
Ch38 - Baker drama

Ch38 -

It was still afternoon, so I set off to go to the main keep, comprised of 4 separate wizard towers and the fort itself. The city isn't that big so I just walked 20minutes towards the building, it was not an ornate or a fancy building by any means, just exactly as a fort should be.

The doors were closed, guarded by a single half-orc monk, garbed in purple robes. I walked up to him and begun asking him about the fort.

He cleared his throat and answered, "This is a temple and a fort, within lies many halls of discipline. Access requires a donation of a G8-10 book, a new tomb, a new scroll or a renowned wizard's pass."

"Where do I go to get a book graded?" I asked. Wordlessly, he pointed to a hatch in the side of the building, "Place the item in there along with contact details." I thank him and go back to the local library, I need a new book if I want access to the fort. I'm guessing that is where the central library lies as well.

Back at the other library, I sit back down and start reading some more on arbitrary crafting methods. From origami and paper mâché to creating stuffed toys and whittling. I read a new variety before I walked over to Little One and asked for an empty book. He just reached down into a small pouch and pulled out a thick, unlabelled, blank book.

Once I sat down, I said "Book producing pouch."

It's a bit too useful to ignore the pouch used in front of me, so when a single book flew over to me, I couldn't be happier. It was a book on charms and illusions, there was little detail on the spells it listed. However, it did tell me what it was, 'Book production charm', a very confusing one that mostly flew over my head. Though I know I can't cast the spell, since I can't learn it immediately, I can try and replicate it on my bag of holding.

Sending the book back, I started on my new book, that I was writing. 'Nomad on the neo-illithid empire' a book detailing the loop the illithids are caught in, universal domination, lose it, rewind time. And how it will eventually develop until they no longer know how to regain the empire and lose it as a future inevitability. I linked it in to how the Absolute, the Netherbrain, is manipulating Gortash and Orin to achieve the Grand design. Of course I also spoke on illithid, ecology, history, variants and society.

Finally I finished it, it took me until 5:37pm, just over 5 hours. By now all the detail in that book is knowledge I can recite, say backwards and sing in german, it was one of the very few things I knew about in good detail before coming to this world. But I can easily say that it covers knowledge that can only be gotten by a mind flayer, or by me.

Before I go behind the inn for the stand-off, I go back to the keep and post the book through the hatch to be graded, I place a slip of paper in as well as detailing which room I am staying in. With that over, I can now truly look forwards to the drama I get to witness. I've never had the chance to see proper drama in this world yet, aside from Ethel shouting at the redcaps for splashing mud on her by accident. I should probably call her to check why her redcaps are at the circus really.

Lost in my thoughts, I get to the inn before I even remember and fly around to the back.

"Look let's just wait for him here, so stop trying to demonise me." I heard the voice of Dennis trying to de-escalate something. I go around the corner to see Erilys gripping her staff as if someone's going to steal it, and the guard seems and guard but not too worried.

"Hi guys, glad you all made it. So before anyone says anything, I'm casting zone of truth." Before anyone interrupted, I cast it immediately. Everyone was hesitant to speak, so I did first.

"Dennis, let's start with you, to get it over with, what is the most evil thing you have done since opening the bakery?" I ask.

"One time, Erilys was buying a hot-cross bun but she was rude, so I gave her one I dropped earlier. I don't feel bad about it." Dennis said, laughing to himself afterwards, remembering it as he is compelled to say it.

Just as Erilys was about to interject with something I ask, "Why do you think Dennis is evil and plotting something?"

"Because he's a hagspawn, they're nearly as bad as their mothers! I saw him and I didn't like him, so I send people after him so one day he leaves." She covered her mouth but she kept speaking, "I did it to my old neighbour too, she was a djinni, I told everyone I was afraid of her magic and what she could do with it, but I just didn't understand her way of life and it scared me." No matter what she did, she couldn't help but reveal the truth.

"And what did you do to make her leave?"

"I threw some firecrackers in her window thinking it would scare her, I ended up burning her house down. She was accused of insurance fraud and kicked out of the city." Her cutesy demeanour cracked and she looked furious at my questions.

"And to you the guard, why was she never investigated? Surely someone must have reported her for harassment."

Now it was the guards' turn to act surprised, "I don't know, I'm not a guard." The man looked surprised at his own words and suddenly started shifting uncomfortably in his own body.

"Get back you two!" I shouted at the two bakers. Just as I said that, the guard shifted into a doppelgänger. Before it had the chance to get anyone I ran up and snapped its' neck, absolutely not going to give it the chance to get anybody.

In the fight the zone of truth concentration fell and I asked them, "Are you both alright? I can't believe a doppelgänger was in Candlekeep." They both agreed they were alright before Erilys said, "He was in the barracks… He was in the barracks where I found him, oh my god there could be more!" She started panicking and hyperventilating.

"Calm down, calm down, I'll see to it they won't hurt anyone." I patted her shoulder and looked at Dennis. "Are you alright?"

"Before I came here, I was attacked by all kindsa monsters, doppelgängers are no exception." He shrugged, looking helpless about it.

"Right, as concerning as that is, we need to report this, and Erilys, to get authorities involved." Erilys did commit racially motivated arson, obviously I'm gonna tell a guard about her.

I left it to those two to sort it out further for the night, I simply can't be bothered with it. Instead I have a good list of rituals I want to do tonight, one involving the newly volunteered doppelgänger. Going to my room, I pull out everything I need. The first one I want to do will most likely be purely aesthetic.

