
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

Interlude-The sand siblings

I was in the land of wind a sudden sandstorm kicked up and I got trapped in this blinding sandstorm I wander trying to find some cover as I find a small rock formation taking shelter in that.

I let out a small squeal as I felt cold metal against my neck, I glance over and put them under a sleep genjutsu as they slump to the ground. I let out a small sigh, but my victory was too soon as backup arrived.

???? POV

I was standing in the Kazekage tower in restrains and two guards standing next me

"Lord Kazekage we found this intruder at our borders, she incapacitated more than half of our guards just by herself." the guard states "What should we do with them?"

"Half of the border patrol? really!" he said baffled

"She could be a spy" the other guard interjects

Their Kazekage was a guy with auburn red hair and sea-form green eyes, he looked to be pretty young maybe about in his teens...The infamous Suna no Garra

'Didn't nii-San fight him? Yeah. He became Kage? He must be strong.' I kept a blank look as I silently observed and listened to their conversation intently as they talked some more.

Since they couldn't see my eyes, since they were covered by my hood of my cloak I took it as my opportunity glancing at the two guards that were beside me as my eyes discreetly glowed a faint red as the two feel to the ground 'Gomen, but I'm not gonna be taken prisoner today.' I finally heard a small 'click' as I finally unlocked my handcuffs using a small lock pick I had on hand "They'll be fine" I simply say as the kazekage looked at me bit surprised "Gomen" I muttered, jumping out the window and running across the rooftops to my freedom.

I felt a blast of wind push me into a wall.

I groaned and rubbed my head a bit "Your not going anywhere" a suna nin said

I chakra punched him and sent him flying, I didn't mean to it was just a reflex...honest

he then weaves some hand signs and sent a powerful wind style I use this opportunity to counter with my fire style: great fireball jutsu, only for it to be enhanced by his wind style, sending it back.

I hit him making him land in a small crater in the wall unconscious 'Gomen, I really mean no harm'

I kept running, running to how knows where just anywhere but here, where people aren't after me 'I don't know what I did to them to make them mad' I thought as I ran I suddenly tripped on...air...how humiliating I sweat drop 'what the-' I looked around and saw now one, then suddenly felt someone pick me up "HEY! put me down!" I demand as I felt something invisible bind me. "hey!"

"You gave us a run for our money squirt" he teased at he carries me back to the kage tower

"hmm" I moaned


I was back in the kage tower standing in the room was the redheaded Kazekage a sandy blond girl with a giant fan strapped to her back and a guy in a black cat costume with facepaint and a couple of giant scrolls also strapped to his back.

sadly my weapons were confiscated from me *sigh*

"If you gave us a valid reason why you attacked our guards then maybe we could go easy on you" the redhead, Garra said

"Let me go!" I demand "I did nothing wrong."

"What do you mean nothing! you incapacitated dozens of our platoons" the kitty cat exclaim

"It was their fault for attacking me" I sassed back

"why you"

"Kankuro she's trying to bait you, just ignore her" the sand blonde said to the guy, Kankuro. he huffed reluctantly and glared at me 'you call that a glare. ha.' I smirk

"May I ask who you are and why your here" the redhead asked calmly

"I was trapped in a sandstorm and refuge shelter here, I didn't know I was trespassing" I explain saying the last part innocently

"Those sandstorms can be wicked" Kankuro commented "What do you say Garra?" he asked

he muttered "Since they were unharmed, there was no real damage well I guess I can let it slide" he murmured

"Yeah, I didn't harm them, only knocked them out...that's all" I said nonchalantly

"You still haven't giving us your name?" the blonde pointed out

"Kireina" I said

"You don't have a last name" she asked

I shake my head 'no' lying. 'I don't know if they'll hate me for it. Its pretty much clear how much the world hates anyone who's an Uchiha' I hung my head at the thought

"You look like someone I meet in the past." the redhead said this statement made me perk up

"who?" I questioned

"Uchiha Sasuke" he replied

"what..no" I hum

"yeah, you have the same dark hair" glancing at me with his sea foam eyes "-and dark eyes with the same loneliness in them" he said with a sympathetic look

"you know we have to take you back to the leaf" the Kankuro guy said

"WHAT! No...you can't!" I exclaim

"and why not" he retorted

"Uh-Uhm" I bit the side of my cheek "-I can't answer that" I whispered

"and why can't you!" the blonde konichi exclaim


"You know there's people that will miss you" the kazekage said

"I know" I muttered

"then why?"

