
Chapter 54: Revealing Secrets


"Stop it, you're killing him." I tugged on Axton's arm, but he wouldn't stop choking the other Angeliminir.

"You don't deserve to live. Why didn't you die? Why her? Why Celica?"

My heart hurt hearing Axton's grief. I threw my hand on his shoulder and squeezed hard. "Stop, Axton. Your sister forgave you and Knox. It's time you did the same."

When his hands paused, but he didn't pull away, I continued.

"Let her go, Axton. I know it's hard and you want to hold onto that anger and hurt and the guilt. But it's not anyone's fault except the Roulex. You can't blame yourself for the dead." And I was beginning to learn that lesson myself.

Axton finally looked at me, blinking and let go of Knox who choked and gasped for air.

"The Roulex said you died." Axton stared at me.