
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 arc 1- Preparation before the storm

Within his mind, "Only a few more days, until the mission is ready to destroy, conquer and rebuild" just as Of now Nathan, Mari, Lu and Zara would be training together along with Night, "How am I suppose to take down an whole kingdom without losing someone, Maybe we could try and make as a simple poison in drinks, but I doubt that the king of Ri-on would see it coming in a matter of seconds" Nathan would continue to day dream as Zara hit him hard of his forehead. Nathan would rub his head While began to evade her attack.

Zara: "This isn't the guy, who defeats Summer in a one on one match with his cool new ability of yours?" Nathan would Block her attack as He was already overwhelmed by her and quickly been thrown onto the ground while Lu was running in for the finishing blow which Nathan move away swiftly and stand back on his feet to fight them again. "Something is bothering the victor?" Lu would move towards him and send her punches

Lu: Nathan would move himself to defend as she knocking him away and off his guard "I know what you're talking about sister, he started to go soft on us just because we're fine ladies," Nathan would block the punch as he flew very far from them as he was shot by an soft arrow, "That was a nice shot Mari!" Night and Zara would come along to attack him while Mari load up another arrow.

Nathan would regain his senses and block the wooden blades with his training sword "That would leave a mark but at least it's not a real arrow" He would push off Zara as Night come around from the back when Nathan turn his attention to him and made contact with his fake knife, "You girls need to give me the time to train myself before this unexpecting attack!" Nathan would guild his knife away from him and kick away Night as Lu and Zara came together and attack him while Mari shot another soft arrow that hit directly on his head as Both of them strike together which Nathan fell onto the ground. "You win this battle..." heavily as Nathan breathe in, Zara would put out her hand and pick him right back up to flip him onto the ground and point her sword at his face.

Zara: "You're suppose to be the one who lead us with this mission that I'm waiting to hear," Lu would pick him up as Nathan stands to block her fist from hitting his torso.

Lu: "If we go there now, who would knew about the loses that will came upon our army that we're going to risk giving you?" Night would launch back toward Nathan as he block him and the soft arrow that Mari shot again but then to jump down from the tree,

Mari: "You can't be hard on him, he's trying his hardest in becoming a great lead that will help us to win this fight but I guess I would agree with both of you," They would stop as Nathan would knee on one legs as the sword was stab onto the ground. "What's on your mind Nathan?

Nathan would face directly to Mari and the others, "It's just Nothing for you four to wonder about it, I'm just not in the mood to cost this disappointment that I have shown today," Nathan would get up as he face his sword towards them, "Another round and this time, I will be focus."

Mari: She would sigh as they walk back while Mari was still standing there, "This is the fifth time of the day that you told us to try again and not to mention-"

Zara: "You're still losing to us without even tapping in to your hidden power," Mari would just walk away as Zara clash with his wooden blade, "You can't tell me that you have a change to show off your fullest ability and lose it in the same speed?" Zara would move his blade off of hers and to strike heavily onto him as Nathan parry and threw her off as Lu came in for the recover and strike his face while from that, Mari would cast a spell as her arrow began to glow brightly,

Lu: "I could understand that maybe it's just a thing, or is there something you fear about the power of yours?" She continue to attack Nathan while he block off her punches as he guild the arrow away from him as his sword was cover in ice which Lu destroy it with a single punch,

Nathan would hesitate to move away as it was already too late when Lu came in close ranges and flip him on the ground again, "That would leave a painful mark," He's stay down as someone sits on top on his back, "Could you move yourself off, I'm trying to recover what's left of my energy," In his mind he was thinking that she would still be there even when he told her not to be,

Lu: "I should tell Night to get off but I don't think he would listen to any of us," Nathan would quickly wiggle his way so Night could get off of him which it's not effective to him, "Hehe," Zara and Mari staying far from them as Nathan continue to struggles.