"Gomen'nasai I can't answer so just give up.." I exclaimed, not shouting but loud enough to get the point around "I beg-and this is a lot coming from me, an Uchiha- please...let me just lay low for a while. I'll even say right now that I won't betray you, I'll do anything....just not tell you why I can't return to the leaf." I said "I'll even fight you, Yeah. I can take you all." I said, my arrogance was showing. What could you say I'm an Uchiha I can you say

"were not gonna fight you, kid" the boy with the makeup said

"Fine! But I mean what I said" I grumbled


It was later and I was in the kage office, sitting in one of the chairs

"Is everything alright?" the Kazekage said

"yeah I just want to know about something" I said

"about what?" the redhead said

"Well earlier You spoke of Sasuke do you know him and how?"

"Well, I met him and Naruto-"

"You know that knucklehead" I said, with a fake surprised expression

'Yes' he nodded "He was my first friend"

"what are you, anti-social or something" I retort into a 'don't you know' tone

"something like that" he mutters "He saved me from my darkness and I know he won't stop and do the same with your brother."

"Do you even know the reason why, I do" I muttered

"But you have to know revenge isn't the answer" he said

"I do..but I can't stop him, I'm not strong enough to. His drive is too strong. but that's not what I wanted to speak about"

"What is it then?" he raised an eyebrow

"Do you have any files on him since..."

"no" he simply said

"then how bout someone named Orochimaru?" I asked

"yes," but there confidential." he states

"Can I see it" I demanded

"As the kazekage I would say no but as Naruto's friend I'll help you" he said I grinned following him out of his office

"Why are you helping me-Not that I appreciate it..." I wave my hands in front of my face sheepishly

"Your Naruto's friend, right?!" he states "I'm also doing it cause you have same fire in your eyes like him"

"eh..kinda...I only know him by association. But when then were more...like acquaintances..yeah, acquaintances" I stuttered a bit with sweat drops

we soon arrived shortly at a recipient desk

"Lord Kazekage what brings you here?" he questions

"I need Orochimaru's file" he said

"Of course Kazekage-sama" the guard bows to Garra, he came back with a small folder "here Kaze-"

I snatched the folder from the older man's hand. "You brat who do you think you are" he retorts with an accusing finger at me 'Wow what reeeaal maturate' crossing my arms across my chest. "How dare you disrespect Lord G-" Garra raised his hand signing for him to be quiet "Its fine Matsuki" he said

"but-" he sighed before bowing his head in respect as he left with me closely following


"Arigatō...I guess" I muttered

I opened the folder and saw a bunch of papers and files "Your Suna nin found his whereabouts" I said picking up a map with marks on it, examining it

"It seems like it" he simply said

A smirk crept on my face as an idea popped into my head. "Can I barrow this map?" I asked

"for what?" he asks

"reasons" I simply said

You want to track down Sasuke don't you? And by tracking Orochimaru it will lead you to him. he said

something like that I said. I was kinda surprised he figured that all out by a single glance


A few week later I headed out to the closest hideout on the map I had. I said I won't betray them not the village in its entirety. But still, they have been kind enough to give me a home.

"so, your really gonna leave like that?" a voice called out, I turned around an Garra and his sibling stood

"Gomen'nasai. I appreciate the hospitality you offered but I have my own mission to contemplate." I said with a curt bow

"Your not gonna go before saying 'bye' are you?" Kankurō interjects

"I would but-! I glanced down bit "-I guess it was kinda rude of me but I thought you'd just label me a traitor to your village" I say bit apologetically

"No, we would never. Your always welcomed in the sand village" Garra said with a small smile

"yeah, we love having you around" Kankurō added "your like the sister I never had" Temari gave Kankurō a hard glare when he said that, I chuckled a bit

Arigatō Kankuro-san

if you are going I want to give you these she said handing me a pair of fans they're tessen fans, you can incorporate them in battle and very stylish to keep cool in the desert heat

Arigatō Temari-san I bowed I'm honored to hear that...and I'm very grateful that I could've learned from you too she blushes a bit I would love to stay longer but I have my own family to take care of

your talking about Sasuke and Itachi Garra started

but they're-

I know but they're all I have left! I exclaim cutting off the puppet wielding male

I head into the dark of night into the dangerous and unpredictable deserts of wind country

I soon arrive at a giant cave entrance in-bedded in the side of a giant rock formation

This must be the place I muttered to myself, putting the map into my backpack and headed in.

'Wow, here's some thing you can get lost in' I thought to myself, an Idea popped into my head I put a hand against the wall and focused my chakra in the area betting a mental blueprint of the area

I cheeked a few rooms and there was nothing but tons of scrolls and awful experiments he left behind

"Oh here's something insisting" I muttered picking up a slip of paper with something on it. It looked to be a schedule of some kind. 'this could be important' I took the piece of paper and stuff it in a pocket of my jacket and continued on.

what was your favorite part of the chapter

who was your favorite charter from it

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