
Where it all began

It was a cold winter day when my brother picked me up from school. I was expecting our parents to pick me up from school.and so I asked my brother why mom and dad didn't put me from school.and for a brief moment there was silence.and then he told me that the car our parents were in had slipped of the the road and into a tree.and when the ambulance arrived my parents didn't make it. And at that time I was only five at the time so hearing that my parents had died in a car crash.really heat me hard and soon I stopped eating and I started to be colder to people and that was the point that I started to lose my emotions.My brother tried everything to get my emotions back but he failed to do.and soon he gave up on trying and when I was in elementary school I had no friends because they all thought I was weird.But so do the kids from my class wanted to help me get my emotions but everything they tried failed.and soon they gave up just like my brother did and soon the other kids stopped talking to me.everything stayed the same every time a new kid show up they where so positive that they could get my emotions back and when the failed they stopped trying and talking to me.and I was left alone to be an out casted once again.