
School Princess is a Mafia Leader

In a world of Mafia's, spirits and martial artist a young girl has secretly become the leader of one of the top five Mafias where does her fate lie.

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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Injured boy

Around 7 pm everyone in the cafe was cleaning up as Michaela packed her bags.

"I would like to escort Michaela home," Shaun said shyly as he scratched his head.

"My, my, I was so busy that I didn't realize you were still waiting here," Sana said with a smile.

"Do you trust him, Michaela?" Sana asked worriedly.

"Well, madam Sana….Shaun is actually my boyfriend," Michaela admitted with a flushed face.

"Eh, this guy?!"

"Okay, then you guys be safe. And Shaun protect her alright," Sana chirped as she walked away before giving Shaun a wink.

"Yes mam, I'll do my best," Shaun said as he smiled back at Madam Sana.

"I'll escort Yuli home," Sandy volunteered as he raised his hand.

"Are you guys really forgetting about me?" Yoka pouted as she stumped her feet.

"Don't worry Sandy, you can escort aunt Sana, Yoka and Jae Yung can walk home together since they live in the same area. I'll be going home with Rose," Yuli rejected with a smile. Before walking off to the staff room to see Rose sleeping. She then quickly changed to her normal clothes before walking to Rose and tapping her on the shoulder

"Yuli, you've… closed?" Rose yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yes, so let's go home," Yuli said as she patted Rose and carried her bag.

"Okay," Rose said as she got up and stretched before picking up her bags and leaving with Yuli.

"See you tomorrow," Yuli waved goodbye before leaving.

As Yuli and Rose were walking towards their home they spotted a little boy around Rose's height by the road as he had some injuries on his body like he had been beaten. He had short light blue hair with bright sky blue eyes.

'Cute,' Rose thought as she stared at the boy. If not for his figure she could have mistaken him for a girl.

Concerned, Yuli walked toward him as she asked, "Are you okay?!"

'He's a normal human,' Yuli thought as she used her spirit detection eyes. And the boy had no aura around him.

'As a Mafia Boss of the exorcist clan I am the enemy of many, so there have been many cases of other people with inhuman abilities after my life. I must be careful,' Yuli thought.

The boy looked up to see a beautiful young lady in glasses who wore baggy clothes and next to her was a little girl who had some resemblance to her looks but wore a school girl's uniform.

'Beautiful,' the boy thought as he stared at Yuli. However, his calm look turned into shock as he saw an aura around Yuli and Rose.

'Advanced Humans? No! Only exorcists have such aura,' the boy thought nervously as he stared at Yuli, rendering her confused.

'I need to get away from the assassin, but I'm injured. Maybe I could make use of her,' the boy thought before nodding in agreement with his idea to go with these two strange girls.

"No, miss angel," the boy said innocently.

"Okay then, but I'm not an angel. I wanna help so could you please tell me what's wrong," Yuli smiled as she listened to his heartbeat, 'He seems not to be lying.'

"Yes, my sister would help solve your problems. Were you bullied? Big sis let's go beat them up," Rose chimed in as she nodded her head as rose up her sleeves that revealed her slender brown skin arms.

"Hahahaha," the boy laughed.

"I just ran away from home now I don't have a place to stay," the boy

"Ran away?" Yuli asked as she stared at him closely. The boy wore luxurious clothes that one of a common family can't afford, but she pretended not to notice and smiled.

"Yuli why doesn't he stay at our home then, I'll get a new best friend," Rose

"Rose, that's not how to get a best friend," Yuli retorted as Rose just shrugged.

"Well he's my new friend, so Yuli can we bring him home please, pretty please," Rose begged as she stared at Yuli with pleading eyes.

"Fine," Yuli gave in, defeated by her little sister's pleading face.

"Let's go," Rose said as she started to walk away.

"Ummm, well I injured my feet so I can't walk," the boy uttered as Rose and Yuli stopped and stared at him and noticed his legs under his shorts were a bit bloodied. But someway somehow he was able to keep it clean.

"Sigh let's go then," Yuli said as she carried the boy into her arms like a princess carry as she walked towards her home.

The boy flushed red like a tomato in her arms.

"Don't make a fuss, your leg is injured so let me just carry you okay?" Yuli said and continued to walk.

"Okay then, by the way, my name is Ken," Ken introduced himself in Yuli's arms.

"Nice to meet you, Ken, I'm Rose, she's Yuli," Rose introduced herself with a broad smile plastered across her face.

As they reached her apartment Ken stared at it with a frown.

'Such a complex protection array on an ordinary person's home. What is her identity? Well, I now know that my safety can be guaranteed,' Ken thought as he stared at the apartment.

Rose opened the door as Yuli brought him inside and placed him on the couch, however, he had a shocked expression.

'Such a soft couch, with such fabric and comfiness this has got to be expensive!!' Ken gasped in shock when he was placed on the couch.

"Yo Ken, would you like to report to the police about abuse?" Yuli asked with a frown. If this was home abuse she couldn't leave it that way.

