
Chapter 9: Endangered Species


Another three days had passed in my jail cell with moody Knox. The only reprieve I got was being let out to wash with the strong-scented soap and to use the toilet. The nearly daily beatings the Roulex did to him were making me want to rip my hair out. Why were they torturing him? So far, they'd left me alone.

I needed a drink.

Yeah, right, in this place? I'd be lucky to get a glass of water. But I needed something to calm the frenzied anticipation surging through my body.

Maybe I could get some sleep tonight rather than imagine how to wipe the guilt off me for nearly f*cking a married man - alien. I felt dirty all over. And to think, I'd actually been drawn to him. My body, on the other hand, didn't care. Even now, it sensed his nearness, made me want to rub myself up against him.

I couldn't give in. No matter how sorry I felt for him as he took their torture while they washed me in that sweet-smelling soap and shampoo that flooded my senses.

"What is in this stuff?" I had asked, not thinking the Roulex watching my every move like I was a pet about to bolt would actually answer.

"Brings out your natural scent," she answered in a gruff voice. "Makes you more appealing."

A lump formed in my throat. More provocative to who? Knox? Or any male they wanted to force on me. I shuddered. Knox excited and irritated me all at the same time. One moment he was boiling, the next frigid, and the next sulking.

Thunder boomed closer, shaking the bars on the window in the far corner, and the very foundation beneath us. Damn this place has a lot of storms. Between the gloomy storm outside and my lust-filled body, I wasn't going to get much sleep at all.

Knox brooded in the corner. He stared at the floor half the time looking so miserable I fought the urge to hug him and tell him it was okay. The other times, he glowered or looked like he wanted to punch through the wall.

His wounds were crusted over, healing. Too many old wounds showing white-lined scars. Would they eventually fade? Even if they remained, they didn't mar his sculpted abs and chest or the muscles in his arms and legs. He looked like a cover model for a supernatural girly magazine. His kissable lips and piercing eyes. And I was getting used to him having horns.

My nipples hardened and the throbbing ache in my core returned.

Gah, I needed to stop romanticizing about him. He was a criminal and a cheater, not someone I wanted to get involved with.

I touched my ankle, the tenderness gone from where he had grabbed me. If he had another nightmare, I'd learned my lesson, and wouldn't wake him no matter how much it sounded like he was in pain.

Faint cries and moans sounded from somewhere else in the prison, and I shuddered. How had I ended up in this foul place? Just because of an antique piece of junk car and my stupid boss? I shook my head. No. There had to be more to it than that.

Humans were on the endangered species list. Not that other species cared. Was this some type of scientific experiment? And why have Knox here? How did he fit into all of this?

He'd said the Roulex had him here to learn how to copy his magic healing abilities, which made sense as those would come in handy during battle. And the fact he knew so many languages... I had a feeling that had to do with his heritage too. Maybe there was more angelic-ness in him that matched the stories in human religions about his kind.

But what did the Roulex hope to accomplish by putting us together if we weren't having sex?

What did the Nebobite family and Mr. Simmons gain with all of this? Power? Fame as being the ones to help the Roulex? To what end?

None of this was making sense.

My eyelids started to get heavy. The metal cuffs on each wrist started to grow warm. Their dull, gray color turned to black. Weird. They'd never done that before.

A cold, dampness filled the cell as the storm raged overhead. Thunder shook while ragged rain pleated against the stone roof. The metal bars of the cell and pipes within the walls groaned like a wild beast.

Through it all, Knox slept, his even breathing a reprieve in between the thunder booming.

How could he sleep through all this noise?

Something sharp hit the side of my neck. I cringed, rubbing at the spot, but found nothing.

Two Roulex appeared at the barred door, gawking at me. Their tongues hung out halfway, their tails swishing in the air. Had they returned in hope for another peep show?

Not going to happen guys.

They shot something into the cell at Knox. He startled awake, letting out a howled growl that made goosebumps broke out across my skin.

I tried to sit up, but to my surprise, I was unable to get my legs under me. My head spun, and my eyes caught a flash of green in the Roulex's hands.

