
Chapter 74: Betrayed


I pounded on the door. "Melody, please, let me out." Whatever had made my best friend lock me up, there had to be a way to reason with her.

Was it money troubles? She'd complained about overdue bills earlier, but I would've never believed that she'd sell me out.

Then again, what if she was more in debt than she had let on? I bet the price for a breeding-age female was pretty high among the Roulex from everything I'd learned and experienced since being here.

I swallowed hard. I still couldn't believe Melody had trapped me in here. But I couldn't dwell on her motives or why she did this. I had to get out of here.

No windows, but there was a door to the side. When I turned the knob it was locked. Probably a supply closet and the only door that didn't have an access panel I could see, but there had to be some way to open the door and get the hell out of here.