

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Action
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28 Chs


The two middle heighted boys looking alike came out of the last bench . Indeed , their face told that they were the mischievous . The both straight went and stood in front of their class teacher as if they knew what was going to happen next. The teacher smiled and said ," OH! so you two are in my class . It's wonderful to see you'll after the vacation . I think during vacation you to have spent planning troubles for others . But remember now you are in my class ." To this the one of them replied , " Sir , Actually we didn't have any idea that you are our class teacher otherwise we wouldn't have done this." His voice seemed blunt and sharp . " OK! fine . But now you know who is your class teacher so I don't need to explain much. Now go back to your bench ." said Lee Chan.

Rayn and Zayn Evans were the troublemaker twins of the J.Y.J high school . They were know for creating and planning mess in the school . None of teachers had been left with ability to handle them unless when Mr. Lee Chan joined the school . He was the only teacher in whole school who was able to control them . This why Mr. DK ,the principle of the school decided to put them in his class . As high their planning were for mischief ,the lower were their grades in exams . Their duo was called as ' TROUBLEMAKER TWINS' . Off course they were famous in whole school for it. Though , they were naughty deep inside they were purely good. Besides that both the brothers were inseparable . The one was connect to other by heart . They would have topped the J.Y.J high school if they used their intelligence in studies but they chose a different road . Their motive in life was to enjoy their life and nothing else. Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Evans were also quit fed of their mischief . They had to visit at least twice or thrice a week at school to listen to piles of complaints.

After the attendance was over now it was time for Mr. Lee chan to select the class monitor and others heads for different tasks . In J.Y.J high school Class Monitor was a very respectable post so everybody wanted to become a monitor . Selection of monitor always happened on basis of voting . When Lee chan asked the class to who wants to stand for election of monitor and five students stood up . Out which two was the super hit duo of J.Y.J highs school 'THE TROUBLEMAKER'S TWINS' . Seeing them standing for election of class monitor everyone was startled even Mr. Lee chan himself. He said ," OH! see whom we got here students , Our Mr. FROG and Mr. RHINO." The class burst out into laughter . Mr. Lee chan had a great sense of humor and this was what students loved most in him. He further continued , " May I know why this famous J.Y.J high school's 'TROUBLEMAKER'S TWINS ' wanted become class monitor . To this Rayn replied ," Yesterday, we got whole lecture of 5 hours on not to bring any complaints this year from the school ." Zayn then continued, " After the lecture we had a great wave of realization arose in our mind ."Mr. leechan then Said ," OH! I am very thankfully to your parents for that lecture . So finally you both have changed ." Rayn interrupted , " NO! Sir you are getting it wrong. You didn't listened the full this ."