
Ch2: The Gameboy.

I entered the containment cell and saw a white table with some sort of battered and beaten up retro gameboy.

"Okay D-2467, please approach and interact with the gameboy." A voice said from the intercom's speaker.

I quietly approached the table and picked up the Gameboy, I flicked on the power switch…


"So what are testing exactly." Said Dr Bright as he picked up the files and flicked through them, not even taking a glimpse of them.

Dr Buck sighed "We have been hearing rumours of a man becoming surprisingly stronger day by day, though thorough investigation showed that he had been doing intense workout everyday, the case was about to close when we heard news that the very same man had tried to rob a bank solo and had nearly succeeded if the police hadn't interfered, he tried to resist and managed to injure three police officers but was then ultimately gunned down by one of the officers.

"Autopsy reports showed no signs of anomalous properties despite all the astounding feats that were observed, we sent a research team to his house and found a heavy iron safe hidden deep in the basement behind old paintings."

"Inside the safe was a partially broken but still functioning gameboy, to research team it appeared very important and was sent to the scp foundation for further research, however so far there haven't been any signs of abnormality."

"So this the first time we are testing it one live subject?" Dr Bright spoke once Dr Buck was finished.

"(Sigh), yes this is the first time we are testing it on a D-class, honestly you should really start reading the files." Said Dr Buck irritated.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Said Dr Bright, he then leaned over the intercom and spoke: "Okay D-2467, please approach and interact with the gameboy."


I quietly approached the table and picked up the Gameboy, I flicked on the power switch…

Nothing happened.

"Huh?" I said as I continued to turn the switch on and off until a green screen popped up saying: [Do you wish to obtain the evolution system? Yes or No.]

After sometime I unknowingly pressed "A". Soon another green scree popped up.

[A. Yes]

[Proceeding to transfer the system to the host.]

And with that the whole shut down, but before I could do anything or either process the situation, a sudden powerful jolt of electricity released from the gameboy and shocked me causing drop it from my hands.

It then fell on the floor and shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces.