were lost and the surviving attackers fled into the wild.

Daito blamed himself for the massacre and decided that he will no longer give yutri bracelets to everyone. Instead, he will give the bracelet to only a handful of trustworthy people to protect the village.

He created a new group of people who will serve their village and protect everyone with their lives. These people are the first generation of ventgards, and the leader of the group was Daito's son, Gimsnot.

As the years pass by, the village grew and so did the number of people in the ventgards. Some of his people wanted to explore the world and start a new life somewhere else, so Daito decided to let some of his people go out into the wild and explore the world.

He organized them into groups and sent them off. Different groups went to different places in the world and each of them would be accompanied by one ventgard who was given some of the white substance that created the yutri bracelet. Eventually, these groups settled down into four different places in the world and each group created a village with the help of a ventgard. It was the start of four other countries.

Meanwhile, the people who attacked Mezio in the past had created a country of their own. They expanded their country at great speeds and cared little about their people. A quarter of their people were giving the yutri bracelets, leading to them using everyone else as their slaves. Their country was called, Urrei.

Thirty years went by and Daito passed away, so Gimsnot was now the leader of Mezio. The five countries lived in peace and after reuniting in Mezio, the leaders of each country often gathered to discuss how their nations could improve.

Meanwhile, people continued to suffer in Urrei. One of the leaders of Urrei was an old man named Yereng, who was one of the people who attacked the village in the past. He was quite satisfied with the way his people lived, because to him, only the strong can survive. When he found out about the other five countries, he became hell-bent on seeking revenge and plotted to attack them.

Gimsnot learned about this after meeting someone lucky enough to escape Urrei. The leaders of the five countries prepared for the upcoming war and sent spies to Urrei. They learned that while Urrei had strong ventgards, most of their people were suffering and that they would rather die fighting their leaders than rot in the prison of a country.

The spies rallied the people of Urrei to help them fight, and the five countries attacked Urrei. After a bloody day of battle, the leaders of Urrei were finally killed. Thousands of lives were lost and the country was freed.

For the next few years, The five countries helped the people of Urrei, which was now split into another five other countries.

The rest of the book was about another war and people from earth. I was about to read them until I heard a knock on the door.

The door opened and Reizo walked in. I immediately got up and tossed my book aside. "Hi c-captain sir Reizo. I'm just... doing book thing." I felt a cold sweat run down my face. Why is Reizo here? Is he mad that I didn't follow Saliza and Serith on their mission?

"Head to the training room in 30 minutes. You'll be doing more training."

Is anyone actually reading this?

Kairangercreators' thoughts