
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantaisie
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101 Chs

Dark Magic

Callista can't help but sneeze as she and Anastasia was walking at campus "Did you catch a cold?" she asked "I don't know. I did take a shower yesterday when I arrived at the dorm, although I got scolded by Miss Sapphire." she sniffled "She still scolded you even after what we've been through yesterday?" Anastasia shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, I am glad that nobody scolded me yesterday, but I really made Denovan worry" she added.

They were walking inside the campus to meet the boys at the Dining Hall. Callista hummed.

"Isn't that normal? You're lucky that you have a boyfriend that gets worried" she stated.

"Eh?" Anastasia suddenly stopped walking.

"Come on, the way Denovan worries about you and how you also blush in front of him yesterday" Callista commented trying to make her remember.

They both stared at each other as they stood there while they blinked "The two of you are dating... right?" words trailed as she studied Anastasia's expression.

A blush slowly crept to her cheeks as she quickly shook her head "What—blushed?!​ No! What made you think of that?! " she exclaimed and shook her head "So you're not dating?" Callista asked as she stared at Anastasia's flushed state "No! We're just childhood friends..." she said as Callista looked at her in disbelief.

'Was I the only one thinking that they were dating? The way Denovan looks at Anastasia was like that though...Maybe he...' her thoughts trailed off before sighing.

Maybe she was mistaken.

"Princess! Young Miss!" they simultaneously turned to the voice.

They looked at Lance as he ran towards them while catching his breath "Stop calling me Young Miss already. I told you that I'm just a commoner." Callista stated with furrowed brows "I called you that out of habit" he grinned when he was finally able to breath.

"What are you doing here at the academy Captain Lance?" Anastasia curiously asked. "I haven't forgotten my promise before we parted" he said as the two girls looked at each other "You're right. It's something about the myth of the Protectors right?" Anastasia asked making him nod "I don't really think you can call it a myth though" he said.

"What do you mean?" Callista asked as she tilted her head "Protectors do exist and some even live with humans, although they disappeared a few years ago" he explained while the two was shocked that he knew about this information.

"Do you have any proof?" Anastasia asked as Lance's grin grew bigger "Of course! The proof is standing right here in front of you!" he said, proudly.

Anastasia: "..."

Callista: "..."

They stared blankly at Lance who was proud of revealing his true identity "Are you stupid?" Callista can't help but say that made Lance's eyes widen "I'm not!" he retorted "We don't believe your nonsense, Captain" Anastasia commented.

"But it's true!" Lance argued and pointed at himself "I was the only disciple taken by the Protector who fought beside the Emperor" the two girls were stunned by her words as they looked at each other.

At this point, they don't have any choice but to believe considering that only a few people know about what happened.

"If that's true, why did you easily reveal your identity like that?" Callista asked, "Why not?" Lance asked back "I'm sure the Emperor had already told the Princess about this but I don't know about you Young Miss" Callista glared at him.

"Yet, you didn't even hesitate to utter those words" she huffed as if he was a complete moron "Then, do you know why they disappeared?" Anastasia asked, curiously "I wouldn't know" Lance shook his head.

"And you call yourself a protector?" Callista clicked her tongue "I mean, I wouldn't know because only half of my blood is those of a protector's. I was an orphan so I didn't know anyone who would guide me about half of the world I belonged. I was lucky enough to get the attention of a person to like me and even taught me everything I should learn" he said with a smile as if reminiscing something.

"What was your master like?" Anastasia asked "He was cold, indifferent, and most of all rude. He wouldn't think twice about saying or expressing his thoughts but he has the softest heart. In my eyes, he was the kindest person and I also think the Emperor thinks that too" he said.

"He was strong that it was scary to even imagine that he holds strong powers like that. He had to leave the Kingdom one day and had to leave me behind. I was only a half blooded protector, people wouldn't hunt me down or suspect me as one. I was only six years old back then so my memories are a little blurry" he said with a faint smile.

"Thank you for telling this to us. It must be hard for you to reveal this" Anastasia said noticing his expression "Of course, I trust the future leader and the Young Miss" he said and even glanced at Callista who glared at him "I told you to stop calling me Young Miss" she complained making Lance chuckle.

"Is that the only reason why you are here at the academy Captain?" Anastasia asked "It wasn't really my intention to come here but, the Emperor personally ordered us to investigate the Academy and strengthen the security" he replied "It seems like the cases of dark magic and attacks has been increasing lately and the Imperial Palace is no exception" he added when Anastasia suddenly remembered something and turned to Callista.

"I remember you were telling me something before we got kidnapped. You were also talking about my mother and dark magic" she said "Oh, that..." she said as the two looked at her "The late Empress?" Lance asked.

Callista hesitated as she thought it through before sighing.

"Remember when I told you that I was sensitive to both holy and dark magic?" Callista started as they both nodded "You also said that there was a disgusting smell at the Imperial Garden" she said that stunned Lance.

"What? But the Imperial Garden is known for its fragrant flowers" he commented with eyebrows furrowed "So you were sensing dark magic at that time?" Anastasia asked when they put the pieces together as Callista nodded.

"I was also confused why I would be feeling sick inside the Imperial Palace and thought my senses were displaced because of the teleportation magic. But then I sensed it again at the Emperor, the brooch he was wearing" she explained.

"But that was from my mother..." Anastasia muttered "Maybe you sensed holy magic?" she asked as Lance nodded in agreement "That's right. The late Empress was a descendant of the church" he remembered but Callista shook her head.

"I was sure it was dark magic. It was not noticeable, a reason why the Emperor or Ivan wasn't able to sense it, but as I stared at it carefully I could see a dark fog surrounding it and that's where I suspected that the late Empress was somehow involved" she said as the two looked at each other with uneasy gaze.

"Remember when I asked you what was the cause of your mother's death?" she asked making Anastasia slowly nod "Yes, she died in childbirth" she said.

"When you told me the Empress's Palace was just near the Imperial Garden and adding that the late Empress's brooch was coated in dark magic I came to the conclusion that she died from dark magic" she explained as Anastasia had her eyes wide.

"That's impossible! Are you saying she was involved in activities or use of dark magic?" she exclaimed "But...it does make sense" they turned their attention to Lance, his expression was serious, far from the easy-going face he had earlier.

"We are not saying the Late Empress used dark magic, Princess. The Young Miss is saying that the Empress might be cursed that eventually led to her death" he explained.

"Dark magic is known for its ability to suck the life out of others or even worse, ruining their magic cores" Callista added as she stared at Anastasia's expression of disbelief.

Anastasia took deep breaths as if she was calming herself before turning to Lance "I should report this to Father" she said "I know" he nodded before a smile made its way to his lips.

"But you shouldn't worry. We'll solve this problem sooner or later." he smiled at the two. Lance didn't stay long as he was meant to be patrolling the Academy until he saw them, the two girls waved him goodbye after they exchanged words of comfort, well it was mostly him and Anastasia.