
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

Old friends, New adventures {RYUJI}


- minor swearing

⚠️Disclaimer⚠️:  the picture belongs to the original artiest, Naruto belongs to the original creator, OCs and original plot belong to me

Ryuji POV

        Okay, enough with the kid let me tell you guys what I've been up to while all this was going on. I was chillin' a restaurant looking over the intel that Nareiki gave to me while waiting for someone.

"You look like you're in need of some company," a voice said, I glanced up and saw a blonde girl with stormy grey eyes shuffling in the seat across from me.

"it's good to see you Sora. Damn, it's been a long time hasn't it."

Sora is a good friend of mine -Friend might be a bit much, but it's not like I made enemies out of her- I met her during an escapade up in the mountains, in a lesser village in lighting county. Because why not, it's not like there's anything better! Nothing too exciting with her backstory to my knowledge probably the most 'normal' of all the stories I've heard. 

"And you too." she replied "What's the reason you called in this favor"

"Does there have to be a specific reason why I can't call in a friendly favor?" I playfully retort with some lighthearted sarcasm. 

Sora chuckles briefly, a small smirk tugged at her lips "You're funny, you know that Ryu. But a simple explanation would be helpful, would it not." that simple smirk turned into a sly know-it-all type of smirk.

I took a deep sigh and started to explain myself "Well remember my little sister"

"That girl was so sweet, it is too good to be true. Of course I remember her! You should have explained that in your message!" she waved her arms in emphasis 

"Of course you do," I muttered in a dumbfounded and deadpanned tone with an eye roll. 'It's always about the cute girl. What about me.' I dramatically whined 

"And what's that suppose to mean?!"  She retorts apparently hearing my remark, giving me the stink eye. "You didn't do anything to her, did you?" She pounded on the table and her eyes looked like they were ready to murder someone.

"I would never!" I retorted back, waving my hands frantically in front of my face "How dare you think so low of me!" I said with fake hurt. Putting my hands on my chest.

"Well you're not the best at first impressions" she chuckled then her expression turned to a serious and slightly annoyed one "but seriously what's the reason"

"Do you know anything about someone called Orochimaru?" I asked pushing the notes over "much less to conduct a breakout."

"you have to be crazy to ask something like that!" She exclaimed, "Where did you even get intel like this?" She says glancing at the maps and note scattering the left side of the table.

"A friend" I simply replied "…I'm gonna take your reaction as a yes." I muttered she curtly nods, she was gonna say something but close it when the waiter came and took our order. Sora ordered a sub sandwich, salad, and a small cup of ginger tea. I order something simpler, a cup of water and some rice.

After the waiter left she then went on to finish her thought "He's infamously known for several horrific crimes" she shook her head solemnly and let out a scoff filled with disgust "The man has many connections and one of them were the notorious group, the Akatsuki."

"They're the bad guys, right" I question with a bit of hesitance because I realized it was a bit of a stupid question but that was after it came out of my mouth. It's not like I haven't been under a rock my entire life.

She nodded her head curtly "Well back on the topic of my Imoto, I was wondering if there's a chance that she could be saved? Or at least still alive." I muttered 

"Orochimaru is a vile man, he does awful things to people, to use them as lab rats for his little science experiments. From what I heard rarely anyone has escaped from his clutches. The last whereabouts I've heard of him was that 3 years ago he acquired a new apprentice and recently was seen in the land of grass, that was before some leaf ninja confronted him, and after that he went into hiding again." She explained, then let out a small sigh "I stand by the fact that your insane to try and confront that man or his equally as crazy subordinates, but I got to respect your tenacity; But it won't get you anywhere. My uncle was captured by that man 4 years ago and I haven't heard a word about him since, I don't even know if he even is still alive. So the chances of her even around are slim."

