
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

The new member

June 15- between 9-10 pm

It was a warm summer's eve when a child's cry was heard throughout the large hospital. It was quite a happy day for this small family. A tall stoic man was standing next to his wife who just given birth to their third child, a little girl. He stared at the newborn with pride in his dark onyx orbs met his child, seeing the very same eyes look up at him, a small tuft of their signature black hair sticking up.

On the other side of the bed, their other children, one five, the other ten, had happy smiles on their faces, pleased to see their new family member.

"Do you want to hold her?" Mikoto asked her son softly, still worn from the long birthing process.

He immediately nodded, his hair shaking wildly from excitement.

"Okay, then sit down and your father will hand her to you." He did as he was told, sitting in the chair beside the bed, arms outstretched, ready to hold his newborn sister.

"Be careful, Sasuke. Make sure you support her head," His older brother instructed, remembering the first time he held his brother, the memory still so fresh. He positioned Sasuke's hand to proportion the weight of her head and body evenly.

"Wow." He was in awe of the small, soft being in his arms, staring intently at her cute face, stroking her pale cheek.

The baby giggled, smiling a gummy smile, eyes full of innocence. He returned with a smile of his own, already full of love for the little girl.

"I think she likes you." His mother remarked, proud he was being so gentle. She and her husband had been worried he'd have an instant dislike of the baby.

"You think?" He questioned, rocking the baby in his arms, still minding their position. She let out a happy cry, making him gasp in shock. Itachi patted his shoulder, peering down at the girl, his face soft but less ecstatic.

"Have you chosen a name yet." He questioned, now looking up at his parents who had been watching the whole time.

"We haven't agreed on one yet. Why don't you and Sasuke choose this time?" Their father said, giving his wife a knowing look which she returned with a small smile. They both took a turn in naming a son, so it seemed fair they had a turn in naming a sibling.

"What 'bout Princess?" Sasuke blurted out without thinking. This made everyone else chuckle lightly, making him blush.

"How about something a bit more realistic," His mother said softly.

"Hmm, I've always liked the name Kireina?" Itachi suggested, earning a surprised stare from his brother, feeling utter betrayal.

Mikoto mused over it for a moment, then nodded. "It sounds lovely. What do you think, Fugaku?" He stared at the girl in Sasuke's arms, ruminating over it for a moment, then also nodding.

"Hello, little Ki-ki." Sasuke coos, wiggling a finger in front of her face. "I'm Sasuke, and I'm your big brother."

"Do you know what a big brother's job is?" Itachi said.

"No, what?" He asked innocently, looking up at Itachi with big innocent orbs.

"It's to protect their younger siblings. She's gonna look up to you, just like you do to me. You have to be there for her when I can't, and it's your job to always make sure she's safe." Sasuke was in stunned silence when he felt her pull his finger, drawing his gaze back to her.

"Yeah, I'll be the bestest big brother, better than even you Itachi" he proclaimed loudly, newly invigorated with this goal.

"I have no doubt you will." Itachi said calmly, proud of how quickly Sasuke took to the role.

"It seems like they're already taking quite a liking to her," Fugaku commented, and Mikoto gently squeezed his arm in agreement, both watching their children with pure happiness.

"I know she'll grow up into a beautiful and strong young lady, like her mother." She blushed lightly at the unexpected compliment, smiling at her husband. All she truly hoped was that Sasuke and Itachi would be there to protect her.


Fugaku gently put Kireina back into her crib next to Mikoto's hospital bed.

"Why can't we stay longer?"

"Because your mother needs to rest. Childbirth takes a great toll on a mother, she needs to heal." Sasuke pouted in annoyance.

"How about we go somewhere to eat instead and come back later? Does that sound good?" With great reluctance, Sasuke agreed, his eyes lingering on the sleeping baby.

Several months later

Sasuke was playing with his little sister on the floor while their mother was busy with household chores. Their father and Itachi had gone out on a mission of their own and were currently at the police station "Can you Sasuke, Ssaaassuukkeee?" He said, trying desperately to earn her first word, despite her being way too young.

Instead of Sasuke, Kireina made a long babbling noise instead, earning an annoyed groan from him. After a long time of practising, she made a noise similar to Sasuke, which at that point was good enough for him.

"Finally!" Sasuke cheered. The young boy ran to the kitchen where his mother, Mikoto was, and told her nearly speaking. The two then went back to his room where they started playing. Sasuke then sat down in front of the young infant. "Can you say it again?" Sasuke cooed.

Kirena said her baby babble again. Kireina then cried out, reaching out to their mother with outstretched arms. Mikoto picked up Kireina and sat her on her lap, smiling down at the beautiful baby.

"Is someone tired?" she cooed gently, making a funny face, earning a high-pitched squeal. "C'mon, let's get down for your nap then," she hums.


Itachi was babysitting Sasuke and Kireina while their parents were out. He was sitting cross-legged in the living room, reading a book when he hears a faint cry from his little sister's room. Sighing through his nose, he puts down the book and treks towards her room. Shushing her, he picked up his little sister and started to calm her. Itachi walks into the kitchen to fetch a bottle of milk. "Is Imōto alright Nii-san?" Sasuke asked running up to the two when he heard his footsteps.

"Yeah, Sasuke, she's just a bit hungry." Itachi replied, rocking Kireina in his arms, adjusting her bottle for better use.

Feeling embarrassed, Sasuke averted his eyes then asked, "Itachi, can I feed her?"

He nodded. "You put this hand here-" Itachi rest the infant in Sasuke's lap "-and the other one like so," he explained, handing him the warm baby bottle.

After Kireina was fed, Itachi let his younger siblings play, until she started to yearn for her eldest brother to hold her.

Soon their parents returned to find Itachi and Sasuke in the living room and nestled in his arms was the half-sleeping infant.

"It seems that everything went well, I told you it would all go well." Mikoto commented. Itachi looked up from the book he had been reading earlier, smiling softly at his parents. The baby fluttered her eyes open, meeting her mother's soft gaze.


It was an ordinary day at the Uchiha household when a certain someone stopped by for a visit. "Ohayōgozaimasu Shishui-san."

"Ohayōgozaimasu, is Itachi home?"

"Yes, he's in the living room with Sasuke and 'Kiri." Mikoto said, quickly glancing behind her, seeing her children all together.

"Thank you," Shisui said, walking towards the living room to find Sasuke playing with Kireina.

Sasuke saw him, his eyes lighting up. He then ran up to him. "Shusui-Kun!" He cheered, looking up at his Nii-san's best friend. "Are you and Nii-San going to train?" he questioned.

With a sceptical look, he slowly nodded.

"Can I come?" Sasuke cheerfully asked with stars in his eyes, showing his true intentions.

"Only if your brother says it's okay," Shisui said, ruffling his hair which earned a small yelp from Sasuke.

"Achi, Achi!" the baby whined as the oldest of the three walked in the room.

"And what might her name be?" Shisu asked in a childish tone, crouching down to her small height, a gleeful smile plastered on his happy face.

"Her name's Kireina," Itachi answered.

"Well, that's a cute name isn't it," he cooed with a goofy smile on his face making the small girl giggle.

"Seems to me, she likes you, Shisui." Itachi said softly, a small smile breaking out on his face.

"Is that right?" Shisu teased. "Do you like me?" He tickled her chin, making her shriek in laughter while also clapping her hands in pure joy. "Can you say Shisui?" he cooed.

The girl babbles cheerfully, clapping her hands.

"Someone's a fast learner," he commented as she smiled, saying his name again cheerfully.