
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

(OVA) Mother's day gift part 1

Kireina 3 Sasuke 6 Itachi 11


Today was mother's day and I wanted to throw mama a big party. I convinced papa to cancel his busy schedule and help keep her busy.


I went to otto-San office standing out side thinking, having a little mental argument with myself 'he wont help he's to busy to help me , wouldn't even want to I mean this is for kaa-san. I got to try as lest, yeah' I mustered the confidence, slamming the door open not to hard but hard enough to grab otto-san's attention

he glared up and said "what's the meaning of this" I could feel his tension radiate, and a small tick mark grow. quickly shaking it off and mustering the words "papa, I know your busy but I need your help." I said avoiding the question

"hn, with what?" he said crossed armed with a stern expression

'Oof, I'm so grounded. I knew this was a bad idea...' my inner self panicked, trailing off

"do you even know what today is?" I retorted

Tuesday?!" he simply said "why are you asking all these questions?" he said in a slightly annoyed tone

I pulling out a Calder from out of nowhere and slammed in front of him, pointing to the marked date "Its mothwers day." I started "I want to do something big and special because mama's special and I want you to help me keep mama distracted while sasuke and tachi decorate the house for the party" I said

"party?" he said quizzically with his eyes raised

"yeah," I nodded my head frantically "its for kasan and all she does for us and I want you to help me" I said in a more demanding tone than intended I felt my mental self cringe in fear of what tosan might do next

"hmm, I see" he simply said, rubbing his chin.

I let out a small breath that I didn't know I was holding 'not the reaction I was expecting, but at least its better than having him kicking me out or worse grounding me for disturbing him in a crude matter non the less' I sighed

"sorry, I'm sorry but I'm busy today." he finally replied

I frown a bit at this "oh, I see" I said bit disappointed, shifting my weight from my left side to my right then back rocking back and forth and my sadden gaze on the floor

I guess tosan saw my disappointment because he let out a small sigh saying "-but... if it means that much to you, how bout I postpone my meeting for today and we can take your mother out. hmm. hows that sound"

I immediately perked out with a wide grin on my face "Arigatō, Arigatō, thank you papa" I said a bit overjoyed, hugging him around his waist, "its gonna be the best and mama's gonna love it" I exclaimed looking up with a wide grin on my face


so that was my morning basically. We were walking down the streets when I spotted two familiar boys with a head of familiar black hair walking our way 'Bakas' I scowled

"mama, can we get dangos instead" I said pulling on her arm getting her's and papa's attention

"hm, why's that didn't you say you wanted ramen before?" she questions

"yeah,but I feel like dangos now and maybe we could buy some for Onii-san when he comes home from his mission, you know, we could surprise him with it, as a present for his hard work" I said as innocently I could muster at the moment without trying to sounding too suspicious.

"ok sweetie, but how bout we have some food before we have deserts" she said

"yeah, we can go to the BBQ place its not that far from the dango place." I exclaimed, dragging her in the opposite direction glaring at my brother before I turned heal

=====ITACHI and SASUKE- 1 HOUR AGO====

"Sasuke can you fetch the present and wrapping paper so we could wrap it for Kaa-san"

"Hai...um, where is it?" Sasuke asked

"it should be in the closet" Itachi replied

he and Sasuke were home decorating the house, Itachi was in the kitchen making a cake for their mother. He suddenly heard a loud 'crash' quickly racing from the kitchen, towards the hall finding his younger brother standing over a pile of shattered "Oops" Sasuke simply said sheepishly with sweat drop from his forehead, smiling bit sheepishly and rubbing his neck in embarrassment

Itachi let out a tired sigh and walked to get something to clean the mess up.

He turns to Sasuke simply saying "looks like we need to get another gift"

"I didn't-"

"don't worry otōto just well just meet me by the front door" the younger male nodded and went to the door, putting on his shoes and waiting patently for his brother

then Itachi went to the kitchen, truing off the preheating over and putting the the cake mix the fridge and meeting Sasuke by the door, putting on his shoes and walking out with Sasuke following closely behind


They were walking by several shops and restaurant looking for another present to replace the previous one.


They were cheeking out a merchant selling some jewels and stones when suddenly a voice attracted the younger ones attention

"mama, can we get dangos instead"

"why's that? Didn't you say you wanted ramen before?" the younger boy perked up at his mothers voice sounding so close to them. Sasuke pecked around the concern seeing his sister mother and father

"-yeah,but I feel like dangos now and maybe we could buy some for Onii-san when he comes home from his mission, you know, we could surprise him with it, as a present for his hard work" his sister emphasized the last part as she glared at the younger male muttering something under her tongue

there was a short silence before Mikoto responded "ok sweetie, but how bout we have some food before we have deserts"

*yeah,we can go to the BBQ place its not that far from the dango place." she said as the tree left.

"thank you" Itachi said to the merchant, putting the money on the counter and called out "c'mon we need to get more supplies for the party"

"Nii-san, kasan and omōto are headed that way" Sasuke informed

"then we just have to be careful not to run into then" the older Uchiha simply said

\\\\\\\KIRE POV////////

'That was close' I puffed out as I walked down the streets of the village. We got to the BBQ place and I spotted a certain pineapple haired nara and some other kid standing next to him.

"hey shika" I said sneaking up on him, tackling him." how have you been? I saw you at the academy the other day, does that mean your gonna be a ninja like nii-chan and who's your friend, he's kinda-"

I felt a hand cover my mouth "what was that?" as a sudden dark aura came over other the boy

"he doesn't like to be called fat" shika whispered, I gave a small nod and he slowly moved it

"I was gonna say your chubby" I said bluntly

oh the dark aura suddenly dissipated "I'm choji by the way."

"Kireina but you could call me KiKi or Rei that's what everyone else calls me" I said with an innocent smile

he then offered me a potato chip "thank you." I muttered simply taking one from the bag

"Kireina were being seated now" kasan called out

"It seems like I have to go now but I hope we could hang out sometime" I said "bye bye shiki, choji it was nice meeting you." I added with a wave before following my parents

"who was that you were talking to? hm" kasan asked

."just some friends mama" I simply answered


after they went to the shopping district of town Kirie was walking ahead of her parents but not to far for her to eavesdrop on their conversation

"Fugaku you didn't have to do this"

"nothing better for my beautiful wife." Fugaku replied which makes Mikoto blush lightly

'adults are weird' I thought to myself gagging a bit

luckily she were to busy to pay enough attention to there daughter to sneak away to a local store that my friend owned

I was at my friends shops that her family owned "...so can you do it, I know that doesn't give you a lot of time but-"

"sure anything for you Rei" my friend said with a confident smile on her face


"no problem" she replied

"my brothers should stop by your place for some decorations, give it to them then"

"I'll keep my eye out then"

"thanks again. I better be going now before kasan notices I'm not with them, I didn't want her getting to suspicious" I said turning heal and leaving the store

"bye Rei" she called out