
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs

(34) Daydreams

A/N: Hello everyone these few following chapters are going to go in a bit of character development and add a few new character

"...What! you actually ran into Reika?!"

"yeah" Naruto nodded

"W-what was she like? How is she? Is she doing good? What does she look like?" I bombard him with several question, worried about my friend and wondering how much she changed since the last time I saw her.

"She's okay but she disappeared before I could even convince her otherwise" he explains

"Don't worry about it Naruto" I said. I know all too well how suborn she could get, sometimes a bit too hardheaded for her own good.

Kireina's POV

'well that's done' I thought as I finished setting up camp I laying back onto the soft grass as I stare up at the clear blue sky. 'They both grew cold, distant, almost like total strangers...why? I may not remember Itachi fondly or as vividly but Sasuke...'

"Sasuke.....Itachi...." I mutter "I failed you, gomen'nasai...I just wish we could be whole, but that's a far fetched pipe dream now. to protect you, even if it means from yourselves" closing my eyes thoughtfully

"Onegai Oka-san, Oto-san, if your really out there please help me and watch over us" I squint my eyes as the bright sun beats directly towards me as I reach out as if I was catching the sunlight in the palm of my hand, "Onegaishimasu...I wish to save them, anyway I can." I muttered to myself wistfully staring at the beautiful sunset in front of me "I will. That's a promise"


"Sasuke nii-chan, can you tell me what mama and papa were like? Were they nice? Did they even love us?" A younger Kireina asked

"What brought this on?" Sasuke replied

"Well, I always wonder why mama and papa aren't here, can you plwese tell me" she said innocently

'oh, how naive and hopeful I was. Why?Why must fate be so cruel'

"Its complicated. I'll tell you when your older, promise" he simply said, poking her on her forehead

"But I'm old enough!" puffing out her cheeks and narrowing her eyebrows, pouting like a petulant child. "c'mon nii-chan, tell me! I have the right to know, they were my mama and papa too."

Sasuke sighs softly giving in to his sister's demand, getting up and pulling out a particular book. It was old but still in a good conduction. He opened it, revealing it to be a photo album

"What's this Nii-chan?" Kireina asked quizzically

"Its a photo album he said it holds many pictures" he replied simply

"Ah! Mhm." she nods in understanding "I I think I remember mama talking about something like it. Is this it?" she put her fingers to her chin and tilted her head, giving her the impression that she was in deep thought. Sasuke nods, letting out a faint chuckle "and who are those peoples" she points to a picture of a short black-haired boy standing next to another by who had their hair in a low ponytail

"That one is Shishui, he was good friends with, with...our brother" he explained, it felt strange for Sasuke to call Itachi his brother again, like something forgotten to him now

"We had another brother" she said curiously "Is that him next to that Shishui person?" pointing to the other male

"Yeah" he nodded, don't know what to feel right now holding a deep hatred for the man who killed there clan but also a deep love and sense of urgent-ness to protect the only family he has left...his sister

"Then why isn't he here with us?" she questioned, tilting her head innocently "Does he not love us?"

"He's-" Sasuke paused "he's out on a super long mission" Sasuke lied

'LIE! That was never the case....Now I have nobody. I hate it, I hate you.'

"When will he come home?" Kireina questioned

"I don't know" Sasuke replied then he flipped to another page of the photo album wanting to get off the subject of Itachi as fast as possible

"did he love us? then why did he go if he loved us" Kireina questioned more

"I...don't know-" Sasuke paused "I mean he loves us so much that he is defending us from the big bad rouge ninja that try to attack us" Sasuke states unbeknownst that it was somewhat of the truth in a sense

'Why....Itachi, why did you have to enter back in my life and ruin it. The truth...what are you hiding secrets, tell the truth. Maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if you just have.'

"ne, there's me" the young girl exclaimed pointing at a photo of her playing with her toys

"Mhm" Sasuke nods

"I look so cute"

"you still are imoto" he says ruffling her hair a bit "your the cutest thing there is"

"your only saying that cause your my big brother" she playfully replied

"Well that's what big brothers are for" he teased

'Where's that big brother. I miss him'

Sasuke flips a few more pages and stops on one that had various pictures of the three siblings

"ne, you must really love when birds mistaken you for their nest instead." she teased with a bit of smugness, holding back a small laugh

"Shut up Imotō" Sasuke retorted in slight embarrassment as his cheeks heat up slightly as Kireina continues to tauntingly laugh.

"shut up" he muttered




Then the atmosphere then grew dark, I find myself standing in an abyss of darkness, it felt tight and suffocating but at the same time endless and vast.

In the dark Chasm lies the voices of my insecurities and doubt I'm all too familiar with.

I close my eyes once more, glancing down at the warm glowing flame that then appeared. I interpret it as hope I still hold even if it's faint.

I just wish things would go back to a happier time...but I know that it will never be the same; I guess that's why hope exists for times like these. If we follow its light or not, that is all up to us to deiced. To find that meaning, that drive too, or else we fall prey to its equal and opposite despair.


My eyes flutter open, staring up at the starry night sky. I really don't remember the rest of it as the dream starts to get a bit fuzzy; but so much subconsciously sad that I had tear-stained cheeks

I hate this rotten -this bittersweet- feeling inside my gut, gently rubbing circles on my stomach with my loosely clenched knuckle

'I honestly don't know why I mad this stupid decision. Perhaps I needed a change, to get away from the bad memories. Or maybe I'm just a cowered, trying to flee from all my problems....Oh gods I'm a cowered. I'll never be strong, strong enough to even think about it' I let out a distant and wistful sigh, closing my eyes going back to sleep.

a lone tear escaped the girl's eye