I drew out the circle on the floor, placing music symbols along the side, I threw in my [Light of the band leader] and the doppelgänger corpse and chanted in common to Millil.

No light shone again, yet the results were yet to be seen. The corpse was gone and the lighter looked no different, so I walked forwards and picked it up.

[Light of the band leader (6) -

New feature: Doppelgänger - Band members can appear as any being of the caster's choosing. Caster still has no control over song.]

Ah that's neat, it would be a bit funny if I saw Ketheric doing the cha cha slide, or Mol singing death metal. Putting it aside, I made a new circle, this time I had to put it around a bathtub though. I had my ink guardian fill it up with ink, then I threw in the 24 bottles of cloudkill poison I gathered on the Father Lorgan investigation. Then to further it, I threw in 5 midnight tears flowers and 4 belladonna flowers.

This time, I couldn't customise the circle further since, it's the bathtub rim. So I chanted to Deneir, god of literacy. I did want this to be poisonous, but I'd rather have it as the ink used for my tattoo. For him, I chanted in celestial, specifying why I want to make this. And yet, no luck.

The materials did fuse though, to create a bubbling green liquid, it was not a still green, hut rather a mix that was fighting for dominance.

[Talon's scripture -

Ritual infused ink (264li / 70gal). A sickly poison made of some of the most deadly materials possible. A poison this potent is worthy to be praised by Talon herself.

Upon ingesting/reading: 20d8 damage

Features of the ink: Reading something written in this ink without permission causes damage to the reader. Cannot damage paper. Magic tattoos made with the ink add on poison modifiers, doubles any poison traits. People with a tattoo of the ink have to succeed a DC30 CON saving throw once.]

"They were some powerful poisons, it makes sense I guess. But reading it causes damage is just impressive." I was mumbling to myself. There was one other thing I wanted to get rid of, which was the 15kg of halfling weed I have. As much as I would love to use it myself, I'm immune to poison, trust me I've tried. My plan is to use that and some other materials to gift Sune.

Creating a circle formed of puppies and kittens, I have a new deity for this one. I specifically chose one that is a friend of Sune. I place the 15kg of weed in the centre with a broken moonlantern in and 4 green hag eyes. I chanted in common, "Mistress of revels Lliira, please bless my gift to soon with your blessing. Sune has helped me and I wish to help her in return and spread the joy. I beseech thee, please guide my hand."

Once again, the circle became alive, puppies and kittens gathering to form a being. Ignoring the small meows and barks from the pile of baby animals, I could make out the form of a tall lady with dark hair. Finally, she was done forming, opening her eyes, she looked at me and dove in to hug me, "Oh my goodness that is so sweet! Sune will love this! What does it do? What will it do?" A lively lady with a bright yellow sundress dove out and accosted me with questions.

"Sweet Ao, uh, I wanted to make a lamp that calms everyone around it, making them just relaxed and happy. Sune helped me make this outfit in a ritual, so I wanted to return the favour, and you're known as her friend or associate so…." It was odd looking into the eyes of one so pure and happy, it must be a lovely life she exists in. Just looking at her made me smile.

She begun to dart around the room in puffs of confetti and sparkles, "THAT'S SO CUTE! You even knew my favourite animals in the circle! I'll absolutely give this my blessing, I have to tell my high priests about this, they'll love it!" And she disappeared right there.

I took a moment to collect myself, that might've been the happiest person I have ever seen in my entire life.


"Sorry I forgot to bless it! Bye again!" She appeared just to shoot out a yellow beam at the lantern. She disappeared again, confetti was everywhere and the smell of party poppers was in the air. I smiled again, she really was so pure, if I wasn't having mini heart attacks every few seconds then it would've melted.

Smiling, I walked forwards to the creation. A shifting yellow lamp frame atop a wooden pole, along it puppies and kittens were carved into it. The main focus was the beautiful pink fire with a white core, the glass panels were stained, allowing for a kaleidoscope of colours to paint my room.

[The love lantern -

A ritual infused lantern. Designed as a gift to the God of beauty and love, Lliira herself has blessed it deeming that it did fit with her goals of joy.

15kg of halfling weed - Inhibits a relaxant effect on all within 15m. CON saving throw of 15, however you can choose to fail on purpose.

Lliira's blessing - Those within 30m will be immune to fear, surprise, hexes, curses and negativity. Additionally within this, people feel the effects of Lliira's aura.

Features of the lamp: Positivity oozes from within, turning undead within it automatically. Advantage on charming animals within the light. Empathic communication granted to the wielder.]

Looking through it, it makes sense why I feel so happy and cheery right now. I even choose to fail the check and simply relax into the concentrated effects of halfling weed. "Dammn" I struggle to even say, "This is strong, how do them little guys do it?" Shaking it off and reactivating the check, I create a new circle. This one is a sacrifice circle, the design is irrelevant as you choose which the recipient is.

"As you helped me, I wish to help you in the way I know how, rituals. Lliira helped me with this one, so I hope you like it Sune" And with that the lamp disappeared, along with the cheery effects it had. I couldn't hep but sigh when I remembered I left deadly poison in the bath. I can only be happy of my poison immunity as I bottle up the poisonous ink, having to dip my hand in it probably wouldn't be good for me otherwise.


[21 days cooldown]