I slump in my seat as all hope seemingly goes down the drain for that plan. 'I guess she has a point tho, it won't be the wisest move. But I can find a way, there is always a way.' I thought to myself with some optimism trying to not get too down on things. '…uh, what is my plan B exactly? how can I-' I'm in a bit of a stupor ain't I. I don't know what to think now? I have no answer. That's a lot to take in, the thought of something -or someone in this case- that is un-save-able. Fate has to be so cruel I don't have to be one of them to know.

"Damn" I drawled "And you haven't seen him in 4 freaking years! that's a long time, I have no words." I exclaimed with a bit of shock

"yeah, went on a mission one day and never returned, mom was livid and swore retribution on him. She also threatened to quit if my dad ever ghosted for an indeterminately about of time." she shrugged nonchalantly "Besides that it's pretty uneventful around our house. Unless you count the whole 'ninja' lifestyle and all" she adds     

"You have to be the most normal out of everyone I know. I mean…damn." I threw an offhanded comment 

" 'Normal' is suggestive and overrated. Tho I could see where your coming from, a ninja life is what children only imagine...It's different when its reality." Sora replied with an undertone of wavering dread and warning.  

"No not what I meant, I mean I envy you because you unlike me have someplace in which you can call home and parents who love you dear. I wish I still had that, I'm the only damn person there for Harumi and still I couldn't be there when she needed me the most-" 

"don't beat yourself up about it, even the most experienced ninja still have trouble up against a foe like that." She reassured

"-I mean she was my freaking responsibility and I couldn't do that right" ranted taking a deep breath before I continued "Sora. Uh, is it possible tha- I want to save her and am motivated to do so. I know before I wasn't all that, so that's why you wanted to break things with me-"

the waiter came back with the orders and both let out a polite 'thank you' before resuming our conversation quickly as he left.

"No, It's not cause I thought you were weak, simply because I didn't want to maintain a long-distance relationship at the time and wanted different things for myself, it's completely normal to do so. When I said we could still be friends even after our break up I meant it as simple as that." She replied with a small huff "And to answer your indirect question: I think everyone is capable of something, I can sure give you tips at least and help you with some tracking skills if you like but even so I don't think it's a good idea to run blindly into a snake's den." She replied with a flash of concern 

"I know it's risky and idiotic but I'm running out of time. What am I suppose to do?!" I snapped with some anger slipping into my tone, it's not direct at the blonde per se just she's the only one at the moment; and stupid hormones aren't helping much, curse my teenage years.

"Who knows what state she'll be in if she is possibly still alive. I love the kid too, but I don't want you to run in blindly to your doom. We may not be...that, but I still care for you; and take it from an experienced and bit more familiar with this world: There are points when you have to call it quits." She grabbed my hand from across the table, holding it in hers "I'm sorry I could not provide some helpful advice, but maybe it's for the best. If fate decides to reunite you two then it will be. It's just too risky, a suicidal and fruitless attempt." Her eyes flickered down briefly with sadness, then glancing back up, her eyes stone-cold and serious, saying in an equally serious tone "promise you won't try if you value your own life, promise." 

I sighed deeply "freaking fine," I said though my gritted teeth, biting my bottom lip "I promise." I don't know what else I could say that would seem less bleak, but I know that this is the best for the both of us, even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment.   

"There's always away, and I've seen your bond, it's strong." She reassured, a thick silence fell upon the area, so thick that I could slice it with my spear "…now let's change the topic here before it gets, uh, too depressing." she says a bit awkwardly breaking the silence 

"Ok," I gingerly nodded back still stuck in the 'what ifs' and 'if onlys' I just hope she's fine that's all I could wish for now.

"Now for a proper Ice breaker, how are you, well besides depressed and down." Sora's expression soften and lighten up when she asked 

"Well, I ran into another person, drifter most likely," I replied 

"Oh really?" I gave a curt nod back "You have to be careful. Were they hostile?" 

"Not at all. They were very young and couldn't have been older than 12 or 13 by their height, but her eyes held darkness. It was abnormal indeed."

