
Chapter 251: Things Are Going.

"Why are you following us!? Go away! Go back home!" Li Li shouted at Shang.

  After closing down the store for today, Jing was walking back home with Shang and Li Li. Something that Li Li disliked immensely. Shang wanted to spend more time with Jing and it was still light out, so he didn't feel that he was being inappropriate in attempting to stay with her longer. Li Li thought that after selling the cakes, Shang would disappear and he would finally be able to spend time with his mom alone.

"Who said I was following you? It is simply a coincidence that we're walking the same way." Shang dismissed the boy's accusations.

"You're lying! You're trying to find out where we live so you can visit! I already know!" Li Li glared at Shang.

"Oh, you live this way? I had no idea." Shang's lips slightly turned up. "I wonder which house could possibly belong to you two out of all the houses down this way." His eyes frantically searched.

  Li Li ran forward and used his body to block the entrance to his home. Unknowingly revealing the very house that Shang was looking for in the first place. Jing couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her naïve son. He fell for such an obvious trick because his emotions were all riled up.

"Oh, you live here?" Shang calmly asked, taking in the view.

"No! We live... over there!" In his panic, he pointed to a house that was on the verge of collapsing.

"I see now..." Shang nodded. "So, it wouldn't be a problem if I took ownership of this house, correct?"

"No! You can't stay here!" Li Li's mind raced. "Other people live here! Go back home!"

"Well, where are they? If you live over there, then who stays here? I want to meet them." Shang stood in front of the young boy using his small body to block the door.

  Shang was not foolish enough to test fate by trying to use physical means to win the affections of Jing. Jing had to tell the bird boy that he couldn't kill him earlier under any circumstance. It was at that moment that Shang understood that the boy wasn't quite as harmless as he looked. If he played his cards wrong, he could possibly lose his life. The boy already looked at him as if he was going to take his mother away forever and keep him away from her till the end of time.

"They're out! They wouldn't want you around their home either because they're really strong! They'd beat you to a pulp and laugh at any spells you tried to throw at them!" Li Li boasted.

"What's their names? I know quite a lot of strong people in the Inner Court. Maybe I already know them." Shang tried conversing.

"You don't!"

"There's Xia Linyan, Tong Yuan, He Yuhan, Wei Chaochao, Ying Tong, Liu Guangming..." Shang went on naming names upon names. Some real, some fake. He had a feeling that the boy wouldn't really know in the first place.

"Just go home!" Li Li was overwhelmed. He's never had to argue with words before and found his refined brain failing him at this moment.

"Well, if you say so." Shang sighed.

  He walked next door to the shack on the verge of destruction. With a few simple talismans thrown here and there, it didn't take long for the young handsome genius to alter the ruined hut into something more presentable. With a polite smile, he waved at Li Li and Jing before entering the house and fixing up the inside as well. It was at that moment a deep terror took root inside Li Li's body that also brought forth a child's infinite anger.

  He would live next door to them. Every day, he would have to see him. Every day, his mom would see him! Every day, he would try and take his mother away from him until he succeeded! And he couldn't kill him! What was he to do? How could he protect his mom? Keep her away from his clutches?

  Li Li's owl brain that was altered for the better by Jing began to think of hundreds of thousands of schemes per second. A child's imagination was endless. Their selfishness knew no limits. It took less than thirty seconds before he came up with several ideas to keep his mom from being taken. All of which he would carry out in the near future to fully get rid of the evil man courting his mom!

"Shall we go in?" Jing smiled at Li Li.

"I hate him!" Li Li crossed his arms as he strolled inside their house. "I don't know what you see in him but I'll definitely make you see him for the bad man he is!" Li Li vowed.

"I can't wait, my little hero." Jing rubbed his head as she followed behind him. 'If he was a bad man, mommy would've already saw it.' She thought to herself in amusement.


"Stop! Stop! Stop! I'm going to break! You're going to break me! Wait! Just give me a second to catch my--- AHNNNNN!" Jie's screams continued inside Ying's void world before it cut off from her fainting.

  Jing's water clone tried to "help" Jie complete the All-Purpose Meditation Stance. An unnatural inhuman pose that wouldn't be considered something that a normal human could perform. Neither of these strange exercises looked as if they were meant for humans. Jie was unable to progress past the first pose due to her fear and weak tolerance to pain.

  Ying and Wan Qing were the only two able to keep up with these exercises daily. Ying persevered through the bone-breaking pain daily to further increase her strength. Wan Qing refused to allow herself to be content with her current strength and after Jing allowed her to become the person she always felt inside, that only further increased her need for strength. To better help and serve Jing to lead Heaven's Angels to the peak that she wasn't quite clear on just yet.

  Bing and Lei Zhi couldn't deal with the pain but their greed for strength wasn't anywhere near as high as the others. Runt was terrified after seeing Jie's spinal cord snap on the first day and refused to even think about practicing such a horrifying exercise. It also didn't help that he watched as Jing easily fixed her injury and then ordered her to continue before it snapped once more. Whatever was in that book of torture that Jing's water clone read from, Runt wanted no part of it.

  Jie wasn't the only one attempting these poses. Two of Lei Zhi's latest disciples wanted to give it a try as well at first. Until Jie snapped her spine, then there was only one, Lin Shu. The frail-skinned little firecracker wanted to become stronger so that she never had to be saved again.

  Xiucai was the one who ducked out after seeing the horrific sight. He thought he was strong enough to handle a little pain but no. No, he was not. You don't simply get your spinal cord snapped and then wake up ready to do it again. His need for power was great but it wasn't to the point where he could torture himself with such pain to do so.

  All in all, everyone saw the two young women going through such a hellish experience day after day. They gained a newfound respect and fear towards them. Not just anyone could go through Jing's training. And many never wanted to be trained by Jing ever if this was what they had to go to just to start! Yes, start! This was only the beginning, Jing's water clone said!


  Inside a dimly lit room, splatters of darkened blood could be seen all over the floor. Candles sat upon a wooden bench to the right side of the room if coming from the entrance of the room. Similar blood patterns could be seen on the table as well with deep gashes in the wood from some sort of tool. In the middle of the room, stood a metal contraption. Hooked to this metal contraption was a face that few would be able to recognize.

"Fu Kang..." Gong Jun's voice was soft but held endless malice covering him. "Was it worth it, in the end?" He was genuinely curious.

"Every... second... of... It." A withered drained voice came from the metal tool.

"It's good that you're still lively. Still willing to fight back even in a situation like this where there is no hope for you. It really helps me know that I didn't make the wrong decision in being hasty with your due punishment." Jun smiled with blood all over him. "I destroyed your muscles, crippled your legs, tore off your fingernails, shattered any hope of you cultivating again. Even if you were saved, the life ahead of you would be a life filled with nothing but suffering and hardship."

"Hu... Hu... Hu...." Fu Kang's hollow laugh rang out.

"Good!" Jun was pleased.

  It makes sense the man willing to make him into a cuck and steal the heart of his future wife would be a worthy opponent. A quick death is too good for both of them. Jun got up and left the torture room. He still had to deal with Liu.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible xianxia things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts