
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

A Bath With Sis I

I was there sitting there in deep meditation. But, I couldn't help but think about why she sighed. After, that came closer and shook me like she was trying to wake me up. Not even a second after she did that she said "I will make lunch now. What do you want to eat." in a displeased face. I told her, "Anything is fine. Your food is amazing." She with a suddenly pleased face said, "Hehe. K, I'll go now. Keep on training till then." then she stormed off to the kitchen.

bringing myself back to my senses I thought, 'Okay... What is it that I am doing wrong. She suggested it because she could do it. I could go ask her but.... I rather not. ' then I suddenly thought of my past world. I had goodish knowledge of various stuff including how to breathe. I thought to myself, 'Could knowledge of Earth help me in this world...? I'll give it a try.' as I use both of my hands to lightly slap my checks.

'In Earth, I obviously breathe alot. I wouldn't be alive if I didn't breathe. I think I remember that my teach once told me that when we inhale air enters our lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to our blood, So, technically I am already 'breathing' mana...? So.. what is mana. ' I had a inner monologue. "I think I should ask sis." I said as I quickly jump out of the bed.

I rush over to the kitchen. "Oh! Lunch isn't ready yet. Why are you here?" she asked me when she saw me. Huffing and puffing I ask her, "Sis *pant* what is *pant* mana?" She suddenly widens her eyes. She returns to normal and says, "It's like invisable angels that give you power to cast magic when you pray to god. We calling the praying to god as chanting or spell casting." "Okay.. thanks!" I rush back to the bedroom.

'So, Mana is as I thought massless particles that have enough power to make something out of nothing. Not necessarily 'nothing' since it uses mana. Could I use magic to create oxygen then convert it back to mana...? I think I will die to lack of oxygen then. ' I think to myself. 'Ah forget it. I will just use the method I been using till now. Let's just try to use it always.' I think to myself as I give up.

Then I spend time training until dinner.

------At Evening (after dinner)-------

After I finished having dinner Cecilia who also done the same asked, "How was the dinner today?" I wanted to make her flattered so, I said, "It was made by my sister, Of course it would be delicious!" Fortunately it worked. She smiled and said, "Fufu~ Lets go take a bath as usual. GO get you towel and wait for me in the bath." I answered, "Kayy~~" as I turned arounded I couldn't control my face. So I hurried to the bathroom.

At the front of the bathroom I removed all my clothes and put on a towel on my waist. Then I entered the bathroom and sat on the wooden stool. As I wait for Cecilia I continue my training to my this "breathing" technique into second-nature. After some time passes I hear Cecilia open the door to the bathroom. She was wearing a towel to cover her twin peaks and the nether region. But every were else was for my eyes to see. Her white skin was shiny. As she enter she says, "Lemme prepare the bath." Then she moves to the bathtub. She uses water and fire magic to slowly but easily prepare the bath.

After 5-ish Minutes The bath had been prepared. After she she had prepared the bath she paused for bit then said, "I forgot to bring something. Wait here for a moment. Don't enter the bath yet as it is really hot." Then she get out of the bathroom and quickly goes some where. After 2 minutes she returns and in her hands I could see a bar of..... SOAP?! 'THERE IS SOAP IN THIS WORLD? IF SO WHY WE ONLY USING IT RIGHT NOW?!' I though as I see the bar.

I curiously ask Cecilia, "Sis, what is that?" She replies "I got it when I went out in the afternoon. I think its called 'soap'." I know what it is but I still ask, "What is soap?" She bravely replies, "It's a thing that cleans your body. It came from the human kingdom." I ask, "How do you use it then?"

"Simply apply on scrub, add litter water to scrub then apply directly on body." she answered. We do just as she says. We apply on scrub and mix with a little water on the scrub. But now comes the fun part.

Cecilia slowly unwraps her towel as I do mine. After she has done removing the towel I look at her beautiful white breasts. Her nipples are pink. And her crotch is shaved. 'Ah~ I still remember the day we first bathe together. She was very reluctant to remove her towel. Not she feels no hesitation to remove it' I remember some memories. "Can you apply it for me?" asked Cecilia.

"Sure." I said. I grab the scrub and move over to her back. I slowly start scrubbing her back. I don't leave one bit not scrubbed. As I move to front I slowly start scrubbing her neck. Then I scrub her arms without leaving a spot. I slowly start scrubbing her chest. as I start to scrub her nipple I hear a slight "ᴹᵐᵐᵐᵐ~" so I slightly start scrubbing a little harder. As I felt pleased with the scrubbing I done to her nipples I again slowly start scrubbing her belly, then legs. I make sure to not to miss any spots. I left her nether regions for last. As I move the scrubber to her pussy she protests saying, "NO! I- mean, I can do that myself." 'I been wating for this line' I think to myself as I anticipated for this singular line. "I haven't left any spot uncleaned so I won't leave this either" I say as I start scrubbing fast "no.. stop... go.... slower." She try to say but her voice. "Go faster? kay..." I heard what she said but I still do it my way. I start going as fast as she can. "Ah~~" I hear a moan from her. I ask, "Are you ok sis? Should I keep going?" "Yes! Yes!" She shouts as her pussy twitches. As she reaches orgasm, she squirts saying "OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!" and she faints right after.
