
School Boy's Dream

Jack_Streed · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Hello my name is Alex. This is my life and my writer's first story so tell him how to make his writing better and tell me what i can do to make my life better. This series is dicided by your comments by what you want to happen, now at first the story has one way to go which is the way the writer says it will go and it will not always be 100% decided by the comments it will also be decided by me obviously ( I just wanted to clear that up ) . Now lets lay the foundation for this story. also " blank " means a character is saying something, ( blank ) means they're thinking something,and /blank\

means it is a sound. These do not apply to the main character.



/bbbrrrr, bbbrrrr, bbbrrrr\ It's time to wake already? "Ok, whoo (whoo means that I just blew out) , another day of school" I do the usual, shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, get all my school stuff together, get in my truck, start my 1 hour drive to school, get half way there and notice I left my textbooks, turn around, get my stuff, start speeding to try to get to school as fast as I can, get pulled over, get a speeding ticket, and BOOM... I'm late... again. Well now I have to walk into the door nearly 15 minutes late. "M.R. Alan" says my teachwr "Alex, call me by my first name." I commanded "I don't think your in any position to make demands" "yeah well i just did."

Ok so that is all for my first chapter I now that it is kind of short but I am aiming for at least 2000 words per chapter and I am planning to release chapters on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and maybe Mondays but i would not count on it so yeah.