Zara: "Should we help him or?" Mari would shake her head and rest the bow on her shoulder, "Nathan is really trying his best to get him off, at least we know that he's not into men,"

Mari: "I know that Zara but lets leave him there for a bit, after a while Nathan would be free from him" Nathan began to call for help as Mari and Zara walk away from him while Lu is laughing as she watch him struggle to be free, "Good luck Nathan,"

"Don't leave me!!!" Nathan would wiggle are as he felt something for Night to move and punch him directly on his head which knock him out,

After an hour later Nathan would open his eyes and notices that everyone has left him here

He would recover himself from the headache when Night hit his head as he stand up straight to then walk around slowly, "He didn't need to finish me off like that but what did I felt for him to knock me out?" he look at his hand and began to think, "He was on top of me and I was trying to get away from him when I move somewhere that he didn't like." Nathan look around and notices his sword that fate give him, "I thought I lost this weapon that fate give me," He walk over and pick it up from the ground and rest it to his side belt, "At least she didn't ask me on where I had her sword but I do wonder if she found out that I lost her blade for real," Nathan would continue to think as he shake his head, "I don't have time to think about this but I have to study about what did I touch?" Nathan felt disgusted as he was thinking of something else, "I really hope I didn't touch where I think it was," Nathan would feel the shivers and walk away from the training ground, "I should get my revenge on those girls that left me like this," he dust himself and continue to walk toward the village, "But how am I going to have my revenge if I don't know which location they are hiding," he would stop and look around his surroundings, "The thing is, I really don't know anything about this world, All I knew was just fighting a lot of strong monster to only two demi-human that don't like me, All of that was just an counter of fighting at first site but I never get the chance to start off my quest," he began to walk away as a rabbit jump from behind and leave him alone as it was just passing by, "I wonder if this world have underwear for boys and girls or they just put on something to cover it or maybe if I did have my old clothes would they be surprise about my outfit?" He look at his clothes, "I'm guessing that fate change my outfit when I first got here but at least it's not that bad, Thinking about how I meet one of the gods that just readying me in her journey to recover the eternal life and having that power to kill a god that committed a crime that he or she shouldn't do." Nathan would stop himself and sigh, "Not once that I could get a break to rethink about what kind of magic or anything that it have here, It's like my old world but just everything is too die for.

Mari: "So this is where you were hiding," Nathan would turn around as Mari slowly walk towards him, "Is there something on your mind that you want to talk about?" Nathan would turn away,

"You two left me behind with Lu and night, I have to wake on the middle of the field with an headache," Nathan would look at the sky for a bit and then to pay attention to Mari, "I know that you're going to say that it's part of my training but I just don't know if I'll ever get the chance to use my unknown power" she walk forward and pat his shoulder,

Mari: "You'll get it sooner or later but for right now, tomorrow will be the last of our training but since you awake, I could show you the place of where you would be staying until we have a date to move out for the attack," Nathan would be confuse at first as he didn't pay much attention to it while Mari lead him to the house that he was staying, "It's not too big or small but just right for a person or family to live quiet" Nathan would look over to the village,

"It's a bit far from where I have to go,"

Mari: "I know it's far but I think it's best if you stay here and try to train yourself in order to help us defeat Alex and regain our grounds," She would walk over to the house and rest herself on the couch that was outside, "I know that this has been a busy time but you do have to know that I'm here for you and I want to listen with song that beat within your heart," Nathan would walk over and sit next to Mari.

"It's not like I don't want to be useless when I just got to know about my powers, at least I think it's my power" Mari would look at him as she was confuse, "Sorry I'm just thinking out loud but I have a question,"

Mari: "What kind of question do you wanna ask, We both got some free time so lets spend it as much as we can" Nathan would smile a bit and watch the moon,

"Do you know anything about the eternal life?"

Mari: "Not a clue about what it could do but I'm guessing you already know the story of it," Nathan would nod as Mari continue to talk about it, "The eternal life is something that nobody knows or live to tell the story, I heard from long ago that my father once tried to reach the eternal with his bare hands but was quickly beaten down by monster that he has face before, countless of men die on that time until my father and his friend was the only one that was there to see it, My father wanted to learn everything about its power but as for his friend is willing to use it and become a god of this world to rule above anyone that stands in his way."

