

This is our list of logs that the SCP foundation has been keep secret, and they are now free to the public. But beware of what you are going to read about because it will cause you to lose all hope and satisfaction you had. After all, the SCP's main role is to contain, protect, secure and if anyone tries to stop them they will feel the wrath if the foundation and your life will be terminated. So you have been warned. P.S: THIS IS NOT OWN BY ME BUT THE SCP WEBSITE AND ALL CREDIT SHOULD GO TO THE FOUNDATION AND THE AUTHOR. ALSO, I WILL BE STARTING A SCP STORY ABOUT A SCP THAT I HAD CREATED, BUT FIRST I NEED TO SPREAD THE SCP UNIVERSE IN THIS WEBSITE AND APP SO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THE SCP FOUNDATION AND IT GREAT AUTHOR AND FOLLOWER. PLEASE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND VISIT THE WEBSITE. LINK IS BELOW { http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-series } Goal: 20000 25000 30000 40000 50000 And more viewer and follower

Almighty_flex · Horreur
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163 Chs

Corrosive Snail

Item #: SCP-075

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-075 is contained in a 1 m x 1 m x 1 m Level-4 corrosion-resistant container, which must be contained in a secure chamber with equal corrosion resistance. The absolute humidity of the chamber may not exceed 1% at any time. Medicinal-grade desiccants must be available at all times in order to maintain this level of humidity. If the humidity of SCP-075's chamber ever exceeds 1%, all personnel are to be evacuated immediately and the site will be locked down until the humidity is reduced to acceptable levels.

All personnel who enter SCP-075's containment chamber must wear MOPP Level 4 protection. Injection tests, as well as any test which involves an aqueous solution, are strictly forbidden. If any such solution comes into contact with SCP-075, the area will be immediately locked down and flooded with desiccant until the humidity is brought back to acceptable levels. Evacuation of personnel remaining in the area is prohibited.

Description: SCP-075 resembles a large snail 20 cm in length, 13 cm in width, and 15 cm in height, with a muscular foot resembling a six-fingered, clawed hand. SCP-075 is exceptionally heavy, with a mass of approximately 860 kg, a property that is not understood. Desiccation is the only known means of containing SCP-075, as it will enter a dormant state when nearly completely dry.

When not desiccated, SCP-075 moves at incredible speeds for its size and mass. It adopts the behavior of a predator, jumping at and drenching its prey in a highly caustic base solution secreted from pores on its foot. These secretions are more corrosive than any substance known to terrestrial science. Due to SCP-075's aggressive behavior when active, this compound cannot be harvested. No material completely resistant to its corrosive power has been found.

Addendum 075-F: Attempts to harvest SCP-075's secretions must be approved and supervised by all on-site Level 4 personnel. However, approval of said personnel cannot override the standing order to not introduce any liquid solution to SCP-075, including its own secretions.

Addendum 075-G: A cup of SCP-075's secretions was successfully harvested by using SCP-294. Testing is underway to determine what substances, if any, are immune to its corrosion. Testing is also underway to determine why the cup provided by SCP-294 is immune to the substance's effects.