
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Where It All Started

"Alright class, that is enough for today. Class dismissed." With that our teacher ended the class.

"Did you read you read the erotica I gave you?" "Yes, It was a fucking blast." "Glad you enjoy it. So... Who did you like the most?" "Definitely, the blondie. She was sooo fucking hot." was the conversation between the class perverts.

Actually I am no different from them. I would call myself a professional degenerate. Tho' I have no interest girls of my age. Well, my goal in life might be a little stupid when I think about it but, I want to marry a MILF. 'Huh, I didn't see any news that it might rain today.' I thought this to myself when little drops of rain started pouring from the sky.

"Mommy, my ribbon flew away." A little child said to her mother but her mother didn't gave her any attention due to her talking to her friend. Then the child said again to her mother but it was again ignored. Then the child rush over to the road where her ribbon had flown to.

While minding my own business, I suddenly noticed a truck speeding on the road where the child was. Due to the rain increasing he could not see the child on the road. So, the truck had no intension of stopping. The truck was moving in at about 90miles/hour.

For some reason, I had felt like I had to do something to save the child. So, shouted "LOOK OUT!" as I jumped on the road and did my best to take the child and run. But, the speeding truck was almost about to hit us so, I pushed the child out of the way of the truck.

Unfortunately the truck had hit me and I felt pain that i had never felt before. I screamed in pain but I thought I could not survive. I was glad at least the child survived. I soaked in blood when the truck hat me. It felt so FUCKING bad that I felt like dying would be better.

Suddenly, I couldn't see anything. All I saw was Pitch black. I think I might've died. I felt like I was going to heaven since I could feel very cold. then suddenly I heard something.

"Hah..... Hah..." a women's voice was panting.

'Wait, I think I heard a women's voice' was what I thought. I tried my best to open my eyes. Then, I opened my eyes and I could see a beautiful star-filled nightsky.

"You taste Delicious" a man said. "Please..... Let me goo...." said a women's voice.

'Strange, What is happening here? I should be dead due to all blood I lost. Am I at heaven? Then who are these voices?' I asked myself.

Then I tried to look around. Then I saw a unfamiliar sight. I saw a buff dude ravaging a Women violently. 'WHAT IS GOOING ON HERE!?!?!??!?!?' Is what I thought.

That is how my journey began. Waking up and seeing a women be forced on.