"Did your father do something about this?"

Mari: "Well he did something about him but a monster appear during the fight and my father was the only one that was left alive, If you were going to ask if my father saw the eternal life then that's my answer to you,

"So your father didn't see what it look like, Did he ever life that long?" Mari would lay her head on the couch shoulder while Nathan then turn his attention to watch her,

Mari: "The wish that my father wanted is unknown to me, for some reason I was only given what's left of my father journey and how he's like when I'm done training," She would get off the couch and began to walk away from the house and down to a path as Nathan was still paying attention to her when she turn around and face him, "If you're planning to go after the eternal life, I would tell you to just give it up and stay with us, It's too dangerous and deadly if you take only one step," She turn around and continue to walk away, "Only by chance that I hope there's someone good who will take it away from those evil hands."

Nathan move himself off from the chair and watch Mari walking away until he couldn't see her anymore, "Well I guess that will be a no if I ask her," Fate and Emma would appear behind Nathan as they rest themselves down on the couch and say a little hello, "Ah, why are you doing here and don't you two have some god work to complete or do!" Fate would pouted as she pat her lap as Nathan rest his face on it, "I could live like this,

Emma: "Keep dreaming boy, we're only here to stay with you for a while until you're ready to move on with the mission," Emma would stare directly at Nathan as he was feeling knifes was stabbing his back,

Fate: "It won't take long but at least you would know what do you want to begin with," she pat his head slowly as Nathan look toward the village,

"Question, Why you couldn't be seen in this village?" Fate would stop patting his head and began to think, 

Emma: "We're the all powerful gods that watch over this village,"

Fate: "They're the one who became our followers since The day of there king,"

Nathan would be enjoying himself from this treatment as he remember the stares that Emma is trying to kill him with, "Mari Father?"

Emma: "Her father played a great roll with his leader ship and the power to call us from above to bring his belief to the people that's alive and well during this day and the ones who's in slavery,"

Fate: "Without the kings belief, they wouldn't be alive for today and you'll continue your quest and fighting monster from every direction,"

"I should say think you for that because I don't know how long I would be able to live in this world if they didn't bring me in their village,"

Emma: "Well they was planning to kill you but at least almost have a good heart,"

Fate: She would began to pat his head as Emma sigh and look away, "It's not about killing but just they were making sure that you wasn't an enemy to the force that I want to burn down," She would turn her attention to Emma as her mind wasn't at the right place, "We both could cover the question and ask you about how was your day going so far and what did you and the little queen chat about,"

Emma: "Yea because you have to be careful when you're trying to ask question about something that you want to know,"

"I only ask about the eternal and she give me the story about her father journey," Fate would sigh and continue to pat his head, "Have you ever ask the king to do the same quest?"

Fate: "I wasn't the one who give it to him, He's not much of a power house but he and his friend along with his army pull through till the end when they bring themselves to a disagreement and fight each other to there last breathe, during those times I was just walking around and trying to remove the mess until I spot him," Emma would turn her attention to him and cut in the conversation,

Emma: "Actually We were the ones that met him dying on the ground, Fate brought herself and heal him as I was prepare to attack if he have something funny,"

Fate: "He never bring himself to say anything to us but just repeating one little world that was his daughter," Nathan would lift his head off of her lap, "A few years back, his daughter was in a serious state of illness that none of his kingdom doctors couldn't heal her,"

Emma: "While the king was struggling to find one as she only has a few days to live, during with those times he summon his army and himself to take the eternal life in order to heal his daughter from the illness that was cast on her,"

Fate: "Learning about that story, bring us to visit his kingdom and heal her with our powers, we didn't give him the eternal life because that will break the law and cast us our life existence as the whole world will be destroy by their hand,"