"No no, I just don't want to deal with them, they're rich so the police would just brush it off," Ken lied. How was he going to tell her he was being chased by assassins who kidnapped him and we're after his life.

"Okay then, Rose, could you bring me the ointment from my room?" Yuli asked as she was using a wet towel to dab on Ken's wounds.

"Yes big sis," Rose answered as she dashed towards Yuli's room and in a few minutes brought a silver container the size of one's palm with the name Healing Ointment on it.

"Here you go," Rose said as she handed the ointment over to Yuli.

"Thanks," Yuli thanked Rose with a smile.

Yuli then applied the ointment on Ken's injuries but Ken couldn't help but stare at the brand of the ointment in shock.

'The Hosachi's cooperation healing ointment that shocked the medical market. Just applying this cream on any wounds would heal instantly in a matter of hours. What's more, there were no side effects. The cream was limited in the market and no one could find out the core ingredients for this product. One of them could cause over millions of dollars in an auction,' Ken thought shocked about the sudden revelation of this ointment.

"Is there something wrong?" Yuli asked as she noticed Ken staring at her in shock.

"No it's nothing, I'm just surprised about how fast my wounds are healing and the pain has also reduced significantly!" Ken exclaimed and Yuli just smiled and continued to apply the ointment around his body.

"If you dare take anything from our home I'll break your legs even if you're a kid," Yuli threatened with a fierce look.

"Big sis, don't scare him," Rose snorted as she pinched Yuli's arm.

"Okay, okay, but keep an eye on him. I don't trust strangers that much," Yuli said as she got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Don't mind my big sis, she's always over-cautious. The last time we brought someone into our home she always stole a precious item that belonged to my mum. So my big sis broke her arm," Rose blurted out and Ken shuddered. He better not steal anything if he wants to leave with an intact arm.

"So where's your mum?" Ken asked curious about the mother of these two beautiful ladies.

"She's dead," Rose uttered blankly.

'How can you say that with a straight face?' Ken thought nervously as his face twitched.

"Well go and bathe Rose, I'm gonna start preparing dinner. And Ken you can watch some tv," Yuli said as she came out of the kitchen before walking out.

"Sigh I gotta take the kid to the police station tomorrow. I don't wanna be accused of kidnapping," Yuli sighed as she wore an apron and started to cook.

'Her home is so not normal, but appears normal. All this simple furniture cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!!' Ken gasped in shock as he continued to scan the room

'What's more, there are formations to injure any intruders than sneak inside. I'm curious about the identity of these two,' Ken wondered with a smile before turning on the tv.

*Sniff* *sniff*

"What is that amazing smell?" Ken muttered as a good scent of food passed through his nose.

In the kitchen, Yuli cutted up some vegetables before she cracked some eggs and stir-fried them with the vegetables on the fire. She then added some tomatoes mixed with onions and other spices as the stew was boiling on the fire.

"Okay then, time to move to the rice preparation," Yuli nodded pleased about the scent the food emitted.

Yuli then fetched 10 cups of rice and boiled it on the fire with some sauce and meat. After an hour Rose was already done bathing and was watching Morbius with Ken as they were hyping the main character.

Yuli then set up the dining table as she arranged the food on the table and served everyone their portion.

Ken and Rose tired towards the dining table as the scent of delicious food passed through their nose.

Rose immediately got up and dashed to her seat as she drooled at the delicious egg stew and vegetable curry rice before her. She then waved at Ken to come and sit down. Ken was first hesitant but he gave in and sat down beside Rose and Yuli sat on the opposite end.

"You'll get desserts once you're done with your meal. There are some cupcakes and ice cream in the fridge," Yuli said as she pointed towards the fridge in the kitchen.

"Big sis Yuli you're the best, this is why I love you," Rose cheered happily as she devoured her food faster.

"Do you love me for the food or as your big sister?" Yuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well for both but mainly for food, heheheh," Rose giggled.

'This is delicious, who knew the food of commoners was better than the delicacies he had at the palace,' Ken thought as he was

"Are you a chef?" Ken couldn't help but ask as he was enticed by the simple dish Yuli had made.

"No, I just love to cook," Yuli answered with a smile as she continued to eat her food.

After they were all done eating Yuli left as she headed toward her room.

Curious Ken asked, "Will she come back?"

"Yes, I'm sure she's just taking a bath," Rose answered as she packed up the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher.

"Lemme set up her game before she comes," Rose said happily as she got up and picked up a helmet from a cabinet and connected the wires to the tv.

On the screen then appeared Combat Fantasy Online.

"You...have combat fantasy online?!" Ken inquired. Back in the Palace, he wasn't allowed to play video games.

"Yes it's really popular, but I can't play since it's too annoying for me. So my big sis rather plays it," Rose replied as she patted the helmet.

"Do you like the game?" Rose asked as she looked at Ken.

"Yes, not only does this game not let players cheat their way to the top, it was invented by the Hosachi cooperation. In this game your real skills in the real world are what you use to battle others in the game so most people who play are martial artists and sportistic people," Ken rambled as stars seemed to appear in his eyes out of excitement.

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