I rolled over but was knocked to the floor again.

Then I was jerked upright when the guard yanked up his arm. He tugged his arm close to me and I was slammed forward, closer to him. Though he never touched me, my movements mimicked what he had done.

I was on some kind of leash they'd lassoed me with through the cell door.

The Roulex chuckled, yanking hard on an invisible cord and I was sent hurtling into the bars. Pain radiated through me and I yelled. The electric leash lessened, and I was able to push back from the bars. The copper taste of blood coated the inside of my mouth.

Behind me, Knox roared, staggering to his feet and I turned to face him.

The second Roulex spoke in clicks and trills. The guard flayed its palm, a green device pulsed across its scaled fingers.

Heavy footsteps sounded behind me. Knox struggled to reach me against the force field that held him in place. Sweated beaded across his forehead. His eyes were a mix of horror and rage and something I couldn't quite name, but made my heart skip a beat.

"Don't... go," he said.

I couldn't move closer to him, but the terror in his voice made mine spike.

The Roulex each held a flashing green light flickering in their fists. That must be what they were using to control me and Knox.

With a creak, the door swung outward, and I moved like a puppet through the opening.

Knox's choked growl echoed in the cell. I stole a furtive glance over my shoulder, to see him, but I was too far down the stoned hallway.

Then a crash sounded as two more Roulex ran down the hallway to our cell, carrying what looked like a barbed mace and a whip with flayed ends.

My throat tightened. They were going to beat Knox if I didn't cooperate. Not that they needed a reason to hurt him, but I didn't want him beaten on my account.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, relieved that at least I was able to speak unlike whatever they'd trapped Knox in.

Cells lined the hallways as they marched me forward. Creatures of all sizes, shapes, and colors poked through the barred doors, watching. Some flashed their teeth. Others gave me a look of sympathy. Most ducked away as though they didn't want to attract the guards' attention.

I was led to a bright room with numerous metal instruments on a table. A Roulex with extra scales over its eyebrows glared at me.

The green leash around me lessened and I rubbed my throat where it had held tight. The Roulex who brought me here waited in the doorway. I got the impression that he would take me back to the cell and that this wasn't a harvest-the-human's-organs session. I wanted to live, not be cut up for spare parts.

When the Roulex picked up a metal shot-looking thing with a thick needle, I jumped backward. "No way. I'm not letting you anywhere near me with that thing."

"You forget, human, you are ours for thirteen glorious months and we plan on making the most of you," the Roulex holding the needle said in a thick accent like its tongue had trouble forming the words.

"Tell me what's in that shot. I-I'm allergic to some medicines." I didn't budge and if the Roulex wasn't blocking the door, I'd have made a run for it. I hated needles. Sharp, little pricks that got under the skin. This one looked bigger than the ones dentists use for Novocaine.

It smiled and creeped me out even more. "We have your medical charts, and you are a prime candidate."

"My medical - I don't understand. From the car wreck?"

"No, you had donated blood a few months ago."

That wasn't unusual. I gave blood regularly. Why would they only have my records from months ago? I searched my memories. Simmons, my boss, had taken me the last time I donated. Even paid for my coffee afterward. Bastard! He had something to do with this. I knew it. Had he taken a bribe? But what about the judge and the Nebobite and his family?

"This will only get things started."

Logic be damned. I was getting out of this nightmare. I darted to the door, hoping the element of surprise would throw them both off.

Before I got a foot to the door, a lash of pain hit my sternum. I jerked upright, unable to breathe for a few seconds.

"Come and take your medicine. You try my patience." The Roulex behind me huffed.

No way. The creature was crazy if it thought I was going to obey. I shook my head, taking another step forward.

A second strike came, and I fell to the floor clutching at my chest, panicking. The thing could have cleaved me in two. I trembled inside, not wanting the Roulex to lash me again. But, instead, the creature set a black-looking object aside on the table and stared at me again with the metal needle.

The Roulex at the door tightened the leash around my throat and I found I couldn't move or speak. Which was a good thing because the needle jabbed into my hip felt like a nail being hammered into my bone.

My scream came out a gargled cry.