Emma: "Instead of going for that, we came upon and being seen by others to just heal his daughter because during those years, we didn't have any followers to begin with"

Fate: "Being seen by a lot of villagers, give them a chance to keep fighting and build up there's city to be great until another kingdom came along and destroy everything that they build for us," she turn to Nathan as he was listening to every world that they were saying, "This is how we met you,"

Emma: "You were dying just in the same way of the king, so we have a choice to bring you into this world,"

"I didn't know you were also there when I arrive into this world," Nathan would get up and walk toward the door and open it as he enter inside while Emma and Fate follow from behind, "Why didn't you show yourself when fate was greeting me?"

Emma: "To your information, I was the dragon that flew around the place to make sure that no one was following us,"

Fate: "Yea because the gods wasn't happy when they found out that one of the gods has broken there oath,"

Emma: "And that's all we have to tell you, so what is there for us to eat, I'm hungry"

"I haven't think about eating but right now I'm really hungry," His bones would shown on his body and face as he fell on the ground as fate was shaking her head, she would open a pocket and pull out some food,

Fate: "I really don't understand why you have to act like this but for you Emma, you should feel shame of yourself because I did told you to eat when I'm visiting my hubby," Nathan and Emma would grab a plate of food and began to bite down until there was nothing left, Fate was just not in the mood to react anything about it but just left them to eat as she look around the place, she check each room before coming to them as both was fully, "I found the bathroom, so myself and Emma would be taking a shower,"

Emma: "I'll be there in a few mins, and if you ever take a pike in there, I'll make sure to stab out your eyes and leave you there to feel the pain,"

Nathan would gain his senses and move away from Emma, "Understood mam, I won't do those things when you're taking a bath," Emma would stare and go up to walk away with fate as she was still looking at him with a deadly stare, He laugh nervously as fate drag Emma along to the bath room, "There must be a way to take that chance," his face turn serious as Nathan look down the hall to make sure that Emma wasn't there listening and look around him just in case, "How hard would it be," He think back and remember something, "I think I have an idea but I need to stay focus,"

During the time in the bathroom, Emma would be staring at the door while Fate is taking a bath

Nathan would felt the heavy pressure from the hall way as he knew this is how he's going to see heaven, he would knee down as he's trying to clear his mind but only to think about what he would see behind the door, "I need to have my mind clear to see the victory that's ahead of me," Nathan would get up as he slowly taken each little steps towards the door as Emma quickly open the door with his towel and didn't see him away, she close back the door as Nathan carefully open a next door that he was in, in his mind, "That was too close to see death.."

Fate: "There's Nothing wrong if he see our body Emma," Emma would turn towards her as Fate was sitting in the bathtub,

Emma: "You put it like he already see our naked body before, not to mention I really hate it when men do those kind of things," she would sit in the tub with fate as she begin to clean herself,

Fate: She would notice the door was slowly opening as Fate thought that Nathan was piking in (Which he is but he couldn't see anything that much because of steam,), "May I have to remind you that our followers, made picture to statues of our body and got the position and sizes of our boobs right"

Emma: "Eh?" she would be in shock, "We didn't stay back when you heal his daughter, so how it's possible for a demi-human to caught our bodies," Her face would turn red as she cover it.

Fate: "You should be happy Emma," She would hug her from behind as Emma move her away,

Emma: "Why should I should be happy about?" She move her hands and got up from the bath tub while her attention was focus on Fate, "They build and paint our bodies to be watch by men, so how could I be happy about it huh?"

Fate: "Because they got your sizes wrong, they build a short statue and your chest suppose to be flat and not big like mines," Emma would blushes even more as Nathan slowly close the door from behind to make sure that Emma didn't see him.

