

Amanda was done ewting that friday morning when her mum called her into her room to tell her about her father's decision concerning her education.

like every other student in Nigeria, after her BECE examination, Amanda was already planning for her Senior secondary education. Amanda had been at home since the 23rd of June 2021 and the month of August was already coming to an end.

"Baby you are going for an entrance exam tomorrow"

"wait what? how come, i thought i was continuing in my current school, i mean am doing fine"

" i know but your Dad has decided yhat you'll be going to an all girls boarding school"

"boarding school kwa, mummy me i don't want to go to a boarding school ooo"

"but you've always liked the school"

"wait is it Our Lady of Mount Carmel?"


"i have an entrance exam to prepare for"

Amanda said and left for her room to start reading. Amanda had always wanted to attend our Lady of Carmel Girls' Highschool. Her elder sister had attended that school and she always had a story to tell and according to her

school life was more than fun so Amanda had always wanted that experience.

The next day, Amanda's elder sister took Amanda to OLMCGHs for her entrance examination, after the entrance examination the results came out immediately and Amanda passed with 94%. Amanda was more than excited and nervous at the same time. After all she was not yet admitted although she passed the exams. But after the Oral interview/examination Amanda was granted admission into her dream highschool but unfortunately or may be fortunately she had only one week left before she makes her return as a new intake of OLMCGHs