
School Boy's Dream

Jack_Streed · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Late... again

"SIIGGHHHH" I said really loudy. Another day of detention. Man I really shouldn't have been rude to HER. SHE really is as bad as they say...I mean 2 weeks of detention...for THAT? And not even lunch detention too but real DETENTION? Surely I'm not in the wrong... right? RIGHT? ANYWAYS at least it isn't fdd ( full day detention) ( it's called that because this school is weird. ) Well some time passes and the 3rd period bell rings. Finally I get to go to class. 4th period. Magic Studies. Yep you probably thought that this was a boring story about a boring student but no it's not. So you may think oh yeah that's cool and all but no it's not and RA DE DAH you just couldn't guess why. is it because I was born with no powers? NOPE. is it because I get my powers from eating hair and I dress like a bunny rabit? no. am I tired of listing reasons why? yes. so it is because my power is... well... useless. So how is it useless? what powers do you have? Well I have the power of atom rearranging specifically, but it falls under the category of atom manipulation. Do you know why this is so useless? because of my figure, you see it takes certain different abillites to do different things, these are summed up in 8 different categorys ( strength, stamina, intelligence, wisdom, magic, magica, these first six are on a scale from 1 to 10, emotion, and personallity ). So, what do I mean by my figure doesn't match? well I have a strenght 3, stamina 4, intelligence 8, wisdom 10, magic 6, magica 5. That doesn't seem to bad right? WRONG! my type of magic takes a high strength stat, at least 7 to be exact because it falls underneath the physical category and atom manipulation under that and atom rearanging under that. And another reason that my ability sucks is because the name atom rearanging just sounds stupid.