He was being quiet as Nathan move himself back when Emma was stand right behind him, "Oh Shit..." He slowly turn around while shivers was running down hard like a waterfall as Emma stare with a cold face as she was wear her towel, "We... could... talk.. this... out?" Emma would summon her blade as she lift it up,

Emma: "It's time for you to say your goodbyes," just before she got to swing her sword, her towel would fell down onto the ground as she drop her sword which Nathan nose was bleeding and in his mind, he say that he's going to die but he's happy that he get to see a naked goddess, Instead of dying, Emma face with turn bright red and from Nathan eyes he saw Death as Emma kick him out of the house from the bathroom wall as blood was travelling on the ground and in the air,

Fate: "I really hope that his body didn't end up in the village" she would take herself off from the bathtub and walk towards Emma and put her towel around her body, "You have a nice body but you didn't have to kill him like that" she would clap her hands as clothes appear on her body while Fate was following the blood trail.

Emma: She couldn't say a world because she was still in a shock that Nathan saw her naked, "Ehh?"

The next morning

Nathan would open his eyes and heavily breathing as he was feeling himself around his body to make sure that nothing went missing, "I'm still alive and well" he heard knocking on the door as Nathan got off the bed and slowly walk to it, he open the door as Mari was standing outside, "Good morning Mari, Is there anything that you left back in this home of mine?" she folded her arms

Mari: "It's about time that you has gotten off of your bed, I been waiting here for almost half of the day and right now it's 12 noon" Nathan would look at the tree as the shadow was on one spot, "You have to train more harder in order to catch up from where you has left off, we'll be waiting for you so please make it there in time or I'll drag you there myself."

"Don't worried about it, I'll make it in time," Mari would sigh as she walk away from him while Fate appear behind him and pat his should as Nathan got scare again, "You need to stop doing that," he walk inside as breakfast was already made,

Fate: "Emma will be staying in our room for a while because of what happen last night," Nathan would laugh a bit as he felt the deadly shivers that was coming out from the bedroom, "Don't worry, she will lighten up when she get used to it but you should hurry up and leave before The little queen came and drag you away,"

"I'm aware of that but I'll be quick," Nathan rush himself down and finish his meal as he quickly move towards the bathroom room as Emma was stare from the door when he enter through the door, he quickly take a bath and make sure that Emma wasn't waiting for him over on the other side, He walk out of the room and change his clothes as Fate was sitting down, "It's like I'm getting ready for school again"

Fate: "But this time, you're getting ready to train yourself," she push him toward the door as Nathan began to walk down the path towards the village, "Just tell me how it went for you!"

"I'll tried my best to do that," Nathan would run towards the village and after a few 15 mins run he made it to the training field as he was greeted by an arrow that went pass him, from that Nathan grab a wooden sword that was place next to his feet and block the next arrow to evade Lu and Night attack, "I want to say thank you for leaving me out here on the ground" Zara would jump form behind as both strike each other on there wooden weapons,

Zara: "I told them to leave you like this because you'll get back up soon to fight again but I didn't knew that he would knock you out cold that bad," She would jump back and rest her sword on the shoulder, 

"I'll forgive you when I take all of you down," Nathan would dash towards Zara as he shift his body and strike Night swiftly as he wasn't prepare for that which thrown him down as for Lu to rush towards him with her attack which Nathan took a deep breaths and guild her body to flip her over as she roll to Zara while she move in head on and attack his side. He took the damage and face his attention to Zara as both of them was only striking each other blades. Nathan would breathe in and use his first formation that Mari began to shot multiple arrow directly to them as Nathan parried some as the rest hit his body, In his mind They gotten more serious from the days before, Nathan would jump back as he tried to use it again but was stop by Mari soft arrows.

Zara: "You started to Improve a lot from the treatment you got from us, good work Nathan," Nathan would dash forward to evade the arrows as Night come in front of him with Lu to strike Nathan together in sync as Nathan was being push back while Zara run towards them to attack him, while Nathan was thrown far away and quickly block another arrows, he swiftly pick him self up to attack again, This time he would deal with Lu and Night together and strike there bodies as Zara was left with Mari, "Good job with the attacks, but how you going to deal with an archer and sword-women working in sync?" Nathan would take his time to breathe as Zara took the chance to attack him while Mari use her magic and send an ice arrow toward Nathan from his blind point which Zara is covering his view, She strike his wooden blade and just from that point Nathan would felt something as he move Zara away and deflect the arrow toward her,

Nathan would evade around and broken her sword and strike Zara to her torso as the blade was frozen when it made contact. Mari would jump down from the tree and walk toward Nathan as he watch Mari, "did I win?"

