
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

3) Dangos and stargazing

Kireina 3 Sasuke 6 Itachi 10


Kireina and I were walking in the market place with our mother, playing while Okāsan was shopping nearby.

"Don't go to far you two!" Mother said, squeezing my hand tightly and giving me a stern look.

"We won't, I promise." Kireina pulled my hand forward, stomping her feet impatiently. "I'm coming Imōto" I said as I sped up to her "Don't go to far Imōto, you don't want to get lost" I warned

"Thwat's becwauze your just being too slow" Rei-Rei teased

"And don't spend all that money all at once too" mother added


We arrived at the dango shop and I ordered some sticks for the two of us. We then sat on a small wall and ate.

"Sasuke-nii , what's with that look?" Ki-Ki said as she ate a dango off her "dwon't you like it?" she said, tilting her head

"I dont really like sweets." I admited making her frown a bit

"oh, I'm sworry." she said, looking down bit sadden

"don't be sorry Rei-Rei. I love spending time with you no matter what." I reasured which imitetly smiled at

"I wuv spuending twime with you too nii-san!"

Then some time passed and as we finished up," so where do you want to go now?" I hummed

"I donnu, mwaybe we could just walk around and just go sight seeing or something."

"whatever you want Imōto." I simply said " we just have to be back before dark." I warned. She gave a small nod jumping off the wall, throwing her finished dango stick away and waited for me to do the same then started walking.

walking back when Ki-Ki was walking a bit ahead, acadently bumbed into a girl with bright pink hair and was about my age too. Making her drop a small pile of books she was carry

"oh, S-sumimasen (I'm sorry\excuse me)" she muttered with her head bowed

The girl turned around "oh don't be sweetie, it was an accident, right." she said with a small reassuring smile "plus I cant be mad at some as cute as you" she cooed

Rei looked up at her with a cheerful smirk, she bent down helping the girl pick up the small mess "Gomen (sorry)"

"don't be, Its no problem at all." she simply said

"what might your name by the way"

"hmm, my names Kireina"

"awe, isn't that just an adorable name" she cooed with heart shaped eyes for the younger female as she fluttered from imōto's cuteness. Who wouldn't? Imotō is the cutest

"Arigatō (thank you)" Ki-ki muttered, grabbing the last of the books handing it back to her

"Your such a help, Thanks" the pinktte said

"no problem, I better get going my brother must be waiting for me" She said running back to Sasuke who was standing just a few feet away

"C'mon, Nii-san, race you back" she called out.

"Wait!" Sasuke gave a small sigh and ran after his little sister

)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)3RD POV•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•(°)•

later that night Mikoto and fugakuu were out leaving Itachi watching over his younger siblings.

"Twachi, when's mama and papa gonna be back?" Kireina questioned

"not for awhile." the older sibling said. the young girl let out a long sigh then perk back up "ok then; so thwat just means you me and sasay-nii can just spend more time twogethuor." she cheerfully said, Itachi smiled and poked her forehead.


Itachi later made the two a somewhat large dinner then the three stargazed out from their pourch.

"There all so many pwetty twinkle lights." Kireina reaches out as if actually clutching the stars in her hand as she grinned widely

"I'm gonna be the best and I will even better than you itachi, I'll become the strongest ninja there is. The great Sasuke Uchiha" Sasuke proclaimed

"I know you'd be super strong nii-chan, strong as if not stronger than a sannin" Kireina said starry eyed, feeding her brothers ego

"yep, you know it imōto, I'll be the strongest ninja even stronger than Itachi one day"

"try to all you want but Onii-san will always be the best"

"ne I thought you were on my side, you little traitor" Sasuke whined

"I'm no traitor I'm on your side but also Onii-chan"

"yeah you are. and you know what traitor like you get" he smirked

"what?" she questioned


"no, not the tickle monster" Kireina cried

"you brought this on yourself imōto"

"no, no, please stop" she huffed in between her fit of giggles "-Nii-chan"

Kireina was the first to fall asleep then was Sasuke soon after

Itachi glanced at the two with a small smile on his face as he looks back at the stary sky