"Was she a ninja? Did she have one of these?" She took out a headband with a shiny metal plate in the middle with a design of what looked to be a bubble letter styled 'Z' or 'S' with a small circle next to it. "This is one from Kumo, the village hidden in the clouds. If she is from a different village then it would have a different symbol on it though." She explained

"No I don't remember seeing one on her person," I said, shaking my head "all she had on was casual wear when I first encountered her. she didn't look much threatening." I said, half-lying as my mind flashes back to when I first met the girl. Her eyes held a primal urge of survival but shortly after held a haunting sense of fear. Her conflicting red eyes looked like they've seen so much more than I could understand at face value, something much more personal. 

"That's strange to hear." she mused

"Strange, how?"

"Well she wouldn't be out in the middle of nowhere without a reason, to say the least. But whatever that is, is yours to figure out if you want to know more about her; But otherwise is not mine to tell." She states a bit cryptically, with an air of mystery surrounding us. "If you want to know so bad then just ask her next time you see the kid, remember it's her decision to tell or not tell. Everyone has a story and everyone has something to hide." she added, I nodded in agreement and let out a small 'yeah'.

        After the lunch date and a couple hours of just exploring the village just chillin'  and catching up. It's like that guy who you haven't talk to in like forever but are still very good friends with. Yeah that's our relationship, just two exs, good friends chatting. We were returned at the village entrance just talking a bit, our bags slung over our shoulders ready to go our separate ways.

"So this is it, huh? I mean you're gonna go back to your village, and me, Well I don't know just wait to see what fate has in store, I guess." I stated in an indifferent tone, faintly shrugging as well. 

"Well before that I was actually thinking of going north." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well we were caught up in our previous debate that I kinda forgot to tell you, and then it didn't come around until now I guess." She trailed off a bit, muttering to herself "…I'm thinking of getting a boat ride to the land of snow, there's heard the land of lights reside. The land of lights is a territory that resides next to an observatory on a mild incline that is said to house one of the most perfect views of the aura borealis, beautiful lights that dance in the darken sky. It's only to said to myth now-a-days. But if it exist then it will be the most gorgeous sight a person can ever witness." 

"Sounds interesting" I said with enthusiasm and intrigue "I wish I could find the time to do something like that. It's just I'm worried-"

"I know, it's not like you've experienced that like a thousand time today; But I can see it comes from a good place." Sora cut off, placing a reassuring hand on my chest. A mix of annoyance and endearment was in her tone and eyes. I know she took a liking to Harumi I mean who wouldn't hate someone like her.

I quickly realize that I must be staring at her for an abnormal time, my face going red  like a shiny pepper taking note of how close we were. She must of taken notice as well because she was the first one to break out little staring contest, I followed shortly after glancing down at my feet, my cheeks still a shade of dusted pink. I know that she said that she doesn't have any feeling left for me -romantically at least- but I'm starting to think that a bit of a foully statement.

"uh, sorry didn't mean to get weird" she muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck equally. I mirrored her action rubbing my own neck sheepishly as my eyes were still glued to floor.

"N-no, it's not…So, the land of lights huh?" Trying to change the topic once more back to the previous one "I hope you take a lot of pictures of you do find it." 

"Yeah, I will." She said with a faint nod. A small determined grin graced her face "good luck and I hope fate is kind to you, the both of you." I glanced back up with a knowing expression as we met eye once more

"you too" I replied "...Just be careful, I heard that some trafficking rings are active and some are connected to some shady people." Like *cough* Orochimaru *cough* He's a true monster that needs to be slain, he has caused so much trouble and the rumors of him gathering more lab rats to play around with is a bit concerning.   

"Don't worry I can defend myself. You know I should say the same with you. I mean you're the less experienced out of us two." She said with a small chuckle, Sora chuckled "But yeah, I'll keep that in mind." then started to walk away, stopping mid-step "…well see ya." Craning her head and giving a small wave before continue on her way.


-CHAPTER 37 (38-INTERLUDE #5: I think I'm in need of a costume change in progress at the time of posting this chapter)