Mari: She came forward and stop in front of him, "Well finally you did, it was hard but you did great," she turn away as everyone got up and breathe out, "You didn't fully awaken your ability but-"

Zara: "It would be more than enough to get started with the plan to be ready, it'll do for now but lets start with something simple to not make the big force to attack us," they all would walk toward a table as Summer was waiting for them, 

"I'm glad that you could join us with this" Nathan would look at him as Summer sigh and rest the map down on the table.

Summer: "I really hope that this plan of your would work, because this is what I been seeing during the time of your training"

The locations that I just mark, are where they held the rest of our villager to do there dirty work, the women and children would have to deal with farm while the men go around in caves to deal with mining and has no weapons but only there pickaxe to fight off the monsters, If there only weapon break during the battle they would have to face the punish and be beating close to death and made them do the work with there bare hands. As for the Strong holds, they're making something or training there men to start a war with our  neighboring country, we don't know what kind of plan he's going for but I have an idea.

Summer: So for our jobs, I'll mostly say lets deal with the slavery Village first before we deal with the the strong holds because The more people we get, the better if our chance to take over his kingdom and kill the people who's with him!

Zara: I would disagree with your plan but what if we did went and attack the slavery village, Alex or one of his commander would notices out attack and made a move which we couldn't defend off, I'll say we have too attack the strong holds and then to move on to the slavery village.

Lu: I would disagree with you sister because if we go and attack the strong holds, it would most likely be death but I could go with summer plan-

Mari: Or maybe we could listen to what Nathan have to say with all of this

They would pay attention to Nathan as he was in the spot to make the final choice.

Nathan: Well how about this, if we deal with the location  separate, I know it's a dump idea to call on the table but hear me out, during this night fall we all would take up a location to deal with on our own and if it's too many of them roaming around the village then that's our main attack, because you know the saying, when there's more people roaming around one place, then this is where they have the main force to prepare, we could move in with one ground which that given the enemy to this village right here, so if we move and attack each of these village by ourselves then they wouldn't know what coming.

Mari: It's suicidal if we do that but-

Zara: If we move in during the nights,

Lu: They won't know who will be attacking who,

Summer: and if we tried and mess up the mission, we're dead on the spot, I can't believe something will be risky and suicidal.. but we could make it happen.

Nathan: You guys don't have to worried about me because I know how to evade from being caught, I been in the dead zone for months and made it out by defeating the Ember claw that was roaming around the place.

Mari: You're right and we should believe in ourselves that we will make it out alive.

Nathan: Tonight we'll make our move and head towards these places, May the goddess Fate and Emma protect us with this journey.

All: Right!

Journal entry, Memories to remember my story: #7

I hasn't shake the feeling during the time of my last training but here I came to write about my plans,

When I arrive home, Emma was feeling okay as Fate waited for me by the front door, I explain the plan and ask for a little with this because I'm not sure that one of us would made it out alive but I won't stop from there to let it happen, I began to stay in an empty room and tried to summon my powers as soon as possible because it will be a big help if I got the chance to unlock it but as for my memories of my old world is still a puzzle, During those days I hasn't have a dream about Emi or that devil in my mind, nor the sword skill that I learn during the fights, I only have an idea of how to create two of my formation which is:

The first form as I would call "forgotten slash" (I'll explain it later)

The second form is unknown

The third and fourth is the same

But the fifth form is call "silent blade or dead silent" (I'll also explain this as well)

I shall leave this for another day to continue my journal but for now I need to prepare for the very worst to come

I'll leave this to the very next chapter as...